There is a huge difference between living in a country and truly being a part of it.

Once you become a citizen, you will not need to renew your residence permit or comply with residency rules, such as staying for a certain period of time within the borders for fear of losing it.

Moreover, you will also gain rights in the country such as voting and applying for administrative or political positions.

Obtaining citizenship in Andorra

Obtaining legal recognition as a citizen in Andorra is quite difficult, since the main requirement for adults is to live in the country for a long period of time.

There is no easy path to citizenship, such as where you make a generous deposit to the government and receive a passport a few months later. Unlike countries such as Malta and Montenegro,  Andorra does not have a citizenship by investment program  .

Despite this, it is still possible to become an Andorran citizen.

Dual citizenship in Andorra

As you will see from the rules for obtaining Andorran citizenship, the main problem with Andorra is that the principality does not allow  dual citizenship  .

If you want to obtain Andorran citizenship, you must first renounce the citizenship of your country of origin, and there are no exceptions to this rule. Any attempt to obtain citizenship in another country may result in the Andorran government revoking your citizenship.

Citizenship by descent (birth)

Unlike other countries that grant citizenship to a child simply by birth on their territory, Andorra requires that at least one parent be a citizen or have legally resided in the country for ten years for the child to be eligible for citizenship.

If your child was born before you have lived in Andorra for ten years, you will be granted temporary citizenship. Once a child turns 18, he or she must prove citizenship to the government.

If your child was born abroad, but you or your spouse resides in Andorra, then your child is also eligible for citizenship. However, he or she must have resided in the country for at least five years, unless you are currently residing in Andorra at the time of application.

Citizenship by naturalization

Any foreigner who meets the following requirements is eligible to obtain Andorran citizenship:

  • have a residence permit in Andorra for 20 years through active or passive residence, or
  • complete studies in the Andorran school system and live in the country for ten years, and
  • renounce your original citizenship and
  • have a clean criminal record.

Once you meet these criteria,  the Andorran Ministry of the Interior will do the rest.

Please note that if you have not completed your training in Andorra, you will have to take a written Catalan language test about the country, as well as an oral interview in Catalan.

Citizenship by marriage

Andorran citizenship can also be obtained by foreigners who marry an Andorran citizen, provided that they fulfill the following conditions:

  • Your spouse must be an Andorran citizen.
  • You must have lived in Andorra for at least three years before or after marriage.
  • Proof that you have renounced your original citizenship.
  • You must live with your spouse during the entire application period.
  • Have a clean criminal record

As with any other form of naturalization in Andorra, during the application process you will have to pass a written test and an oral interview in Catalan.

Children of naturalized citizens

Parents can apply for citizenship for their children at application time, so you don’t have to wait until you become a full citizen and make another request for your child.

If you have unmarried children aged 18+, they can also obtain citizenship if they have lived in the country for at least five years before applying for citizenship.

Regarding dual citizenship for children, the government issues temporary citizenship until the parent or child who has reached the age of 18 can prove that they have renounced the citizenship of their country of origin.

Andorran citizenship: not an easy task!

As you can see, the requirements for Andorran citizenship are simple, but do require some commitment. For adults, there are two main routes to citizenship;

  1. marriage, or
  2. naturalization.

Keep in mind that you will need to stay in the country for at least three years to be eligible for citizenship upon marriage, and 10-20 years for naturalization.

If you want to have children or already have children, you don’t have to worry about the various processes and applications: when you apply for citizenship, you can also apply for your children.

The only obstacle you will face in obtaining Andorran citizenship is giving up your current citizenship, as the Principality is strict on this matter, but for some, the ongoing benefits of living in Andorra are well worth the price.

Andorran citizenship by investment