When is the best time to visit the UAE? What months can you swim in the UAE? When to come to the UAE for shopping? When is the best time in the UAE for excursions?

The UAE is a country in which the tourist season lasts all year round. But for some, a beach holiday is more important, while others are more interested in excursions. We bring to your attention tips on when it is better to go to the UAE according to the seasons for a comfortable and successful holiday.

Best time to go to UAE

Most days of the year in the Emirates the weather is warm and sunny, the water temperature in the sea does not fall below +20°C. But the division into seasons is still there.

Spring in the UAE

In March, the ideal weather for walking and swimming is set: sea + 25 ° С and air + 24 ° С. In April it gets hotter, up to +30°С, and in May a real hot summer comes: water is 27°С and air is +35°С. Spring is the best season for a combination of beach holidays and excursions.

Summer in the UAE

The summer months are very hot, the sea warms up to + 38 ° C and resembles fresh milk. The air begins to heat up in June, and by mid-July it becomes red-hot, +50°C. The heat drops a little in August, to +45°С. If you can’t handle heat well, a trip to the UAE is good for visiting indoor amusement parks and shopping malls.

Autumn in the UAE

In September, the weather is still similar to summer, but in October comfortable +30°C is set for the sea and air. In November it gets a little cooler, up to +25°С and it rains for a few times a month. Autumn in the Emirates is the perfect time for a beach holiday and excursions.

Winter in the UAE

It gets cooler in winter, the sea in December cools down to + 20 ° C and sometimes a cold wind blows, so only seasoned tourists will feel comfortable swimming. In January and February, the season of sales and discounts up to -70% begins, this is the best time for shopping in the Emirates . All water parks, excursions work, and comfortable temperature and lack of heat make trips around the country tireless.

Holidays in the UAE: when to go?