Are you thinking about buying a flat or a house, but don’t know where to start? Start by calculating how much mortgage you can get.

The size of the mortgage depends on, among other things, your (joint) income and debts. To make things easier for Dutch residents, the government has provided a website called ” Wijzer in geldzaken” (roughly translated, ” wisely thrifty “) where you can calculate your maximum mortgage based on your monthly payments. To do this, you need to enter your gross annual salary, among other things.

Mortgage loan amount based on earnings

To calculate your mortgage loan amount, click HERE

Below is some help with filling out the form. Required fields in the form are marked with an asterisk.

– Your desired net monthly payments – Your desired net monthly payments, i.e. how much you want to pay for your mortgage loan per month.

– Je bruto jaarinkomen – Your gross annual earnings.

– Your partner’s gross earnings – Your partner’s gross earnings.

– Zelf te betalen partneralimentatie – alimony paid to a partner, does not apply to child support.

– Door uw partner te betalen partneralimentatie – your partner’s alimony paid to your previous partner, does not apply to child support.

– Inbreng eigen geld / overwaarde – contribution of own funds/equity, this refers to money that will only be used to buy a house, e.g. from the sale of an old house, but is not intended for renovation or notary costs, etc.

– Startersvrijstelling overdrachtsbelasting – transfer tax exemption from the starting fee – this is new from 2021 and you must meet the following conditions to qualify: age from 18 to 35, you will live in the house / apartment you are buying, the value of the house cannot exceed 400,000 euros, if you meet these conditions, select “JA” i.e. yes.

You can also calculate your maximum mortgage loan on most banks’ websites. For more information on maximum mortgage loan amounts, contact a mortgage advisor.

Earnings and Buying a House

Are you thinking about buying a specific house? On the website “Wijzer in geldzaken” you can calculate how much you need to earn to buy this house. It is also important how much you have in savings.

To calculate how much you need to earn to buy a house, click HERE

Below is some help with filling out the form. Required fields in the form are marked with an asterisk.

– Soort woning – type of house/apartment, selection from Bestaande woning – existing house, Nieuwbouw – new construction.

– Koopprijs woning – purchase price of the house.

– Inbreng eigen geld en/of overwaarde – contribution of own funds and/or equity.

– Startersvrijstelling overdrachtsbelasting – transfer tax exemption from the starting fee – this is new from 2021 and you must meet the following conditions to qualify: age from 18 to 35, you will live in the house / apartment you are buying, the value of the house cannot exceed 400,000 euros, if you meet these conditions, select “JA” i.e. yes.

Mortgage loan only for the amount for which the house is offered for sale

You can take out a mortgage up to 100% of the value of the house. Borrowing more than the house is worth is not possible. Unless you take steps to make your house more sustainable. Other costs, such as advice, notary fees or valuations, cannot be financed from a mortgage, so you need to contribute your own money from savings.

Mortgage in the Netherlands – how much can you get?