According to Spanish legislation, foreign citizens, both residents and non-residents, have the right to purchase a car near Spain. In order to buy a car, non-residents must have the following documents: a foreign passport, a driver’s license, a foreigner’s identification number
All about roads in Spain
Types of roads in Spain There are three main types of highways in Spain: toll autobahns, high-speed freeways, and modest highways of national importance. Free expressways exist in the immediate suburbs of large metropolises and play the role of county
What to do if the car was evacuated in Spain
Who, in your opinion, is the main “enemy” of city drivers? Pedestrians? Cyclists? Employees of the police and civil guard? According to the results of public opinion polls conducted by Spanish online publications, tow trucks – grúa – pose the greatest danger and threat
Obtaining Spanish citizenship. How to get Spanish citizenship?
Many people are interested in how to get Spanish citizenship? How long do you have to live in Spain to get citizenship? What does Spanish citizenship give? If you want to live in Spain long-term or even permanently, you will need to
30 facts about Spain
Think Spain is all sun, sand and siesta? Think again with our list of 30 facts about Spain you might not know. How much do you know about Spain? If you’re moving to the countryside, it’s a good idea to learn a
Climate and seasons in Spain
Much of Spain enjoys year-round sunshine, but it’s not all beach weather. We will tell you about the climate and seasons in Spain. If you’re moving to Spain, you may underestimate how different the country’s climate can be. In some parts of
Public holidays in Spain: significant dates in 2024
In Spain, public holidays vary by region, but there are national holidays that are celebrated throughout the country. Here are some notable public holidays dates in Spain in 2024: New Year (Año Nuevo) – January 1, 2024 (Monday)Epiphany (Día de Reyes)
Renting a property in Spain? How to do it right
Understand how the rental process in Spain works and what you need to do to get the right rental agreement for your needs. Getting started in Spain with a rental property is the perfect way to get a feel for
The Complete Guide to Buying Property in Spain
The process of buying property in Spain is explained, as well as useful tips to help make buying property in Spain as easy as possible. Buying a property in Spain is usually a big step in realizing your dream of
21 secrets about living in Spain that you need to know before moving
If you are planning to move to Spain But there are some things you should know about living in this beautiful country of the European Union. Living abroad is an exciting adventure, but there are some things you should know about