Azerbaijan is a country located in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia, bordered by Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west, Iran to the south, and the Caspian Sea to the east. It is a diverse and culturally rich country with a mix of Eastern and Western influences. As an expat, there are several factors you may want to consider when it comes to living in Azerbaijan.

One of the major factors to consider is the cost of living. Azerbaijan is generally an affordable country to live in, with low prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to many other countries in Europe. However, the cost of living can vary depending on the region you choose to live in and your lifestyle.

Another important consideration for expats is the job market and salaries. Salaries in Azerbaijan are generally lower than in Western countries, but this is offset by the lower cost of living. The job market is quite competitive, particularly in the fields of finance, IT, and engineering. It is also important to note that Azerbaijani language skills can be an advantage when seeking employment in certain industries.

When it comes to housing, there are a variety of options available to expats in Azerbaijan, including apartments and houses for rent or purchase. Rental prices vary depending on the location and size of the property, with prices generally higher in the capital city of Baku. It is also important to note that many landlords require a significant deposit when renting a property.

In terms of healthcare, Azerbaijan has a mixed system of public and private healthcare providers. The quality of healthcare can vary depending on the provider and location, with many expats opting for private healthcare. It is important to have comprehensive health insurance when living in Azerbaijan to ensure access to quality healthcare.

Overall, Azerbaijan can be a welcoming and affordable country for expats, with a diverse culture and growing economy. However, it is important to do your research and consider all factors before making the decision to move to Azerbaijan.

The general cost of living in Azerbaijan

The cost of living in Azerbaijan can vary depending on the city and the lifestyle of the individual. Baku, the capital city, tends to be more expensive than other parts of the country.

Wages and salary in Azerbaijan

The average monthly wage in Azerbaijan varies depending on the industry and job position. As of 2021, the minimum wage in Azerbaijan is 250 AZN (approximately 150 USD) per month. However, the average monthly salary in Azerbaijan is around 700-800 AZN (approximately 410-470 USD), with salaries in the capital, Baku, being higher. Salaries for highly skilled professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers can range from 1,500 to 3,000 AZN (approximately 880-1,760 USD) per month.

Housing costs in Azerbaijan

The cost of housing in Azerbaijan can vary significantly depending on the location and the type of property. In the capital city of Baku, for example, the cost of a one-bedroom apartment in the city center can range from AZN 600 to AZN 1,200 per month, while a three-bedroom apartment in the city center can range from AZN 1,500 to AZN 2,500 per month. Outside of the city center, the cost of rent can be significantly lower.

It’s also worth noting that the cost of buying a property in Azerbaijan can be relatively high. According to Numbeo, the average cost per square meter to buy an apartment in the city center of Baku is around AZN 3,600, while outside of the city center it is around AZN 2,200 per square meter.

Rental costs in Azerbaijan

The rental costs in Azerbaijan vary depending on the location, size, and condition of the property. In Baku, the capital city, the rental prices are generally higher than other regions of Azerbaijan. However, overall rental prices in Azerbaijan are relatively affordable compared to other countries in the region.

For a one-bedroom apartment in the city center of Baku, the average monthly rent can range from 300-600 AZN (175-350 USD). For a three-bedroom apartment in the city center, the average monthly rent can range from 800-1200 AZN (470-700 USD).

Outside of the city center, the rental prices are generally lower. For a one-bedroom apartment, the average monthly rent can range from 200-400 AZN (120-235 USD), and for a three-bedroom apartment, the average monthly rent can range from 500-800 AZN (295-470 USD). However, the condition and location of the property can significantly affect the rental price.

It is worth noting that many landlords in Azerbaijan require a security deposit of one or two months’ rent upfront, and a real estate agency fee is usually charged when renting through an agency.

Property prices in Azerbaijan

The cost of property in Azerbaijan varies depending on location, property type, and other factors. As of 2021, the average price per square meter for an apartment in Baku ranges from around 1,500 to 3,000 Azerbaijani manat (AZN) (approximately 880 to 1,760 USD), depending on the area. Prices are generally higher in the city center and in more exclusive areas.

Outside of Baku, property prices are generally lower, but still vary based on location, size, and condition. In rural areas, it is possible to find properties for much lower prices. However, it is important to note that regulations for foreign ownership of property in Azerbaijan can be complex, so it is recommended to consult with local legal professionals before making any purchases.

Overall, compared to other European countries, property prices in Azerbaijan can be considered relatively affordable.

Cost of domestic bills in Azerbaijan

The cost of domestic bills in Azerbaijan varies depending on the size of the dwelling and usage patterns. The average monthly cost of utilities such as electricity, gas, and water for an apartment of around 85 square meters is around 120 AZN (70 USD). Internet costs around 40 AZN (23 USD) per month on average. However, it’s important to note that these prices can vary depending on location and provider.

Utility bills in Azerbaijan

The cost of utilities in Azerbaijan can vary depending on the region, the size of the property, and the level of consumption. In general, utilities such as electricity, gas, and water are reasonably priced. However, prices may be higher in certain regions or during periods of high consumption.

For example, the average cost of electricity in Azerbaijan is around 0.15 AZN (0.09 USD) per kWh, while the cost of gas is around 0.12 AZN (0.07 USD) per cubic meter. The average cost of water is around 2 AZN (1.18 USD) per cubic meter.

It’s worth noting that some apartment buildings in Azerbaijan may include utilities as part of the rent, while others require tenants to pay for their own usage separately. Additionally, there may be some variations in prices for expats depending on their residency status and whether or not they qualify for subsidies.

Telecommunications in Azerbaijan

Telecommunications in Azerbaijan are quite affordable compared to many other countries. Internet access is widely available, with high-speed internet available in most urban areas. The cost of internet service can vary depending on the speed and provider, but the average monthly cost for a standard home internet package is around 25-30 AZN (around 15-18 USD).

Mobile phone service is also widely available in Azerbaijan, with several providers offering competitive packages. The cost of mobile phone service can vary depending on the provider and the package, but the average cost of a monthly mobile phone plan is around 20-25 AZN (around 12-15 USD). Prepaid SIM cards are also available, which can be a good option for those who do not want to commit to a monthly contract.

International calls can be expensive, but there are several services that offer low-cost international calling and messaging, such as WhatsApp, Viber, and Skype.

Healthcare costs in Azerbaijan

The healthcare system in Azerbaijan consists of both public and private sectors, and the cost of healthcare can vary depending on a number of factors.

In general, healthcare in public hospitals and clinics is heavily subsidized by the government and can be quite affordable for citizens and residents of Azerbaijan. However, private healthcare facilities may be more expensive and are typically used by those who can afford to pay for their medical care.

It is important to note that healthcare costs in Azerbaijan can also vary depending on the specific treatment or service needed. For example, basic medical consultations and procedures may be relatively inexpensive, while more complex treatments and surgeries can be much more expensive.

Overall, the cost of healthcare in Azerbaijan is considered to be relatively low compared to many other countries, but it is still important to plan for these expenses when budgeting for living costs in Azerbaijan.

Childcare costs in Azerbaijan

Childcare costs in Azerbaijan vary depending on the type of childcare and location. In general, the cost of childcare is lower in rural areas than in cities.

For example, the cost of a full-day kindergarten in Baku ranges from around 200 to 400 AZN per month, while a full-time nanny can cost around 600 to 1,200 AZN per month. Private daycare centers are also available, with costs varying from around 300 to 600 AZN per month.

It is worth noting that there are public kindergartens available, but spaces can be limited and the quality of care may vary. Additionally, some employers may offer childcare benefits to their employees, so it is worth exploring this option if it is available.

Study costs in Azerbaijan

Education is free for Azerbaijani citizens at all levels, including primary, secondary, and higher education. However, international students may be required to pay tuition fees to study at universities in Azerbaijan.

Private schools and universities are also available, and their tuition fees vary depending on the institution and the program. It is recommended to research the specific institution and program for accurate information on study costs.

There are also a number of scholarships and financial aid opportunities available to international students in Azerbaijan.

The cost of food and drink in Azerbaijan

The cost of food and drink in Azerbaijan can vary depending on the location and type of establishment. In general, eating out at restaurants can be affordable, with an average meal for one person in a mid-range restaurant costing around 20-30 AZN (12-18 USD). Fast food options such as McDonald’s can be even cheaper, with a meal costing around 10 AZN (6 USD).

For groceries, prices can also vary depending on the location and the type of store. Large supermarkets such as Bazarstore and Bravo can offer a wide range of products at reasonable prices, while smaller neighborhood stores can be more expensive. A loaf of bread can cost around 1 AZN (0.60 USD), a liter of milk around 1.50 AZN (0.90 USD), and a kilogram of chicken breast around 10-12 AZN (6-7 USD).

In terms of drinks, the cost of beer can range from 2-5 AZN (1.20-3 USD) per bottle or can, while wine and spirits can be more expensive, with prices ranging from 20-50 AZN (12-30 USD) for a bottle of wine and 30-60 AZN (18-36 USD) for a bottle of whiskey or other premium liquor. As for coffee, a cup of coffee at a cafe can cost around 3-4 AZN (2 USD).


The cost of groceries in Azerbaijan is generally lower than in many other countries. However, prices can vary depending on the location and the type of store. In general, fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables are relatively inexpensive, while imported goods are more expensive. Here are some examples of grocery prices in Azerbaijan:

  • 1 liter of milk: 1-2 AZN (0.6-1.2 USD)
  • 1 kg of chicken: 7-10 AZN (4-6 USD)
  • 1 kg of tomatoes: 1-2 AZN (0.6-1.2 USD)
  • 1 loaf of bread: 0.4-0.7 AZN (0.2-0.4 USD)
  • 1 kg of rice: 2-3 AZN (1.2-1.8 USD)
  • 1 kg of potatoes: 0.8-1.5 AZN (0.5-0.9 USD)

It’s worth noting that prices may be higher in more touristy areas or in stores that cater to expats.

Restaurants in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan offers a wide variety of dining options, from traditional Azerbaijani cuisine to international food. Prices can vary depending on the restaurant’s location, type of food, and level of luxury. Generally speaking, dining out in Azerbaijan is considered to be relatively affordable compared to many other countries.

Inexpensive fast food options such as street vendors and small cafes can cost around 5-10 AZN ($3-6 USD) per person, while mid-range restaurants can range from 15-25 AZN ($9-15 USD) per person. High-end restaurants and fine dining experiences can cost upwards of 50 AZN ($30 USD) per person.

Traditional Azerbaijani dishes such as plov (pilaf rice), dolma (stuffed vegetables), and kebab are widely available and often reasonably priced. Azerbaijan is also known for its tea culture, and tea houses can be found throughout the country offering a variety of teas and snacks.

Alcohol is widely available in Azerbaijan, and prices can vary depending on the type and quality of the drink. Local wines and beers can be found for relatively low prices, while imported and luxury options can be more expensive.

Beer, wine, and spirits in Azerbaijan

Alcohol consumption in Azerbaijan is generally low compared to many other countries. However, there are still plenty of options for beer, wine, and spirits in the country.

The price of beer varies depending on the brand and location, but on average, a bottle of local beer can cost around 1-2 AZN (0.60-1.20 USD) in a store and 2-4 AZN (1.20-2.40 USD) in a bar or restaurant.

Wine is also available in Azerbaijan, with a range of local and imported varieties on offer. Prices can vary widely depending on the quality and origin of the wine, but on average, a bottle of local wine can cost around 15-20 AZN (9-12 USD) in a store and 20-40 AZN (12-24 USD) in a restaurant.

Spirits such as vodka, brandy, and whiskey are also available in Azerbaijan, with prices varying depending on the brand and quality. On average, a bottle of local vodka can cost around 10-15 AZN (6-9 USD) in a store and 20-30 AZN (12-18 USD) in a restaurant. Imported spirits tend to be more expensive.

Coffee in Azerbaijan

Coffee is popular in Azerbaijan and is widely available in cafes, restaurants, and specialty shops. The cost of a cup of coffee can vary depending on the location and the quality of the coffee. In general, a cup of coffee costs around 3-5 Azerbaijani manat (approximately 1.5-3 USD) in a regular cafe or restaurant, while a specialty coffee or a cappuccino can cost up to 10 Azerbaijani manat (approximately 6 USD). Coffee can also be purchased from grocery stores, with prices ranging from 5-20 Azerbaijani manat (approximately 3-12 USD) per package depending on the brand and quality.

Transport costs in Azerbaijan

Transport costs in Azerbaijan can vary depending on the mode of transportation used. Public transportation, such as buses and metro, is relatively cheap, with a single fare costing around 0.30 AZN (0.18 USD). Taxis are also widely available and affordable, with rates starting at around 1 AZN (0.59 USD) per kilometer. However, prices may vary depending on the city and the time of day.

For long-distance travel, train travel is an affordable option. For example, a one-way ticket from Baku to Ganja costs around 9 AZN (5.29 USD). Domestic air travel is also available in Azerbaijan, but prices can be relatively high compared to other modes of transportation.

Public transport in Azerbaijan

Public transport in Azerbaijan is relatively affordable. The most common mode of public transportation is the bus, which runs regularly in major cities like Baku, Ganja, and Sumgait. In Baku, there is also a metro system with three lines that cover most of the city. The fare for a single trip on the bus or metro in Baku is currently 0.30 AZN (around $0.18 USD). There are also shared taxis, called “marshrutkas,” which run along set routes and can be flagged down from the side of the road. The fare for a marshrutka ride varies depending on the distance traveled, but is usually between 0.50 AZN and 1.50 AZN (around $0.30 USD to $0.90 USD).

In addition to buses, metros, and marshrutkas, there are also trams and trolleybuses in some cities. The fare for these modes of transport is usually the same as the bus fare.

Overall, the cost of public transport in Azerbaijan is relatively low compared to many other countries, making it an affordable option for getting around.

Private transport in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, private transport includes owning or renting a car. The cost of purchasing a car in Azerbaijan can vary greatly depending on the make and model of the car. As of 2021, a new budget car can cost around 15,000 to 20,000 AZN (8,800 to 11,800 USD), while a more luxurious car can cost up to 200,000 AZN (117,600 USD) or more. Used cars can be purchased at lower prices, but it’s important to carefully inspect the car before purchasing.

Renting a car in Azerbaijan can cost around 50 to 200 AZN (30 to 117 USD) per day, depending on the make and model of the car and the length of the rental period.

Gasoline prices in Azerbaijan are relatively low compared to many other countries, and as of 2021, the price of gasoline is around 1.10 AZN (0.65 USD) per liter.

Additionally, taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber and Bolt are widely available in Azerbaijan’s major cities, and their prices are generally affordable. The base fare for a taxi ride in Baku, for example, is around 2 AZN (1.17 USD), with additional charges for distance traveled.

Leisure activities in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan offers a variety of leisure activities, ranging from cultural and historical sites to outdoor recreational opportunities. Some popular cultural and historical destinations include the Old City of Baku, the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, the Maiden Tower, and the Ateshgah Fire Temple. Outdoor recreational activities include hiking in the Caucasus Mountains, visiting national parks such as Gobustan and Shirvan, and exploring the Caspian Sea coastline.

There are also numerous shopping centers and malls in Azerbaijan, such as the Ganjlik Mall and the 28 Mall in Baku, as well as various traditional markets and bazaars. In terms of nightlife, Baku has a vibrant scene with many bars, clubs, and restaurants catering to a wide range of tastes and budgets. Overall, the cost of leisure activities in Azerbaijan varies depending on the specific activity, but it is generally lower compared to many Western European countries.

Clothing in Azerbaijan

The cost of clothing in Azerbaijan can vary widely depending on factors such as brand, quality, and where you shop. In general, local markets and bazaars offer the best deals on clothing, especially for traditional Azerbaijani clothing such as qutabs and chokhas.

International and local brand stores are also available throughout the country and offer a wide range of clothing options, from casual wear to formal wear. These stores can be more expensive, but they offer higher quality items and a wider selection.

As an example, a pair of jeans from a local market may cost around 20-30 AZN ($12-18 USD), while a similar pair from an international brand store may cost around 60-80 AZN ($35-47 USD). Similarly, a traditional Azerbaijani chokha can range in price from 100-500 AZN ($59-295 USD), depending on the quality of materials and craftsmanship.

Sports in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a country that places great emphasis on sports and physical fitness. Many sports are played and enjoyed in Azerbaijan, including football (soccer), wrestling, judo, boxing, and chess. Azerbaijan has also hosted many international sporting events, such as the European Games in 2015 and the Islamic Solidarity Games in 2017.

The country has a number of facilities for sports enthusiasts, including gyms, sports clubs, and sports centers. The prices for using these facilities vary depending on the location and the type of facility, but generally they are affordable for most people.

In addition to sports facilities, there are also many parks and open spaces in Azerbaijan where people can exercise and enjoy outdoor activities such as jogging, cycling, and hiking. Azerbaijan is known for its beautiful countryside and natural landscapes, making it an ideal destination for outdoor sports and recreation.

Taxation and social security in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has a flat tax system, where the personal income tax rate is 14%. Employers are required to pay social security contributions of 22% of an employee’s salary. Self-employed individuals are required to pay social security contributions at a rate of 25% of their income.

In addition to social security, employers are also required to pay other taxes and contributions, including a 3% contribution to the Labor Fund, a 0.5% contribution to the Social Protection Fund, and a 0.6% contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Value-added tax (VAT) in Azerbaijan is set at a standard rate of 18%. Some goods and services, such as medicine, education, and certain foodstuffs, are exempt from VAT or subject to a reduced rate.

Assistance with living costs in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan provides some forms of social assistance to low-income individuals and families. The government has implemented several social programs to provide assistance to vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, disabled, and families with multiple children. For example, the state social protection system includes targeted social assistance for families living below the poverty line, cash benefits for the elderly and disabled, and social services for families with children. Additionally, the government provides subsidies for certain utilities, such as natural gas and electricity, to low-income households.

There are also a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and charitable foundations that provide assistance to those in need, including food aid, healthcare, and education. Some of the prominent NGOs in Azerbaijan include the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, the Azerbaijan Children Union, and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Overall, while there are some forms of assistance available in Azerbaijan, the country does not have a comprehensive social safety net, and the level of assistance provided may not be sufficient for some individuals and families.