Sure, here’s an overview of living costs in Georgia for expats:

Wages and salary in Georgia

The average salary in Georgia is around 1,200 GEL per month, which is approximately $400 USD. However, salaries can vary depending on the industry and level of experience.

Housing costs in Georgia

Housing in Georgia is relatively affordable compared to other European countries. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center is around 800-1,000 GEL ($250-320 USD), while a three-bedroom apartment can cost around 1,500-2,000 GEL ($480-640 USD).

Cost of domestic bills in Georgia

The cost of domestic bills in Georgia can vary depending on usage and location. The average monthly cost of utilities (electricity, gas, water, etc.) for a one-person apartment is around 150-200 GEL ($48-64 USD).

Healthcare costs in Georgia

Healthcare in Georgia is relatively affordable compared to other countries. Public healthcare is free for citizens and residents, while private healthcare services are also available at a relatively low cost.

Childcare costs in Georgia

Childcare in Georgia can be affordable, with a monthly fee for daycare centers ranging from 250-500 GEL ($80-160 USD) depending on location and services provided.

Study costs in Georgia

Tuition fees in Georgia are relatively affordable, with some universities offering tuition-free education for Georgian citizens and international students who pass a national entrance exam. For those who do pay tuition, fees can range from 2,000-5,000 GEL ($640-1,600 USD) per year.

The cost of food and drink in Georgia

Food and drink in Georgia is relatively affordable, with the average cost of a meal at a mid-range restaurant around 20-30 GEL ($6-10 USD). Supermarket prices for basic groceries are also relatively low.

Transport costs in Georgia

Public transport in Georgia is affordable, with a single metro or bus ride costing 0.50 GEL ($0.16 USD). Taxis are also available at a relatively low cost, with an average ride within the city center costing around 5-10 GEL ($1.60-3.20 USD).

Leisure activities in Georgia

Leisure activities in Georgia can vary in cost, but there are many affordable options available. Entry to museums and cultural attractions can cost around 5-10 GEL ($1.60-3.20 USD), while outdoor activities such as hiking and sightseeing are often free or low cost.

Taxation and social security in Georgia

Georgia has a flat income tax rate of 20%, which applies to both residents and non-residents. Social security contributions are also required for both employees and employers.

Assistance with living costs in Georgia

There are several programs in Georgia that offer assistance with living costs for certain groups, such as low-income families and individuals with disabilities. However, these programs are limited and may not be available to all expats.