Buying a car is not only the cost of its purchase. One of the responsibilities of a new vehicle owner is to register the vehicle in the transport department at the owner’s place of residence.

But there is an official fee for car registration, and in the case of a car imported from abroad, you need to add the costs of document translation.

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  • In 2022, the rules of car registration changed. The legislator allowed to keep the valid registration number in the case of a used car, and also canceled the costs related to the registration of a transport card and a control sticker. 
  • Registration of a used car with reduced costs is PLN 67. By default, the owner of the vehicle will pay PLN 161.50 for car registration.
  • The car must be registered in the transport department in the area of ​​your residence. On the other hand, the company vehicle must be registered at the county office responsible for the company’s registered office.
  • There is no obligation to register a car at your place of residence if you live in another city every day. 
  • To register a car, you will need the following documents: ID card, completed vehicle registration application, proof of ownership, registration document, vehicle card, civil liability insurance policy and, depending on the case, additionally: previous registrations license plates. , confirmation of payment of official fee, payment of excise duty or duty. 
  • The vehicle must be insured with mandatory civil liability insurance no later than the date of vehicle registration. If you bought a used car, you can take advantage of the liability insurance policy purchased by the previous owner. 
  • For vehicles imported abroad, it is possible to purchase short-term civil liability insurance. On the other hand, if the vehicle is registered in another country and has a valid civil liability insurance, you can use it within 30 days from the moment you bring the car to Poland. 
  • The purchase or sale of a vehicle previously registered in Poland must be reported to the Department of Transport within 30 days after the change of ownership. A used car, but registered outside of Poland, must be simultaneously registered in the communications department. An administrative fine in the amount of 200 to 1,000 zlotys may be imposed for failure to perform these actions. 
  • In connection with the declaration of an emergency epidemic situation, the 30-day period has been extended to 60 days from July 1, 2021, which is valid until further notice.

What has changed in the rules of vehicle registration in 2023?

The rules of vehicle registration have changed this year. As part of the amendments to the Law on Road Traffic, some legal obligations have changed. 

From September 4, 2022, the obligation to issue a transport card and a control sticker on the windshield has been abolished. Therefore, you no longer need to submit additional applications in this regard or incur administrative fees. These minor changes contributed to a reduction in the overall cost of vehicle registration. 

How much does it cost to register a car in Poland?

Currently, you usually pay PLN 161.50 for car registration. This price includes a fee for: 

  • permanent registration card, set of legalization signs, control sticker on the glass: PLN 85,
  • temporary permit: PLN 13.50,
  • number plates: PLN 80,
  • registration fee: PLN 2.

The cost of registration of a retro car is the same, for license plates you need to pay a little more, i.e. 100 zlotys. Also, individual license plates will be more expensive, the fee for which is PLN 1,000. 

If you import a vehicle from another country that is not part of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation and the EFTA, additional costs will be the translation of the documents. 

Car documents must be translated by a sworn translator or consul. The cost of translation depends on the number of pages to be translated, the country of issue of the document or the popularity of the language. But usually you have to pay from 30 to 400 zlotys for a certified translation. 

In addition, on January 31, 2022, it became possible to leave old license plates if the used car was previously registered in Poland. So it will be cheaper to register a used car without issuing a temporary license. Then the total cost of registration will be PLN 67. 

On the other hand, the abolition of the obligation to issue a transport ticket and a control sticker is a beneficial change for drivers who import cars abroad, because before the changes, the cost of registering a car abroad was somewhat different. 

You should also remember the cost of an additional technical inspection of a car imported from abroad, although it is required only in certain cases. 

Where to register a car in Poland?

The car must be registered in the transport department at the place of residence of the owner of the vehicle. 

Depending on the size of the city where the driver lives, it can be a county, city or district headman (in the case of Warsaw). On the other hand, the company vehicle must be registered at the county office responsible for the company’s registered office.

Car registration at the place of residence or registration in Poland?

In Poland, there is still an obligation to register, but this does not mean that a given person must permanently reside at the address of registration. Can I register a car in another city? 

It does not matter where the owner of the vehicle is permanently registered. A person who temporarily lives in another city or has not yet registered can register a car at his current place of residence. 

However, if you want to register a car outside of your place of residence, the official may ask you to document the existence of a center of interests in the given city, for example, to present a lease agreement. 

What documents are required to register a car in Poland?

Before visiting the communications department, you must prepare the documents necessary for submitting a registration application:

  • ID, 
  • completed vehicle registration application,
  • a document confirming the acquisition of the right of ownership, for example, a contract of sale, 
  • old registration document, vehicle card, previous license plates (in case of registration of a used car),
  • confirmation of payment of the official fee,
  • current civil liability policy, 
  • proof of payment of excise duty or duty in the case of vehicles imported from outside the European Union, Swiss Confederation and EFTA. 

Car registration in Poland and civil liability insurance

The vehicle must be insured with mandatory civil liability insurance no later than the date of vehicle registration. 

In the case of new cars, it is best to insure the car on the day of purchase. If you’re buying a used car, chances are the car already has an insurance policy. As a new car owner, you can decide whether you want to keep your insurance with your current insurance company or buy a new policy. Remember that staying with your current insurance is not always beneficial. The insurer has the right to transfer the premium and demand additional payments. 

However, if the car was imported abroad, the driver can temporarily use valid civil liability insurance abroad. In Poland, it will be valid for 30 days from the moment the car is imported. But, if the car was not previously registered and was transported to Poland by a tow truck, you can buy short-term insurance or buy a whole year of civil liability insurance on the day of registration. 

If you do not purchase a valid OC policy, it will be difficult to register the vehicle at the Communications Department. Without a document confirming the purchase of an insurance policy, the office may refuse to register the car. On the other hand, driving without valid insurance is much more risky. In the event of a traffic accident caused by the fault of the driver of an uninsured vehicle, the culprit pays the costs of liquidation out of his own pocket. The amount of compensation can be really high and even reach several thousand zlotys. In addition, the owner of an uninsured vehicle may be fined for failure to report the purchase, as well as for failure to maintain continuity of insurance. Therefore, it is worth taking care to complete all the formalities if you want to avoid unwanted financial problems.” Expert opinion

What is the fine for late registration of a car in Poland?

According to the current regulations, the sale or purchase of a vehicle previously registered in Poland must be reported to the Department of Transport within 30 days after the transaction is completed. The regulations do not explicitly specify how much time the new owner of the vehicle has to re-register the car. 

Another situation is when the vehicle was imported from abroad. In the case of cars from the EU, the term of registration of the car in the transport department is 30 days from the moment the car is imported into Poland. 

In both cases, a fine of 200 to 1,000 zlotys may be imposed for failure to fulfill the obligation. 

However, in connection with the introduction of the state of epidemic threat from July 1, 2021, the 30-day period has been extended to 60 days, which is valid until a special order.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about car registration in Poland

  1. Is it possible to register a car online? Yes, it is now possible if you have a reliable profile. On the ePUAP platform, it is possible to settle this issue online, and registering a car via the Internet is almost similar to a personal visit to the office.
  2. What if I don’t have a registration certificate? In the case of retro cars, it often happens that the registration document is lost or destroyed. In such a situation, you can submit a statement to the communication department that you do not have a registration document.
  3. When do I have to pay excise duty? Excise tax applies to vehicles imported into Poland, which were not previously registered on its territory. If the car is imported from abroad, it is additionally necessary to provide the communications department with confirmation of excise duty payment. The obligation also applies to vehicles imported from the European Union, the Swiss Confederation and EFTA.
  4. How else to confirm vehicle ownership? The document confirming ownership of a vehicle is not only a sales contract, but also a VAT invoice, a final court decision confirming ownership, a donation agreement, a bailiff’s order, etc.
How much does it cost to register a car in Poland? How to register a car in Poland? How to register a car in Poland?