The official name for road tax is motorrijtuigenbelasting (mrb). You pay this tax from the moment you register your motor vehicle in your name.

Mrb depending on fuel and weight

The motor vehicle tax rate depends on the fuel and weight of the vehicle. You pay the mrb monthly or quarterly, from the date the license plate is registered in your name.

Mrb depends on the province

The motor vehicle tax varies from province to province. This is due to provincial surcharges. This is the part of the motor vehicle tax that goes to the provincial budget. The provinces themselves set the provincial surcharge rate each year, up to a certain maximum.

Electric car: no motor vehicle tax

You do not pay motor vehicle tax for a fully electric car. This tax break for electric cars has been extended until 2024. In this way, the central government wants to encourage driving fully electric cars, as one of the measures to improve the climate and the environment.

On the tax office website, you can calculate the road tax amount for a given vehicle, HERE .

Dutch road tax for motor vehicles (wegenbelasting)