What can and cannot be imported into Turkey? What can not be exported from Turkey? How to return Tax Free for purchases in Turkey?

Turkish Customs Regulations


What can be imported into Turkey?

  • 1 liter of strong alcohol
  • 1 pack of cigarettes, 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars
  • Electronic and vapor cigarettes
  • Perfumes no more than 5 bottles
  • Digital technology: tablet, laptop, smartphone, player, etc. – no more than 1 unit of each type
  • Sport equipment
  • Baby carriage and toys
  • Medicines for personal use (antiviral, antipyretic) – no more than 5 packs
  • Souvenirs up to 430€

All goods allowed for transportation are indicated per tourist. You can bring animals with you on vacation if you have a certificate from a veterinarian about vaccination and treatment for helminths. The certificate must be issued no earlier than 2 days before departure.

What can not be imported into Turkey?

  • Weapon
  • Narcotics
  • Homemade alcoholic drinks
  • Chemicals banned by the International Convention

What can not be exported from Turkey?

We advise you not to buy antiques and souvenirs that can be mistaken for antiques. It is also better not to take multi-colored sea stones, large beautiful shells and corals – customs officers may consider them cultural heritage.

How much currency can I bring into Turkey?

Customs does not limit the amount that tourists bring into the country. But when importing currency in the equivalent of $ 5,000, you must fill out a customs declaration.

How to return Tax Free in Turkey?

Many tourists combine holidays in Turkey with shopping. As in many other countries, when buying goods, Tax Free tax is refunded.

  • Shop at stores labeled Global Refund or Tax Free Shopping
  • Ask the seller to issue and fill out a special receipt
  • Present your receipt when passing customs control

8% is returned for textiles, and 18% for electronics of the purchase amount, if it exceeds 100 TYR – about $ 11.

Customs & Tax Free in Turkey