Customs rules of Georgia. What can and cannot be imported to Georgia? What cannot be exported from Georgia? How to return Tax Free in Georgia? 

Customs rules of Georgia


What can be imported to Georgia

  • Money. You can import foreign currency in any amount; amounts above $2,000 are subject to mandatory declaration. If you bring cash lari, the amount should not exceed 25,000 (about $8,000 equivalent)
  • Animals. If you are traveling with a pet, be sure to get it vaccinated and obtain a veterinary passport.
  • Products. You can import duty-free products purchased with hotels, weighing up to 30 kg and worth up to $170 per tourist.
  • Tobacco and alcohol. You can import up to 200 cigarettes or up to 50 cigars, as well as up to 4 liters of any alcoholic beverages
  • Medicines. If you are taking any medication, be sure to take with you a receipt and a doctor’s prescription, translated into English and certified by a notary
  • Personal items. One tourist is allowed to import up to 100 kg of things for personal use

What cannot be imported to Georgia?

  • Weapons, including dummies, explosives
  • Narcotic and psychotropic substances
  • Press with propaganda of racism, violence and pornographic magazines

What cannot be exported from Georgia?

Many tourists come to Georgia to visit holy places. If you bought icons and other items of cultural value, you should contact the Ministry of Culture and obtain a special export permit. The same applies to items purchased at flea markets – without a special certificate, the customs service will prohibit export.

How much wine can you export from Georgia?

Our tourists often want to bring home a bottle of good local wine from Georgia as a gift to their friends. Georgian customs does not limit the amount of export of wine and other alcoholic beverages. But at Ukrainian customs there is a strict rule: up to 2 liters of strong alcohol and up to 4 liters of wine per adult tourist.

How to return Tax Free in Georgia

Tax Free tax can be returned by tourists who stayed in Georgia for no more than 3 months and do not have a residence permit.

  • Make a purchase in a store marked with a special Tax Free Shopping sticker in the window or at the checkout
  • The purchase amount must be at least 250 GEL
  • Ask the seller to issue a special tax-free check and attach to it a cash or sales receipt indicating the amount and product
  • To register, you need to have your passport with you.

When going through customs control, present the document from the store to the employee and you will receive a VAT refund. In Georgia, Tax Free is 18% of the purchase amount, but a 3% commission is also charged. As a result, the tourist receives 15% Tax Free for purchases the amount of which is more than 250 GEL.

Customs & Tax Free in Georgia