Giving birth in the USA in 2024 is popular not only with celebrities, but also with ordinary couples. Attracts a high level of medicine, the opportunity to obtain American citizenship for a newborn. If the decision is made to give birth in America, it is necessary to collect information about the organization of childbirth.

Pregnancy and childbirth in America

According to the law, a child born in America receives citizenship of the country. This right is granted by the XIV Amendment to the US Constitution. You can apply for citizenship after reaching the age of majority.

A citizen child has the right to:

  • legally study and work in the country ;
  • receive state social assistance ;
  • visit many countries without a visa;
  • submit an application for family reunification (upon reaching the age of 21).

Along with rights comes the obligation to comply with US laws.

Sequence of trip organization

The trip can be organized by intermediary companies who know how pregnancy and childbirth take place in the USA. The minimum package of services includes a flight, coordination of organizational issues with a clinic, a doctor. This option is suitable for people who have been to America.

When ordering an all-inclusive package, the client can count on 24-hour support, assistance in finding housing, processing documents for a visa, and citizenship.

The process of organizing an independent trip includes the following stages:

  1. Issuance of a category B visa.

This category is divided into three types: B1 (for business trips), B2 (for tourist trips, receiving medical care), B-1/B-2 (combined). Women who go to America to give birth are most often issued a B-1/B-2 visa. To receive it, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • visa application form ( form DS-160 );
  • passport;
  • 1 photo measuring 5×5 cm;
  • a document confirming the purpose of the trip (invitation from a doctor for childbirth);
  • a receipt for the payment of the consular fee;
  • documents to prove that the applicant plans to stay in the USA for a certain period of time (apartment rental agreement, round-trip plane ticket);
  • evidence of financial capabilities.
  1. Interview at the US Embassy and flight.

Registration is carried out on the “U.S. Visa Application” web page . On the appointed day, you need to appear at the American diplomatic mission with a package of papers. When asked by the visa officer about the purpose of the trip, it is necessary to tell the truth.

They are allowed to give birth in the USA willingly, but on the condition that they have sufficient funds to pay for medical services and evidence of their intention to return to their native country (bank account statements, property documents, marriage certificate will be required). At the border, people who are suspected of financial insolvency are the most likely to have problems.

  1. Housing rent.

Ways of renting:

  • per day (through online booking systems);
  • short-term rental (from 1 to 6 months);
  • long-term lease (for a period of more than 6 months).

Renting an apartment for a long period will help a realtor who has access to the requested information about real estate. The price depends on the city, district, infrastructure. For example, in Miami, a 1-room apartment in a prestigious area near the ocean can be rented for $2,500 a month, in an inexpensive area – for $1,800.

  1. The choice of a doctor and a medical institution.

You can choose an obstetrician-gynecologist remotely, for example, on the website of the company Healthgrades . A contract is concluded with the doctor, which defines issues related to prenatal and postpartum monitoring, ultrasound, tests, and delivery. Patients are admitted in the office, and childbirth takes place in a hospital or birthing center.

Maternity centers are suitable for supporters of natural childbirth, in which the pregnancy proceeds without complications. There are no operating rooms or intensive care units in the institutions, after childbirth you can stay for no more than 12 hours.

The hospital has everything you might need for childbirth and emergencies: maternity wards, resuscitation, children’s ward. The mother and child are discharged 48 hours after delivery.

When planning a trip, you need to know how much it costs to give birth in the USA. The main items of medical expenses:

  • doctor’s services – $3,000-$5,000;
  • hospital stay – an average of $1,200 (1 day);
  • child care – from $2,200 for 2 days;
  • pediatrician appointment – $150-200.

After giving birth, a questionnaire is filled out at the hospital to obtain the child’s birth certificate and social security number. It is important to know the correct transliteration of the newborn’s name. In the Middle name column, you must enter the middle name.

After leaving the clinic, it is necessary to obtain a birth certificate from the State Health Department after paying a state fee (approximately $15). The SNN card is sent within 3-4 weeks to the address specified in the application form.

For a birth certificate to be valid outside the US, it must be apostilled at the state registry. You can contact the secretary in person or send a request by mail together with the original certificate and a receipt for the payment of the state duty (approximately $10).

Pros and cons of giving birth in America

For those who are inspired by the idea of ​​carrying out pregnancy and childbirth in America, the pros and cons of such a decision are presented in the table:

1. Modern equipment.1. High cost of medical services, rent of an apartment, car, food (on average $35,000).
2. Comfortable conditions in the ward (a comfortable bed, a box for a newborn, a sofa for a man).2. The doctor consults only during working hours.
3. Professionalism of doctors.3. It is not possible to go to the clinic in advance, you need to go to the medical facility when the waters have broken and the seizures have started.
4. If a child was born on the territory of the United States and received citizenship, his parents have the right to become American citizens later.4. Discharge from the clinic in the absence of complications occurs on the second or third day.

After weighing the pros and cons, assessing financial possibilities, you can start planning childbirth in America.

Childbirth in the United States: cost and organization in America