What public transport is there in Turkey? How much does public transport cost in Turkey? How much does a taxi fare in Turkey cost?


The most popular urban transport in Turkey is the dolmus minibuses. They travel frequently, are inexpensive and run along the coast from early morning until late at night.

  • Fare from 3 lire
  • Opening hours from 8:00 to 24:00

Minibuses for 8-15 passengers are easily distinguished by the inscription “Dolmus”.


Buses run between resorts and between cities, each carrier company has a plan of its stops.

  • The fare in the city is 1.5 lira
  • For long distances, check prices at the box office or with the driver
  • Opening hours from 8:00 to 24:00

Buses are the most convenient and inexpensive way to travel to a neighboring resort. On long journeys, tea is carried in the cabin, buses are often equipped with headphones, individual screens and free Wi-Fi.


Trains run between big cities. Tickets can be purchased in advance by ordering online.

  • Fare 60-180 lira
  • To buy online, you need a Turkish phone number for confirmation

Sometimes the names of stations and cities do not match, we advise you to check the information in advance before the trip.


Turkish taxi drivers are accustomed to Russian-speaking tourists, and it will not be difficult to arrange a trip.

  • Fare from 5 liras landing and further on the counter
  • Sometimes taxi drivers quote a fixed fare
  • Always take small bills for payment, the taxi driver may say that there is no change
  • Tipping is not accepted, often the cost is rounded up

Official taxis in Turkey are yellow. Finding a car is easy: there are parking lots along the sidewalks where cars are located.

Transport in Turkey