Adults are responsible for the development of children in Poland . Everyone who came to Poland is obliged to “give a start” to their child. This also applies to legalization in the host country, in particular in Poland. How to get a residence permit for a child in Poland? What are the grounds for a card for beating a minor? What documents to submit and where to submit them?

A few words about the beaten map in Poland 

We consider it necessary to remind readers about the concepts used. Permanent and temporary residence permits  , as well as permanent and temporary residence cards, will be mentioned  .

It is necessary to understand that  a residence permit is the legal status of a foreigner. The beat card is a document that confirms this status  . It is like citizenship and a passport: the first is a set of rights and obligations of the state and the person living in it in relation to each other, and the passport is a documentary confirmation of such relationships.

In the context of our explanation, statuses and documents confirming them are used synonymously:

  • A permanent resident card is a permanent residence permit;
  • A temporary residence card is a temporary residence permit.

Is it possible to issue a broken Card to a minor?

Of course, you can.

According to the provisions of the Law “On Foreigners”, both adults and their minor children can expect to receive a residence permit, if there are appropriate circumstances.

Grounds for issuance to a child

The type of Permanent Residence Card (permanent or temporary residence) depends on the status of the parents in Poland. Attention The following cases are used if the status of at least one of the parents/guardians is available. The registration of the second takes place according to his own circumstances, and the consent of the second is necessary.

Permanent beating for children in Poland

There are only two reasons for a child to receive a Sustainable Living Card:

  1. The father must have a valid permanent residence permit at the time of the child’s birth.
  2. The father had the status of temporary stay (Card of temporary beating), which precedes the Card of permanent beating.

That is, in addition to one of the conditions described above, the father must have a stable battered card at the time of applying for the Card to the child. The situation is absolutely identical in the presence of the EU Long-Term Resident Card.

Temporary stay under the status of a father

A father who owns:

  • Permanent or long-term residence, if there was no permanent or temporary residence at the time of the child’s birth.
  • Refugee status.
  • Additional protection.
  • Other humanitarian circumstances.

A reasonable question:  can a child count on a temporary residence permit if the father has a temporary residence card or a visa? This status can be granted by the decision of the voivodeship, but only if  three factors are present:

  1. At the time of the child’s birth, the father had a visa or was permanently beaten.
  2. Father currently has health insurance.
  3. There is a source of income, sufficient for living and regular.

Let’s consider several more important, from the point of view, nuances separately.

Temporary stay of the child in Poland under own circumstances

The reason for temporarily beating a child in Poland can be not only the status of the father/guardian, but also her own reasons. For example, studying at school, attending kindergarten, etc.

At the same time, the father still submits the documents, and his (one of the parents) status will necessarily be taken into account, because the presence of a minor foreigner in Poland without a legal representative is inadmissible.

The main difference from obtaining a Card of Beating by the status of parents is that  the legality of stay can be confirmed by a Polish visa, a Card of temporary beating or a stamp stating that it is pending  . The father’s status at the time of the child’s birth does not matter, only his legality is significant.

Stay for illegal children in Poland

There is often information that it is possible to legalize children whose stay in Poland is illegal. This is a rather ambiguous question that needs clarification.

  • Firstly,  we are talking about children whose stay can be recognized as illegal, and not at all about children of illegal parents  . In this case, deportation and entry ban.
  • Secondly, there is indeed a phrase in the law that parents can apply for a residence permit for a child, even if the children’s stay is illegal. But this can be done only if there are grounds, that is, if the father has the proper status.
  • And, thirdly, not very serious violations of the regime of stay are considered, and criminal offenses are not counted.

Please note that if a child has exceeded the allowable period for a visa-free or Schengen visa by a couple of days, they can enter the situation and accept the documents. If the parents illegally brought the child into the country, thereby violating a lot of regulations, it is unlikely that the documents will be accepted.

After coming of age

Can a child who previously had a temporary residence permit based on the status of the father receive a one-hour residence card even after coming of age?

Maybe, but under the exact fulfillment of one condition: until the age of 18, she is forced to live in Poland for at least five years on a temporary residence card obtained under the family reunification program   .

How to make a broken card for a child in Poland?

In general, the procedure for obtaining a permit for a child is similar to obtaining a Residence Card for adults. However, there are  three age-specific differences  :

Up to 18 years oldSubmission of all documents, communication with officials, etc. are carried out by parents/guardians as legal representatives of the child.
After 13 yearsIf the child has reached the age of 13, he receives the completed Card in person. Until this age – parents.
Up to 6 yearsPersonal presence of the child at the interview and during the submission of documents is not required if the child is under 6 years old.

Step 1. Where to apply for a broken card?

Voivodeship deals with issues of permits. Accordingly,  the contribution (application) for granting this status is submitted to the zhande at the place of residence  – to the Office for Foreigners (the name of the department/department may differ slightly in different regions, but the word “foreigners” must be present there).

  • As a rule, visits are by appointment. You can do this:
  • By phone, however, it is difficult to reach many people.
  • In the case of personal presence, but the friend is not always within walking distance. Sometimes you have to travel quite a distance to make an appointment.
  • Online. One of the most convenient ways, but unfortunately not available in all voivodships.

To clarify the possible methods and choose the most convenient one,  check their availability on the website of a specific Voivodeship  .

Step 2. How much does the beaten card cost?

Payment of fees is similar to the “adult” process. This is  640 zlotys  of stamp duty. If the decision is positive, you will have to pay another  PLN 50  for the production of the card itself.

Voivodships can also offer additional optional paid services: SMS notifications, courier delivery, etc. The one who submits the documents decides whether to pay them or not.

Step 3. What documents are required for the Beaten Card?

The list of documents differs from the list for adults in that it is necessary to confirm the status of the parent/representative.

Each Voivodeship has the right to supplement this list and request any document that interests them, but basically the list looks like this:

A documentNote
Application-questionnaireTo be completed by parent/guardian. The form is selected according to the desired status: for temporary or permanent stay.
PhotoCurrent, 4 pcs.
PassportThe original is provided for review, copies are included in the package.
Child’s birth certificateSimilarly, a copy is attached, but the original may require viewing.
Proof of kinship/guardianshipDocuments proving the exercise of parental rights by the person submitting the documents.
Father’s status in the Republic of PolandData on the legality of the father/guardian’s stay in Poland. If the Card is claimed based on the status of the father, confirmation of this status. If on the child’s own grounds, then any status of an adult representative.
Reasons for purchasing a Card by a childIt is used only in cases of obtaining a Temporary Residence Card on the child’s own grounds (school, kindergarten).
Permission from the second parentCertified permission from the second parent for consent to consider the issue of granting status. A document in Polish requires a sworn translation. If the other parent is absent, a document confirming this is provided.

You must leave your current contact details with the voivodeship, because they will be the ones who will inform you about the progress of the process, including the need to submit/correct documents. Please note: complaints about the work of the Polish post office have started to be received very often. Requests from the voivodship are sent, but the applicant appears to be unaware of this. As a result, the letter is returned and the review process is suspended/terminated.

Step 4. Terms of the decision of the beaten card

Officially, the review period is limited to  1-3 months  . However, there is a note in the laws that in some cases  the waiting period can be extended  . In fact, the majority of examples belong to such “some cases”. The wait lasts for months, and sometimes exceeds a year.

Children’s requests are tried to be considered faster and if there is no heavy load on the bank, they can give a conclusion quickly, but just in case, it is better to take into account a long wait.

Step 5. Issuance of a card document

A signal about a positive decision of the so-called decision  (decision – decision). After receiving it, the father must appear in the office to apply for the card. In some cases, “plastic” can be produced automatically by the decision, in others only after a personal appearance in the court.

We remind you that  up to the age of 13, parents/guardians receive a card on the Card  , and at the age of 13, the presence of the child is mandatory.

Grounds for refusing to receive a Card of Beating in Poland

The issuance of a passport for a child may be refused for several reasons, the main of which are:

  1. Inaccuracy of the data provided by the father, including the status, reasons for obtaining the card, false or incorrectly executed documents, etc.
  2. Violation of the law by applicants, including threats to public and national security, imprisonment, etc.
  3. Refusal to provide biometric data.

If the refusal occurred without sufficient motivation, the applicant (parent/guardian) has the right to appeal.

The nuances of creating a map of the beaten in Poland for a newborn

The main feature of newborns from the point of view of legalization is the absence of a passport. Accordingly, the first task is to get it. However, this must be preceded by  establishing the fact of birth  .

We would like to remind you that information about births is transferred to the State Register of Maternity Homes independently. Parents must provide the consulate of their country with an appropriate extract with a sworn statement.

The consulate issues passports. Please note that  babies can be given the so-called temporary passports  , that is, documents whose validity period is limited (usually a month). They can consider issues with the beaten card for a longer time. It is necessary to keep the document up to date.

Conclusion. The procedure for issuing a residence permit is often necessary. At least having a Residence Card is convenient, because you will not have to constantly move from country to country to extend your visa.

The procedure for obtaining a Card for children has its difficulties, but they can be solved quite easily if you know your rights in advance and prepare for the process. Now you know all the necessary nuances.

How to make a broken card for a child? Where to apply for a broken card? How much is the beaten card?