The Arbeidsinspectie ( ) is subordinate to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment ( Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid – ) .
In carrying out inspections, the Dutch Labour Inspectorate works closely with the Department of Social Intelligence and Investigations, the Social Insurance Office, the tax and customs authorities and the immigration police. The basic activities of the Labour Inspectorate include conducting preventive and reactive inspections (e.g. as a result of complaints, accidents etc.) and advisory activities.

Registered office address: Arbeidsinspectie , Postbus 820, 3500 AV Utrecht, The Netherlands / Nederland
Tel: 0800 27 00 00 0 (freephone)
Fax: 070 333 6161

Areas of activity:
– working conditions
– working time
– employment of foreigners
– control of serious risks
– minimum wage and minimum holiday allowance
– accidents at work
– posting of workers under Directive 96/71/EC

Basic information on working, social and living conditions in the Netherlands is available in English on the website .


If you are a victim or witness of a breach of contract, failure to comply with health and safety regulations at work or forced overtime, you can contact the Dutch Labour Inspectorate (Inspectie SZW):

Website (in English):
Tel. 0800-5151 – for working conditions, minimum wage etc., the number applies in the Netherlands. If you are calling from abroad: +31 07-333-44-44.
The complaint form is HERE (form in Polish).

In the form, describe your situation as precisely as you can: provide your and your employer’s contact details, provide information about the duration of your employment and its conditions. Also attach photos, copies of contracts or other documents received from your employer, if you have them.

Remember! Inspectie SZW, SNCU, non-governmental organisations or trade unions are not allowed to disclose your personal data to your employer.

Dutch Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidsinspectie)