Ever since the Republic of Bulgaria became a member of the EU, Bulgarian citizenship has attracted more and more Ukrainian immigrants. This Balkan country attracts compatriots not only with European integration, but also with a mild southern climate, acceptable living conditions, low real estate prices, common history and cultural traditions. Many ethnic Bulgarians from Ukraine have already managed to get a Bulgarian passport, but ethnic roots are far from the only reason for immigration.

Advantages of Bulgarian citizenship

The main thing that gives Bulgarian citizenship is the status of a citizen of the European Union. Even though the Republic of Bulgaria (RB) is not a member of the Schengen Agreement , its citizens:

  • free movement within European borders is allowed;
  • unlimited residence and employment in any of the EU countries is allowed;
  • diplomatic protection from any of the EU countries is guaranteed when staying outside the Union;
  • the right to participate in local Bulgarian and pan-European elections is guaranteed.

When issuing a Bulgarian passport, it is necessary to take into account the rights and duties of a Bulgarian citizen approved by the Constitution . Basically, these are generally accepted human rights (to life, health, housing, work, education, social assistance, and so on), plus the right to vote and the right to public service, which results from the citizenship of the Republic of Belarus.

Duties are also standard:

  • comply with the law;
  • pay taxes;
  • use the Bulgarian language ;
  • protect the environment;
  • military duty;
  • the duty to assist the state in case of natural and other disasters and so on.

Grounds for obtaining citizenship

In order to obtain Bulgarian citizenship, a citizen of Ukraine must go a long way, which will take at least several years in the most successful coincidence of circumstances. The specific term depends on the basis for which the foreigner plans to immigrate to the Republic of Belarus.

In any case, according to the Law “On Citizenship” , in general, foreigners will be able to obtain a Bulgarian passport in the order of naturalization, and a mandatory condition for this is residence on the Bulgarian territory for a certain period. Let’s consider the most common grounds for immigration.

Marriage with a Bulgarian citizen

According to clause 18 h. 1 Art. 24 of the Law “On Foreigners in Bulgaria” , family members of a Bulgarian citizen and his descendants from abroad can claim to receive a primary residence permit (PNP). The Bulgarian couple, according to Art. 2 of the law, are also members of their family, therefore marriage with a Bulgarian citizen, regardless of the place of its conclusion, is the basis for obtaining a residence permit, which gives the right to live in the country for 12 months. On the same basis, the primary PNP can be extended an unlimited number of times.

In itself, marital relations with a citizen of Bulgaria do not automatically give a citizen of Ukraine the right to receive Bulgarian citizenship. However, marriage, according to Art. 13 of the Law “On Citizenship” is the basis for a shortened naturalization procedure, provided that the marital relationship lasts at least 3 years. Instead of 5 years, three years of residence under a long-term (DPP) or permanent permit (PMP) is sufficient. At the same time, the PMP itself can be obtained after 5 years of marriage.

Read more in the article ” Marriage in Bulgaria “.

Family reunion

According to Art. 24 of the Law “On Foreigners”, both family members of local citizens and family members of foreigners holding long-term or permanent residence permits have the right to family reunification in Bulgaria and to obtain an initial residence permit.

In addition to spouses, the law recognizes minors and unmarried or incapacitated (regardless of age) children as family members, as well as parents in need of care.

If it is a matter of family reunification with a local citizen, this greatly simplifies the process of becoming a Bulgarian citizen for children. Yes, if one of the parents is Bulgarian, Art. 15 of the Law “On Citizenship” gives the right to acquire citizenship without observing a general list of conditions.

If the parents of children under the age of 14 acquire Bulgarian citizenship through naturalization, the children also acquire Bulgarian citizenship.

Obtaining asylum

The Republic of Bulgaria is a member of the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees, therefore it is obliged to provide asylum to all those who need it. Refugees in Bulgaria claim humanitarian status under the Law “On Asylum and Refugees” .

It gives the right to asylum to any foreigner who is persecuted on the basis of race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, membership of a social group or on other grounds. But only if such a foreigner is outside the country of citizenship and cannot receive protection from it.

Political asylum in Bulgaria is granted on a general basis and is not separated into a separate form of protection. In addition to international protection based on persecution, granted asylum gives the foreigner the right to reside. Also, the primary PNP, according to Art. 25b of the Law “On Foreigners”, their family members have the right to receive.

At the same time, Art. 13a of the Law “On Citizenship” entitles refugees to citizenship already three years after receiving humanitarian status.

Employment in Bulgaria

Working in Bulgaria does not give the right to citizenship, but you can get a primary PNP. The permit is issued to foreigners who have received a work permit at the Employment Agency . Such permission can be obtained only if there is no opportunity to employ a Bulgarian citizen for the vacancy.

The permit is issued based on the request of the employer, who must:

  • research the Bulgarian labor market and confirm the absence of suitable local residents;
  • prove the number of engaged foreign workforce, which does not exceed 20% of the average number of Bulgarian employees;
  • to prove that the foreigner has the appropriate qualifications;
  • to provide no less favorable working conditions than for local residents.

In order for a Ukrainian to obtain Bulgarian citizenship, he will have to go through the entire process of naturalization, first obtaining a DPP/PMP, and living with him for at least 5 years.

Business in Bulgaria

By itself, business does not give the right to citizenship, the owner of the enterprise can apply for citizenship only in the general procedure of naturalization. But on the condition that at least 10 jobs will be created at the commercial enterprise and Bulgarian citizens will be hired for them, the business in Bulgaria gives the right to apply for an initial residence permit.

The second option for registration of PNP is to open a representative office of a foreign, for example, Ukrainian commercial company, the owner of which is an immigrant.

Important conditions are registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bulgaria, provision of tax reporting and documentation of planned activities.

Purchase of real estate

Real estate in Bulgaria is considered a successful investment tool. Its prices have been growing steadily for the past few years, and this trend is expected to continue. Decent housing in a new building in a large seaside city can be purchased here for 50-60 thousand euros.

However, on the basis of such acquisition, only a short-term entry visa can be obtained (not required for Ukrainians who have a biometric foreign passport). To obtain a primary PNP on the basis of ownership of real estate, in accordance with Clause 19 Part 1 of Art. 24 of the Law “On Foreigners”, the value of the object must be at least 600,000 levs (300,000 euros).

Regardless of its value, it will not be possible to obtain Bulgarian citizenship when buying real estate. Owners of even expensive properties will have to live in the country for a long time and go through the path of naturalization on general grounds, first obtaining a primary PNP, then DPP/PMP, and only after that requesting a Bulgarian passport.

Obtaining an education

Education does not give the right to citizenship, but it allows you to get a PNP. According to Art. 24c of the Law “On Foreigners”, a long-term residence permit for a period of up to 1 year may be issued to foreigners who are:

  • by full-time students at a Bulgarian university ;
  • students of secondary education institutions under exchange programs;
  • foreign interns.

Before entering a Bulgarian higher education institution, it is necessary to confirm the ability to pay, since the cost of a year of study starts from 1,000 euros per year.

Upon completion of studies, the foreigner will have to find a new reason for continuing the PNP, for example, employment.

By the way, you can find a job with a diploma of a Bulgarian university not only in Bulgaria, but also in another EU country.

Immigration program for retirees

Clause 10, Part 1, Art. 24 of the Law “On Foreigners” allows the issuance of PNP to all foreign pensioners who receive a Bulgarian or other pension and at the same time have enough funds to ensure their own existence.

Bulgarian citizenship for pensioners is granted in a general manner, there are no simplifications in the process of issuing a passport. In order to obtain a passport, they need to renew the PNP every year, then get the PMP/DPP, live with it for another 5 years, and if all other conditions are met, apply for citizenship.

Bulgarian citizenship by origin

There are other reasons that give the right to a simplified procedure for obtaining a passport, for example, Art. 16 of the Law “On Citizenship” gives the right to offer this legal status without observing any conditions for services to the country in social, economic, cultural, sports and other spheres. However, the most common reason is citizenship by birth.

If you prove Bulgarian origin, Art. 15 of the law allows issuing a Bulgarian citizenship certificate without complying with the conditions of mandatory residence and its term, the presence of a legal source of income, knowledge of the Bulgarian language and the renunciation of existing citizenship. But in order to receive such privileges, it is necessary to present documents confirming Bulgarian origin, for example, a birth certificate (of the applicant or his parents, where the nationality is Bulgarian), certificates issued by Bulgarian communities and diasporas, extracts from parish books of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, etc. .

It is also possible to request confirmation of Bulgarian roots in Bulgaria by contacting the state archive at the place of presumed residence of relatives in the territory of the republic. Nationality can also be indicated in court decisions, military tickets, certificates, personal files at the place of work or registration of civil status acts.

After receiving the necessary documents about the roots, it is necessary to register with the State Agency for the Affairs of Bulgarians Abroad. This can be done online on the Agency’s website . It will not be physically possible to register in a month or two months – the registration is conducted about a year in advance.

Another option is to make an appointment over the phone at a consulate in Ukraine or another country. Having made an appointment to submit documents, the applicant will have to appear in person at the selected body, submit a package of documents and wait for their processing. On average, a certificate of Bulgarian origin will be issued to him within a period of 9 months.

But on its basis, a foreigner can apply for a Bulgarian national visa, enter the country with it, then ask for a permanent residence permit and then – Bulgarian citizenship. A passport is the final stage of naturalization, Bulgarians by origin have the right to receive a PMP immediately after entry (paragraph 1 of article 25 of the Law “On Foreigners”), which gives them the right to live and work in Bulgaria for an unlimited time.

Stages of naturalization

Thus, Bulgarian citizenship for Ukrainians can be issued on various grounds. However, the general procedure for naturalization, with the exception of issuing a passport by origin, always involves the completion of a number of mandatory stages:

  1. Obtaining a national visa and entering the country.
  2. Obtaining a primary residence permit.
  3. Obtaining a long-term or permanent residence permit.
  4. Submitting an application for citizenship.

Primary PNP

Obtaining a PNP in Bulgaria is the first stage of naturalization. Residence permit for a long stay, in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law “On Foreigners”, is issued for a maximum period of 1 year. The full list of grounds on which it can be issued is defined in Art. 24 of the law.

Provided that the grounds for obtaining it are preserved, such a PNP can be renewed annually, for which the foreign citizen must annually petition the migration authorities.

The presence of a PNP does not limit its owners in the right to residence and entry/exit in the Republic of Belarus, the only minus is its short term of validity.

Obtaining DPP/PMP

Having lived with a PNP for a long-term stay of at least 5 years, a foreigner has the right to request a PMP/DPP in Bulgaria. Both of these statuses give the right to permanent residence in the republic, but at the same time have some differences.

A long-term residence permit is issued for a period of 5 years with the right of extension. Before receiving it, the maximum total period of absence on the Bulgarian territory cannot exceed 10 months. The cost of the state duty for its issuance is 110 levs.

PMP in Bulgaria (permanent residence permit) is issued indefinitely and does not need to be extended (except in the event of grounds for its deprivation). To obtain it, the period of absence on the Bulgarian territory must not exceed 30 months in total. The size of the state duty upon registration is 1,000 levs. There are no other differences between these statuses.

If you have one of these statuses, you can get Bulgarian citizenship after 5 years of living with it. That is, the total period of residence on the Bulgarian territory should generally be at least 10 years. We remind you that this term can be shortened for one reason or another.

Package of necessary documents for citizenship

Please note that depending on the situation, the package of documents may differ. The application and the package of documents are submitted in person to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus. The main thing that is needed to get Bulgarian citizenship is to prepare and submit a package of documents, which includes:

  • application for acceptance into citizenship in the form approved by Resolution No. 1 dated 02/19/1999 . It is filled out in Bulgarian.
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • certificate of DPP or PMP;
  • certificate of criminal record from the country of citizenship;
  • a certificate from the Bulgarian prosecutor’s office that no criminal cases have been opened against the applicant;
  • a certificate from the employer or from the tax service about the salary for the past year + documents about the payment of insurance premiums;
  • a certificate from the Ministry of Education on knowledge of the Bulgarian language or a document on obtaining education in the Republic of Belarus;
  • a medical certificate on the absence of infectious diseases and mental disorders;
  • certificate of Bulgarian origin (for ethnic Bulgarians);
  • a declaration on the acquisition or change of citizenship in the form approved by Appendix No. 4 to Resolution No. 1;
  • autobiography;
  • 1 photo;
  • photocopy of foreign passport;
  • a receipt for the payment of state duty;
  • a certificate of exemption from existing citizenship

All documents issued outside the Republic of Belarus must be apostilled. You can familiarize yourself with the specific package of documents required for certain reasons for acquiring citizenship on the website of the Ministry of Justice .

The procedure for obtaining Bulgarian citizenship

The procedure for obtaining Bulgarian citizenship will differ for applicants of Bulgarian origin and for others who apply for a passport in the order of general naturalization, only in one step – the need to apply to the State Department of Public Health.

Thus, the procedure for issuing a Bulgarian passport includes:

  1. Registration at the Social Security Administration, booking time and submitting documents confirming ethnic roots. Waiting, obtaining a certificate of origin.
  2. Reservation of the appropriate date for submitting documents on the website of the Ministry of Justice . Without electronic reservation on the website, documents will not be accepted and interviews will not be held.
  3. Visiting the ministry, conducting an interview. Interviews are conducted by employees of the “Bulgarian Citizenship” department . How long the Bulgarian citizenship interview lasts depends on individual circumstances. It usually consists of several standard questions in Bulgarian and takes no more than half an hour. The level of language skills for an interview is basic. If an incomplete package of documents is submitted, the missing documents must be submitted within two months.
  4. Waiting for a decision. The “Bulgarian Citizenship” Office prepares a report and a draft decision on each case and sends them to the Minister of Justice. While the applicant is waiting, he can check the queue number for Bulgarian citizenship – see below.
  5. Issuance of a decree by the President on the assignment of citizenship.
  6. Personal visit to the ministry and obtaining a certificate of citizenship.
  7. Address and administrative registration in the community, obtaining a Bulgarian passport.

The application review period is 18 months in general, and 12 months for ethnic Bulgarians. While the applicant is waiting for a decision on their application, they can check the status online. Verification of Bulgarian citizenship is carried out on the website of the “Bulgarian Citizenship” administration by the case number and the code issued when submitting the documents.

Can citizenship be denied?

The “Bulgarian Citizenship” Office and the Citizenship Council do not always satisfy the applications of foreigners who wish to become citizens of the republic. The most common reasons for refusal are:

  • submission of an incomplete package of documents at the second interview;
  • detection of signs of falsification of documents or falsity of information provided at the interview;
  • negative feedback or decision of the DABCH – regarding ethnic Bulgarians;
  • insufficient level of knowledge of the language;
  • threat to public order and national security.

The legislation does not provide for the possibility of appealing against the refusal to issue a decision on the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship upon naturalization.

Is dual citizenship allowed?

One of the main questions for our compatriots is whether dual citizenship is allowed in Bulgaria. In general, Art. 3 of the Law “On Citizenship” allows Bulgarians to have the citizenship of foreign countries without any legal consequences for the connection with Bulgaria. However, in relations with the Republic of Belarus, they will be recognized exclusively as citizens of Bulgaria – the principle of dormant citizenship is applied.

The Republic of Belarus does not have any agreement on bipatriism with Ukraine, therefore dual citizenship of Ukraine with Bulgaria is impossible. This does not exclude the right to receive a Bulgarian passport as a second one. But this option is possible only for ethnic Bulgarians – in the general procedure for naturalization, immigrants will have to give up their Ukrainian passport when issuing a Bulgarian one.


There are many ways to immigrate to Bulgaria , but most of them involve only a general naturalization procedure, in which citizenship can be obtained only after 10 years of permanent residence.

Only spouses and children of Bulgarians, as well as ethnic Bulgarians by origin, have the right to shorten the terms. The general procedure involves submitting an application to the Ministry of Justice, passing an interview and waiting for a response. The review period is 18 months.

How to get Bulgarian citizenship