Armenian cuisine will reveal to everyone the entire geography and deep history of the country. It will also lift the curtain on the various representatives of the animal and plant world living on the territory. Armenians use a lot of vegetables, meat and fish. However, eggplant, lamb and pita bread can rightfully be considered the main ingredients of the recipes. And in Armenian cuisine they use wheat or bulgur instead of rice and corn. Here is a list of the best dishes you must try in Armenia.


This delicious dish is often prepared from meat. But vegetarians will also be happy, because there are options without the use of meat fillings. Essentially, it’s a delicious minced meat mixed with signature rice and local herbs and spices. The filling is wrapped in the freshest grape leaves. The taste is simply amazing, the meat is soaked in spices and you can feel the notes of grapes on your tongue.


The word itself literally means meat that is cooked on a barbecue or grill. We highly recommend trying the variation of khorovats, which is pieces of meat in the bone that are grilled using a skewer. A real khorovats is considered to be a dish made from lamb or pork. This is a great way to make grilled meat! You can find it in any restaurant, don’t miss it!


A flatbread made from a specially thin dough, somewhat similar to its Mexican relative. The most common element in Armenian cuisine. It is eaten with everything, and it is served with all dishes in every restaurant. An irreplaceable product on the table in every Armenian family.


Gapama is often prepared for Christmas. This is a stuffed pumpkin dish. The insides of the pumpkin are removed and then it is stuffed with boiled rice and dried fruits such as apple, apricot, dates, plums and raisins along with nuts. The pumpkin is baked until it becomes soft. The taste is simply enchanting; the sweetness of the pumpkin is given by a lot of dried fruits, which makes it so juicy with a caramel aftertaste.


It is prepared using boiled sheep or beef meat – feet and heads – as a basis. Sometimes other parts of animals are used in recipes – tripe, brain. It is quite popular in Georgia, Iran, Bulgaria, Armenia, Albania. A good remedy against the effects of alcohol in the morning.


Manty can be called a traditional dumpling recipe. They are prepared with ground beef, some use lamb. Manti is served with garlic and tomato sauce. The dish differs from our dumplings, having a larger filling. Sauces also help make this recipe unlike any other.


This is a classic Armenian pastry that is popular throughout the country. Each region or city has its own recipes for preparing gata. That’s why it is so different in size, fillings, shapes and decorations. Gata is one of the irreplaceable desserts in Armenia. As you travel through it, remember our words and be sure to try this magical bun.


Like the Turkish dessert of the same name, Armenian baklava also consists of puff pastry filled with nuts. The taste is amazing, you can buy it both in street food courts and in small cafes in shopping centers. Armenian baklava differs from others in its sweetness, and as soon as you try a piece of this dessert, you will definitely run for more!


Harissa is a thick porridge made from fatty meat (lamb or chicken) and dried or fried cracked wheat. To prepare delicious harissa you need to spend a long time cooking. This culinary miracle can often be found on the menus of the most luxurious restaurants. It is eaten with various types of sauces to enhance the flavor of the harissa.


Basturma is called highly aged smoked beef. A popular manufacturing option involves drying salted meat for a long period – up to 15 days. At the next stage, the dried meat is coated with a mixture that includes many spices, garlic, hot paprika and pepper.


Etche is a side dish made from bulgur. Somewhat similar to tabbouleh, a Lebanese vegetable salad, but it is a thick and grainy dish. Prepared on a base of pureed tomatoes, sweet peppers and onions, paprika, parsley, and lemons. The dish can be served warm or cold.


Börek is often served as a snack. This dish consists of pies filled with cheese in the dough. Another variation of these pies includes a spinach or meat filling instead of a cheese filling. Börek is a popular snack that is distributed throughout the country and is considered one of the favorite dishes of local residents.

Armenian cuisine.Top 12 best dishes of Armenian cuisine.