When to go to Cyprus to swim? When to go to Cyprus with children? When to go to Cyprus on excursions? When is the cheapest time to holiday in Cyprus?

When to go to Cyprus with children?

Cyprus when
A short flight and a comfortable climate make Cyprus a popular resort for family holidays. Children love to swim, so choose months for your trip when you can splash around in the sea to your heart’s content, but not yet swelteringly hot.

  • May is the best time to travel to Cyprus with kids. The season of winds and rains ends and the beach season officially opens. The water is still quite cool, 24°C, but the well-warmed air creates comfortable conditions for relaxing on the shore. And in May, the first local fruits appear – strawberries, watermelons and melons.
  • June – at the end of the month the water becomes warmer, 25°C and warms up well off the coast. All beach activities are open: slides, inflatable pools and trampolines. You can stay on the beach under an umbrella until the evening, the air is warm and the weather is calm.
  • September is the velvet season. The air temperature is 30°C and the water temperature is 27°C. In the second half, the sweltering heat subsides and there are not many vacationers on the beaches: the most comfortable time for a vacation by the sea with children. The beginning of autumn is the season for inexpensive fruits that children love so much.

When going on vacation with children, be sure to stock up on sun protection products with SPF 50+.

When to go to Cyprus for a beach holiday?

Cyprus when
Purely theoretically, you can swim in Cyprus all year round : the water temperature does not drop below 15°C even in winter. But the rainy and windy season will prevent seasoned tourists from spending the whole day on the beach.


  • April – unofficial opening of the beach season
  • May – really warm summer weather arrives


  • June is the sunniest month; lovers of a beautiful tan are guaranteed an even bronze shade
  • July – it gets really hot, but until the middle of the month the hot weather is quite easily tolerated due to high humidity
  • August is a real scorcher and the hottest month of the year


  • September is the velvet season in the Mediterranean
  • In October , the beaches become noticeably empty, as the holiday season ends and you can freely sit at the very edge of the water

On a note!
Daylight hours in Cyprus are longest in June and last 12 hours – you can stay on the beach for as long as possible.

When to go to Cyprus on excursions?

Cyprus when
Our real warm spring always comes later than the calendar spring. If you want to escape the chilly weather, go to Cyprus.


March and April are the best time to visit museums and explore ancient ruins and historical sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


We recommend returning to Cyprus to explore the island in October and until mid-November.


From mid-November the season of winds and rains begins. But there is no sweltering heat, and if you are not afraid of the wind, welcome to Cyprus in December, January and February.

When is the cheapest time to holiday in Cyprus?

Cyprus when
Cyprus is not an expensive resort, but you can save money by following a few tips.

  • If you want to combine a beach holiday and excursions, go on holiday to Cyprus in October
  • In mid-November, even the most desperate bathers stop the season and SPA hotels open
  • If you don’t mind windy weather and rain, go to Cyprus in December and January
  • In February, warm weather comes to the island, which becomes truly spring in March.
  • In April the beach season opens and prices begin to rise
Holidays in Cyprus: when to go?