Getting to know the homeland of Leonardo da Vinci and Christopher Columbus would be incomplete without tasting Italian sausages, the names of which have long become synonymous with exquisite taste and unsurpassed quality. What varieties are worth trying in Italy – this will be discussed in this review.


The homeland of this boiled sausage is Bologna, so in other regions of Italy it is often called Bolognese. Tourists trying it for the first time are amazed by mortadella not only with its wonderful delicate taste, but also with its impressive size. The sausage has a cylindrical shape, and one loaf can weigh from 0.5 to 100 kilograms!

Mortadella is made from minced pork with pieces of tender lard, which is why the pattern on the cut resembles a mosaic. Other types of meat are often added to pork: veal, beef or horse meat. Some varieties of sausage contain cracklings and giblets. The spices used are garlic, pepper, pistachios, nutmeg, Italian wine and dried myrtle berries.

The best brands in the country are Mortadella di Prato and Mortadella Bologna. The latter can be considered a kind of culinary symbol of Bologna. Mortadella costs from 12 to 30 € per kg . Popular manufacturers – Salumeo, Golfera and Italia Alimentari SpA


This Italian blue sausage is best known outside the country. It is prepared from pork with the addition of lard, black pepper, white wine and herbs. The delicacy has a rich taste and a special aroma that spices give it. And what is especially important is that real Italian salami has a characteristic marbled pattern on the cut and a white “crust” made of mold.

Salami di Felino is considered one of the best varieties. It is produced in the city of the same name in the Italian province of Parma. The ripening process of this dry-cured sausage is carried out at a special temperature and humidity, as a result of which fermentation occurs and mold occurs. Such conditions allow the use of a minimum amount of salt.In the town of Felino there is a Salami Museum, which is located on the territory of a medieval fortress. Tours are conducted by English-speaking guides. Here you can get acquainted with the history of the famous sausage and local production traditions. The cost of the entrance ticket with tasting is 5 €.

Another type of salami is pepperoni, a spicy type of sausage. It is also made from pork and is a popular ingredient for pizza and sandwiches. In Italy, salami can be bought for 10-11 € per kilogram . Well-known producers are Negroni Groupe and Salumeo.


This is a fairly popular sausage in Italy. Her homeland is the Abruzzo region. Ventricina is made from pork and lard with salt and spices. Fennel, rosemary, pepper (sweet and hot), sometimes garlic and orange zest are used as spices. There are two main types – Vasto and Teramo.

Ventricina Vasto contains 20-30% lard. All ingredients are not ground into minced meat, but cut into cubes. Then pieces of meat and lard are rolled in spices and filled with the shell. The sausage matures within 120 days. The finished product has a piquant, spicy aroma and an uneven red color.

The fat content of Ventricina Teramo sausage is much higher – 50-60%. It also contains by-products, and all ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. The delicacy is eaten spread on bread and used to prepare meat sauces.

Both varieties of sausage are named after the localities where they are produced. Traditionally, porcine bladder is used as a casing for ventricina, but modern manufacturers can also use an artificial casing. Ventricina is made by Portalupi, Villani SpA, Alto Concetto and other manufacturers. You can buy sausage in Italy at prices ranging from 18 to 32 € per kg .


This Italian sausage contains pork neck, head parts, meat, lard, pieces of skin and cracklings. All ingredients are finely ground and seasoned with salt, pepper and spices. Sausage goes on sale raw, slightly dried. Demand for it increases on the eve of the New Year, since one of the traditional dishes on the New Year’s tables of Italian residents is cotecino with lentils.

Sausage must be cooked before use. Basically, it is baked or boiled over low heat, after piercing the shell in several places. When cut, the finished product has a pink, almost red color. You can buy cotecino in Italy at a price from 16 to 30 € per kg . One of the most famous sausage producers is Antica Ardenga Srl.


These fatty sausages are made in many regions of Italy. And in each area, production and recipes have their own characteristics. In some areas, pork is used as the main ingredient – for this they take the back or thigh. In other areas, salsiccia may be made from turkey, lamb or beef, or with the addition of offal. The shell is used natural or artificial.

The ingredients are not chopped too finely. A mixture of herbs, fennel seeds, salt and pepper (allspice, bitter and paprika) are added to the prepared minced meat. Spices may also vary by region. In some Italian regions, coriander is added to these sausages, in others – garlic, in others – a little fortified wine and even cheese. The sausage has a small diameter and ring shape.

Salsiccia is also prepared in different ways. Some varieties are dried for two months, like Salsiccia Stagionata (its price ranges from 16 to 29 € per kg). Others sell it raw, like Salsiccia Fresca (it costs 13–15 €) . These sausages can be baked or fried at home. Dried salsiccia is added to stews or used as a pizza topping. Among the manufacturers it is worth noting Salumeo and Casa Montorsi.

5 Famous Italian Sausages