Much of Spain enjoys year-round sunshine, but it’s not all beach weather. We will tell you about the climate and seasons in Spain.

If you’re moving to Spain, you may underestimate how different the country’s climate can be. In some parts of Spain, the summer days are gloomy, humid, while at the opposite end of the country the heat is close to the Sahara. So your life in Spain can be very different depending on where you move to.


Regional climatic zones of Spain

The territory of Spain stretches from the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean to just 13 kilometers from the coast of Morocco, so it is not surprising that the climate varies depending on the region. Each of the three main  climatic zones  of Spain occupies approximately one third of the country’s territory.

You’ll notice some variation in daily weather across these three zones (especially the Mediterranean and central plains), but each zone has significant differences in climate, topography, and flora.

Here’s a quick summary:

  • Maritime zone:  located in the north and covers the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and  Galicia  (from the Atlantic to the Cantabrian and Galician mountains).
  • Continental Zone:  Covers the vast central plateau known as the Meseta. Madrid is at its center, and the zone extends outwards over an area of ​​130,000 kilometers.
  • Mediterranean Zone:  The area adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea that runs along the entire southern and eastern borders of Spain, up to the land border with France and Andorra. This zone also includes the Balearic Islands.
  • Canary Islands:  They are outside the three main climate zones of Spain because they are very far from the mainland. But we add a footnote to them. They are located 1,600 kilometers from the coast of Spain and 108 kilometers from southwestern Morocco, and have a subtropical climate.

Sea zone

Between the Atlantic and the Cantabrian or Galician mountain ranges, days are often cloudy and showers are common, even in summer.

Santiago and Bilbao in particular are famous for being rainy cities, so don’t forget a raincoat and an umbrella if you’re moving there. All the wet weather makes for incredibly green pastures, but hikers often find the hills and fields around the coast shrouded in mist and fog. There is slightly less precipitation in the east of the Maritime Zone, because it is located further from the Atlantic Ocean.

July is the so-called driest month, but always be prepared for sudden showers. Summers in the Primorsky Zone are comfortably warm but not hot, offering respite from the fierce heat of the land to the south. So it will come as no surprise to learn that this is the region where locals head when they want to escape the intense summer weather in the rest of Spain. Generally, the average temperature in this cool region in July is 21 degrees Celsius.

October to December are the wettest months. During the winter, there are many clouds and precipitation, which sometimes turns into snow. But winter is still generally quite mild, with an average January temperature of 9 degrees Celsius.

Continental zone

Hot, dry summers and cold winters characterize the climate of the continental zone of Spain. If you like to sunbathe in the summer and play in the snow in the winter, cities like Madrid and Zaragoza might be for you.

Summer here usually consists of beautiful cloudless days. The Ebro basin is the hottest part of the  Meseta plateau  , where temperatures can reach 43C. Humidity is highest around the basin, the Ebro River and the central part of the Meseta. In the north, the summer temperature usually fluctuates around 20 degrees. You will find the perfect balance in the southern Meseta, where the average daytime temperature is 24-27 degrees Celsius.

The north, center and Ebro basin have two wet seasons. The first wet season has the most precipitation (April–June) compared to the second in October–November. In the south, there are also two rainy seasons, but the first one starts a little earlier (March).

This whole area remains wet during the winter. Strong winds and frost are common. In the mountains and foothills, the lowest temperature is observed with the greatest amount of rain and heavy snowfall. Fortunately, many houses in this region have central heating, which is a must.

Mediterranean zone

When you think of Spain’s climate, you probably think of Mediterranean weather. It has the least rainfall in Spain. This zone extends from Andalusia along the southern and eastern coasts to the Pyrenees. Seville, Malaga, Alicante and Barcelona are cities with a Mediterranean climate.

Summers are hot and dry, with average daily temperatures of 22–27 degrees Celsius closest to the sea, where there are coastal breezes and higher humidity. Further inland, the air is drier, usually around 29-31 degrees Celsius.

A hot wind called Terral blows from north to south across the country, gathering heat. This can make summer nights in the Mediterranean area uncomfortably hot if you don’t have air conditioning. Andalusia has some of the hottest temperatures in the Mediterranean area, often reaching around 40 degrees Celsius in July and August.

Most precipitation falls here in autumn and winter, although it is rarely heavy.  Winters are relatively mild (around 10-13 degrees Celsius in January), but it can get colder (around 9 degrees Celsius) around Barcelona and  Valencia . Combined with the cold humidity, you’ll definitely need central heating or a portable heater.

Surprisingly, many homes in this area are not equipped for Spain’s winter climate. Houses often do not have central heating. As a result, many people rely on portable gas heaters, which can make your energy bills sky-high and even  dangerous  . Some locals will tell you that you don’t need heating in this region because the winters are so mild and short; but without it you will be cold for four months. A house with air conditioning as well as central heating in this area is worth its weight in gold.

Canary Islands

The Spanish Canary Islands are just one of the appendices to this article on Spain’s climate. This archipelago off southwestern Morocco has a subtropical climate. In July and August, the temperature usually hovers around 28 degrees Celsius, and winters are extremely mild, with temperatures below 20 degrees.

There is very little precipitation. From November to January, on average, about four to five days of rain can fall, and the thermometer rarely drops below 15 degrees Celsius. However, there is a wind with hot sand and dust, Kalima, which is especially common in winter and can sometimes turn into sandstorms.

Seasons in Spain

You can enjoy all four seasons in Spain, although the contrast between seasons is most pronounced in the continental area. And despite all the palm trees in the Mediterranean area, there are still enough deciduous trees and seasonal flowers that you won’t miss the opportunity to see spring blooms and fall foliage.

If you want to keep up with Spanish fashion, it is worth noting that clothes here are determined by the seasons, not the weather. So when autumn rolls around, start rocking the coat if you want to blend in, even if it’s still 25 degrees Celsius.

Spring in Spain

The spring season lasts from March to June. This is probably the best time of year to be active in Spain, with the most comfortable temperatures (low to mid 20s) meaning you won’t end up in a puddle when you try to push yourself.

But speaking of puddles, bring an umbrella because  en abril, aguas mil  (the Spanish equivalent of April showers). Spring showers do not occur only in the north, although there are more of them in this area.

Summer in Spain

The summer season in Spain lasts from June to September. These are the hottest and driest months and also see the crowds of tourists (the European school holidays run from about mid-July to early September).

In most of Spain, summer days are cloudless, with temperatures ranging from the mid-20s to the mid-30s. The exception is the cooler north and Andalusia. At these opposite ends of the country, it can be cloudy and only 20 degrees Celsius, or scorching hot and 40 degrees Celsius, respectively.

Autumn in Spain

From September to December, everything starts to cool down. You are likely to notice a drop in temperatures in the late afternoon and cooler early mornings as a harbinger of the cold season in Spain.

In autumn, there are often sunny days, especially in the southern, eastern and central regions. But of all the seasons in Spain, this can be one of the wettest. Be prepared for sudden downpours and thunderstorms that disrupt the moisture that has accumulated over the summer.

Winter in Spain

December to March is the cold season in Spain. There may be rain, especially in the north, or even snow at high altitudes and in the north and north-central regions. Consider looking for a property with central heating, even if you are in a region where temperatures do not reach the freezing point. Lack of adequate wall/carpet insulation and low humidity, you will be uncomfortable for months without it.

In central, southern and eastern Spain, winter can be dry and sunny, so you can often continue to dine alfresco in restaurants (albeit with a coat) even in January. The seaside north stays very wet in winter, but that makes you appreciate those rare cloudless days all the more.

Resort season in Spain

There are two major holiday seasons in Spain. Summer is the biggest, followed by the holiday season. But Spain being Spain, there are also many other religious festivals and traditional  holidays  scattered throughout the year.

Summer vacation season

With tourism being the third largest economy in Spain, the summer holiday period in European schools is a big deal. This is the most crowded time of year in Spain. The European school holidays last for around eight weeks, through July and August, sometimes extending a week or two either side. The three leading  entry markets  are the UK, Germany and France. Increasing numbers of visitors are also coming from the United States, South Korea and China due to improved air travel.

Since this period also includes the Spanish school holidays, a large number of domestic tourists adds to the general strife. However, August is the biggest holiday month for Spaniards. Many businesses will close completely for a month, and local residents living in the hottest areas will flee to cooler countries.

Winter vacation season

Christmas, New Year and Epiphany are the highlights of the holiday season in Spain. With the second biggest holiday season of the year, much of the country’s trade will once again come to a standstill, albeit for a shorter period.

The Christmas markets are hugely popular, as is the cheeky and unique tradition  of the caganer  (especially Catalan, but spread throughout Spain). On New Year’s Eve, fireworks and fun are usually held in squares across the country. Don’t forget to bring 12 grapes if you want to celebrate Nochevieja like a local. It is followed by Three Kings Day on January 6, with a parade of Three Kings throwing candies to children in the crowd. The Three Kings also “visit” orphanages at night to leave gifts.

The rest of the year

As we have already mentioned, Spain has a lively calendar of festivals throughout the year. Apart from summer and the festive season, Easter is a big event, although Semana Santa (Holy Week) parades in this Catholic country tend to be very somber events, more like funeral processions. The peaked hooded figures   in the processions can be quite shocking to eyes unaccustomed to the sight, but they date back to the Spanish Inquisition.

Carnival season (February) is much more optimistic. Large carnivals are held throughout the country, and the largest carnival in Spain is held in  Cadiz  . Another big event during the carnival season is the UNESCO-listed Fallas, which brings millions of people (and millions of euros) to Valencia.

With special fireworks designed to be extremely loud and create puffs of colorful smoke during these daytime displays, they are not for those sensitive to loud sounds as they vibrate the whole body.

How climate change is affecting Spain

It seems that no country is immune to climate change, and in fact it is happening at an accelerated pace in Spain. These changes are believed to be the result of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020, the average temperature in Spain was  1.7 degrees  Celsius higher than in pre-industrial times.

Hotter and drier

For a country that is already hot and dry, the prospect of getting even hotter and drier is catastrophic. According to  the Mediterranean Experts on Climate Change and Environment  (MedECC), Spain and other parts of the region are likely to see a rise of 2.2 degrees Celsius by 2040 without urgent action. This would have a dramatic effect, as most of Spain would have a climate similar to that of North Africa.

Risks of forest fires

As Spain heats up, the scale of forest fires has also increased, as have other parts of the world such as California and Australia.

In 2019, during a particularly intense heat wave, Spain experienced  the worst  forest fire in two decades. They are predicted to get worse and worse.

Reducing the amount of precipitation

The MedECC also warns that winters in Spain will become drier with 10-15% less rainfall over the next few decades (due to rising temperatures).

This will increase the likelihood of extreme droughts in Spain, desertification of large areas of the country and devastating effects on agriculture and wine production. Two of the country’s biggest export products are olives and wine.

Combating climate change in Spain

Spain does not deny the real impact of climate change. In fact, the government has introduced a number of very large mitigation projects and announced new policies to address the problem directly. Here is a brief overview of Spain’s climate program:

Carbon neutral by 2050

In 2019, Spain  announced  an ambitious €47 billion plan to become carbon neutral by 2050. By 2030, 74% of Spain’s electricity will come from renewable sources such as solar and wind power, if this is achieved.

A 15% reduction in energy import dependence over the current decade would save around €70 billion in fossil fuel costs. Spain is installing 3,000 MW of solar and wind power every year, while also implementing major energy efficiency measures and banning new licenses for fossil fuel drilling and fracking.

Closure of unprofitable coal mines

As part of its plan to reduce carbon dependence and comply with a European Union directive, Spain has closed all of its loss-making coal mines. The country still imports a certain amount of coal.

Repeal of the sun tax

A few years ago, Spain abolished the so-called sunlight tax for solar energy consumers. It is hoped that the move will encourage more homeowners to go solar. Previously, there were additional  taxes  for those using solar panels.

Individual action

If you’re wondering what your place is in all of this, there are also plenty of things you can do to play your part. If you are not a homeowner and cannot install solar panels, you can switch to a green energy provider such as  Bulb  ,  Hola Luz  ,  Podo  ,  Escandinava de Electricidad  or  Energy Nordic  .

The presence of garbage cans in every home is still not as common in Spain as in most of Europe, but most cities have municipal garbage cans where you can drop off your recyclables.

You can also make sure you turn off the lights every time you leave the room, and if you have air conditioning, keep the doors and windows closed and turn it off when you leave. These small steps can make a big difference.

Useful resources

Climate and seasons in Spain