In 2023, the number of immigrants in France reached a record 10% of the total population. With over 100,000 immigrants arriving each year, France is known not only for its culture and comfortable living conditions, but also for its relatively simple immigration rules. In this article, we have collected all the most important things that those planning to move need to know.

Pros of living in France

Good conditions for specialists. France welcomes highly skilled immigrants for whom there is a special immigration program, Passeport talent.

Legalization with your family. Many types of residence permits give the right to move with children and spouse, as well as parents over 65 years of age. Relatives can receive education and work.

Financial benefits. Immigrants can take advantage of financial support from the state, as well as receive loans and mortgages at a rate of 2-4%, and open accounts on equal terms with local citizens.

Comfortable living conditions. France is not only a beautiful country, but also a high standard of living: quality education in prestigious universities, access to medical care through a single insurance, a high level of social protection and security.

What are the grounds for obtaining a residence permit?

Foreigners who plan to move to France are subject to general requirements:

  • reaching the age of 18;
  • availability of purchased or rented housing in the country;
  • no problems with the law, lawsuits or debts to banks;
  • absence of diseases dangerous to others.

The grounds for obtaining a French residence permit are:

  • Job. Labor immigration is possible in two ways: hired work – if you have entered into an employment contract with a French company or are transferred to a branch of your company in France; as a businessman – you open your own business in the country, launch an innovative startup, or transfer an existing business from another country. There is a simplified and expedited relocation procedure for IT specialists and translators.
  • Education . Students receive a residence permit for 1 year with the right to extension. Talented and socially active students have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit under a simplified program after 2 years of study in the country. The applicant is required to provide evidence of financial security – a minimum of 615 euros (scholarship, French bank account statement, sponsor’s guarantee).
  • Marriage. Marriage registration is possible both in France and abroad. To obtain a residence permit, the applicant must undergo an interview at the migration service and prove that the marriage is not fictitious. After 3 years of marriage and compliance with the requirements, a foreigner can apply for permanent residence. If the couple traveled outside the country during the first 3 years of marriage, then permanent residence can be obtained only after 5 years.
  • Family reunification . A foreigner with resident status who has lived in the country for 1.5 years can bring close relatives to France – minor children, spouse, parents over 65 years of age who are financially dependent on the inviter. In this case, you must have sufficient living space and prove the availability of funds (at least 1,258 euros per person). The immigrant’s family receives a residence permit for the same period as that of the inviting party. A family visa gives the right to work in the country.
  • Outstanding abilities. France welcomes those who have achieved success in the arts, culture, science or sports. The Passeport Talent program is open to artists, writers, researchers and other talented people if they can demonstrate the importance of their merits.
  • Permanent income (visitor visa). This option is intended for financially independent individuals who have funds in their bank account of at least 1,353 euros per month. Such a residence permit does not give the right to work, free healthcare or other social benefits. Together with the applicant, a spouse, minor children and parents over 65 years of age can move to France, provided that the applicant has funds for their maintenance.
  • Au Pair program. The visa is intended for foreigners who are willing to look after children and live with a host family while learning French. The visa can be obtained by candidates aged 18 to 30 years. In this case, the residence permit is issued for 1 year with the possibility of a one-time extension for another 1 year. Afterwards, the applicant can find a job or enter a university.
  • Young professional. Foreigners who have recently completed their studies at a university have the opportunity to try their hand as an employee in French enterprises. The duration of such a visa is 2 years without the right to further extension, since the employee will sign an obligation to return to his homeland after two years.
  • Vacancies-travel. The French analogue of the Work and Travel program, it is quite easy for a young foreigner to obtain. However, every year the French government sets quotas on the number of participants in the program. The visa is initially issued for 4 months, but it can be extended to 1 year, provided that the foreigner has signed a work contract in France.
  • Shelter . The French government grants asylum if a foreigner is oppressed in his home country for racial, religious, political, national or social reasons.
  • PAX . If a foreigner has not legalized the marriage with a French citizen, then they can draw up a PAX – a civil agreement of solidarity. This is a contract that is entered into between two individuals to signify their partnership. To do this, applicants must be adults, not close relatives, not married, living together, even if each of them has their own separate home. The contract is concluded at the French city hall, this service is free.

Based on PAX, a foreigner can request a family residence permit. This will require any evidence of living together for at least 1 year: a lease agreement, joint utility bills, a shared banking history or a tax return. Airfare and general travel photos are also suitable.

Passeport talent

In France, there is a migration program for people with outstanding abilities in various fields. They receive a residence permit for 4 years with the possibility of extension. After 5 years of living in the country with a residence permit, you can apply for permanent residence or French citizenship. The program includes the following categories:

  • Highly qualified employee . The candidate must have a higher education (minimum bachelor’s degree) or at least 5 years of professional experience; employment contract of at least 1 year; salary of at least 53,836 euros per year.
  • Transfer of an employee within the same company. The French company must belong to the same group of companies in which the candidate works. Work experience – at least 3 months. The applicant must have a contract with a French company and the salary must be at least 34,332 euros per year.
  • Qualified employee . The applicant must have obtained a professional license or a Master’s or Doctor of Science (PhD) degree in France and have an employment contract for a period of more than 3 months, which provides a salary of at least 38,147 euros per year.
  • Specialist of a young enterprise. This category includes foreigners who are hired by an innovative company (Jeune Entreprise Innovante – JEI) for research activities and enterprise development. The salary must be at least 37,310 euros.
  • Startup employee. The candidate must have an innovative enterprise project approved by the French Ministry of Economy. The employee’s salary is at least 37,310 euros.
  • Director of the company. This is the basis for obtaining a visa for a foreigner who is authorized to manage a company or group of companies in France. He must have at least 3 months of experience in this position and his salary must be at least 57,220 euros.
  • Opening a company. The candidate must have a higher education diploma of at least a master’s degree or at least 5 years of professional experience of a comparable level. A detailed business plan and investment in the implementation of the project are also required.
  • Founder of an innovative company. There is no mandatory salary in this category, but the project must be approved by one of the official business incubators.
  • Investments in the French economy. A foreigner who has invested at least 300,000 euros in a French enterprise or firm under his leadership can obtain a visa. The candidate undertakes to create and maintain jobs in France during the period of residence.
  • Researcher. A residence permit is issued to a foreigner with at least a master’s degree who is engaged in research or teaching at a university under a Convention d’accueil agreement with a public or private scientific or educational institution.
  • International celebrity. To do this, a foreigner must confirm his fame at the international level and his intention to engage in artistic, scientific, literary or sports activities in France. A certain amount of money is not required for this residence permit.
  • Artist. Foreigners with creative professions can apply for a residence permit: photographers, artists, musicians, actors, writers, etc. It is necessary to prove that the applicant is engaged in creativity and has a clear justification for moving (for example, a contract with a local organization).

Residence permit and citizenship for entrepreneurs and investors

The La French Tech entrepreneurial program aims to attract foreign employees to develop start-ups in France. It involves an accelerated procedure for obtaining a residence permit for 4 years with the possibility of extension. The startup visa is available to founders of companies, employees of organizations that may participate in the program, as well as investors. There are three categories of applicants.

For an employee:

  • An employment contract for a period of at least 3 months with a French company entitled to French Tech. The candidate must provide an official letter from the company;
  • The salary before taxes must be 2 times the minimum in France (1,747 euros).

For the investor:

  • Investments from 300,000 euros in tangible or other assets;
  • Providing jobs for 4 years after investment;
  • Ownership of 10% of the shares of the company in which the funds are invested.

For the founder of the company:

  • Availability of capital in the amount of at least 20,147 euros;
  • Official admission to one of La French Tech’s incubators, accelerators or other partners ;
  • Obtaining support from research organizations, laboratories, qualified specialists or other participants in the French technology ecosystem.

The entrepreneur must provide a certificate of availability of housing (long-term lease or own property). The applicant also needs to prove knowledge and education in the industry (certificate, license, diploma). After 5 years of doing business in the territory of the state of immigration, a foreigner can apply for indefinite residence. The holder of a startup visa can issue the same residence permit to his family members: his spouse and minor children.

How to get a residence permit

In France, there are two main categories of visas for foreigners who are not EU citizens:

  • short-term visas are intended for a stay in the country of no more than 90 days;
  • long-term visas for a stay of more than 90 days: they are divided into VLS-TS (equivalent to a residence permit) and those marked titre de séjour à solliciter (with the right to obtain a residence permit).

VLS-TS visa (visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour). It is issued for a period of 4 months to 1 year, depending on the circumstances of the candidate. The applicant must arrive in France within 3 months of the date of issue of the visa and submit to the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII) the form demande d’attestation OFII (request for attestation OFII), which will be issued along with the visa.

To do this, the completed form must be sent by registered mail to the territorial office of the OFII at your place of residence in France. The letter must include copies of the passport pages with personal data, the stamp of the border service, and the visa issued. If necessary, a copy of the medical certificate.

OFII then registers the applicant’s case and sends a letter confirming the acceptance of the case. If the decision is positive, the candidate is called to have a secure sticker and date stamp affixed to the passport. This sticker makes the residence permit valid for the duration of the visa. The fee can be paid using a virtual stamp or a fiscal stamp, which is sold in tobacco shops for 225 euros. Confirmation of payment of the fee is required upon receipt of the card. However, family members of a French citizen are issued a residence permit free of charge. Students need to pay 75 euros.

At least 2 months before the expiration date of the VLS-TS visa, you must submit a request to the prefecture to obtain a foreigner’s identity card giving the right to long-term residence in the country.

Visas marked titre de séjour à solliciter . In this case, the applicant submits a request for a residence permit within 2 months to the police prefecture (if he is in Paris) or to the department prefecture. Usually, a list of required documents is published on the websites of prefectures and it is possible to choose a slot for visiting the department. The prefecture will then provide notification of receipt of the request. In case of a positive decision, a residence permit is obtained in the same place. The fee is paid in the same way as for VLS-TS.

Each category of foreigners has its own list of documents. The specific list can be found through the assistant form on the website of the France visa center. Applications for national visas are accepted at French visa centers by appointment. In Russia they operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Khabarovsk and 13 other cities. The fee depends on the visa category. For example, students pay 50 euros, employees – 200 euros.

To obtain a residence permit, the following documents are usually required:

  • statement;
  • international passport with a stamp from the visa center;
  • 3 color photos 3 x 4 cm;
  • health insurance;
  • real estate lease or purchase agreement;
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • check for payment of the consular fee;
  • a bank statement indicating the availability of funds for living abroad (your own or sponsorship, or a salary certificate from your place of work);
  • birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate and birth certificate of minor children.

After obtaining a residence permit, the foreigner is invited to the OFII or the prefecture for a personal interview. You need to take it with you

  • passport;
  • a certificate of residence in France (receipts for an apartment, electricity, gas, water or telephone issued in the applicant’s name) or a certificate of housing if the applicant lives with acquaintances, friends, relatives or in a hotel;
  • medical certificate if the applicant underwent a medical examination before departure;
  • an amount equal to the fee paid to the OFII for the VLS-TS visa.

During the interview, the foreigner signs the Republican Integration Agreement (CIR). This document means that the applicant confirms his obligations to participate in the process of personalized integration into French society. This agreement is concluded for a period of 1 year. As a result, the foreigner:

  • must attend a social studies course that lasts 2 days;
  • take a language test to determine your level of knowledge of the French language. If the level of language proficiency is below level A1, then the foreigner will be assigned a mandatory language course (50, 100 or 200 hours of classes).

How to apply for permanent residence

Depending on the basis, the applicant has the right to apply for a carte de sejour (permanent residence) after fulfilling the requirement for legal residence in the country. Registration of permanent residence is not a mandatory step on the path to citizenship. On average, this status can be obtained after 5 years of living in the country, but in some cases permanent residence can be obtained faster (for example, when getting married). After 10 years, the period of permanent residence can be extended.

The grounds for refusal to obtain permanent residence are:

  • failure to comply with the grounds for maintaining resident status (dismissal from work, divorce, closure of business);
  • refusal to comply with state laws;
  • having a criminal record and breaking the law;
  • staying outside France for more than the permitted period.

The refusal must be justified by an official document; it can be challenged in court. If the answer is negative and it is impossible to challenge the decision of the migration service, the foreigner is obliged to leave the country.

How to obtain French citizenship

French citizenship is usually obtained after 5 years from the start of residence in the country, depending on the applicant’s situation. According to a simplified scheme, it can be applied for by those who have close relatives who already have French citizenship, as well as children who were born in France from foreign parents. Spouses of citizens of the country have the right to obtain a passport after 4 years of marriage.

Another method is naturalization for adult foreigners. The applicant must meet the following conditions:

  • live in France for at least 5 years without interruption;
  • have a valid residence permit;
  • speak French at a level of at least B1;
  • have no criminal record;
  • have a stable income;
  • undergo successful integration into French society.

The full list of categories of applicants who can claim French citizenship can be found here . There is no need to renounce your first citizenship when receiving a French passport.

Life in France: where to start, how much it costs

France is a relatively inexpensive country to live by European standards. Living here is cheaper than in neighboring Switzerland, but more expensive than in Spain or Portugal. The minimum wage for an employee in the country is 11.52 euros per hour. This means €1,747 per month before taxes (after taxes €1,383). Thus, the annual minimum salary is 20,966 euros without taxes and 16,597 euros in hand. The average salary reaches 2,340 euros after taxes.


The most expensive rent is in large cities of the country, and Paris surpasses even Marseille, Toulouse, Lyon, Nice and other popular cities in terms of prices. Prices are especially high in the summer season, when the country is flooded with tourists. For a one-room apartment in the center of Paris you will have to pay about 1,800 euros. In other cities, the cost of housing is several times cheaper: for example, in Marseille you can rent a similar option for 600 euros.

Be prepared for the fact that old housing stock is often rented out, so the apartments are small. In French houses, shops and other offices are usually located on the ground floor, so the second floor is considered the first residential floor. This means that if the advert says the third floor, you will actually live on the fourth.

Utility costs are about 100 euros per month for an apartment of 60 square meters. However, most often they are immediately included in the rental price. If you have a TV, you will need to pay an annual TV license (€138). Mobile communications cost between 20-40 euros with a fixed traffic package. Most restaurants, cafes, long-distance trains and buses have free Wi-Fi.


The most convenient way to travel in France is the national railway network SNCF. The trip is fast and comfortable, but ticket prices are quite high. A ticket from Paris to Strasbourg will cost 60-120 euros, from Paris to Nice – 55-160 euros. They can be purchased on the website or at the station ticket office. However, SNCF has a low-cost airline – Ouigo trains , their ticket prices are lower. However, those who will live in rural areas should consider buying a car. The cost of 1 liter of gasoline is 1.6 euros. The monthly budget for car maintenance is 150 euros – gasoline, insurance and parking fees.

One of the cheapest ways to get from one city to another is to take a Flixbus , Ouibus or Eurolines bus. The cost of a trip from Paris to Avignon is 35-60 euros, from Paris to Bordeaux – 25-69 euros. You need to remember that buses stop often, so you will have to spend much more time on the road than if you go by train. However, bus drivers do not usually go on strike, unlike railway workers – the latter can be an unpleasant surprise for an immigrant.


France is a country of gourmets, so there are no problems with food here, all fruits and vegetables are fresh and of excellent quality. Seafood, meat and fish – for every taste. Due to high competition and strict control, prices are quite reasonable, and the French prefer to purchase products at famous markets.

You will have to get used to the opening hours of shops and restaurants. Often restaurants are open only during lunch or dinner. Catering points that operate without interruption are aimed at tourists: the quality of food there will be worse and prices will be higher. The usual store opening hours will be until 17:00, and on weekends many locations are completely closed.

Dinner for two in a restaurant will cost 60 euros, the cost of a cup of cappuccino is about 2.80 euros, in Paris you can spend 3.60 euros. A French breakfast with coffee, a glass of orange juice and a croissant costs 5-6 euros. A formul (analogous to a business lunch) costs on average about 20 euros. The average price of a bottle of wine reaches 10-15 euros.

The French shop at hypermarkets Auchan, Carrefour, Monoprix and the budget chain Lidl. Here are the average grocery prices in 2023:

  • shrimp, 1 kg – 20 euros;
  • beef, 1 kg – 10 euros;
  • cheese, 1 kg – from 7 euros;
  • chicken, 1 kg – 5 euros;
  • tomatoes, 1 kg – 5 euros;
  • apples, 1 kg – 3 euros;
  • eggs, 6 pcs. – 2 euros;
  • milk, 1 l – 1.5 euros;
  • baguette – 1 euro.


The French state provides all citizens, as well as permanent residents of the country, with health insurance under the Protection Universelle Maladie (PUMA) program. It covers most of a person’s medical expenses. To receive it, the applicant must register in the Assurance maladie system and contact the nearest branch of the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM), the state insurance service.

Depending on your status (student, worker, refugee), you will need to fill out a declaration and attach a certain package of documents. As a result, the immigrant will be given a plastic card – Carte Vitale, with which he can visit a doctor. To get an appointment, you will have to make an appointment in advance and wait several weeks – medicine in the country is not fast.

The payment scheme is as follows: the patient presents his Carte Vitale at the appointment and pays the full cost of the visit or medication, and within five days he will automatically receive compensation. For example, a consultation with a therapist cost 25 euros – he will be compensated for 16.5 euros of the funds spent. Typically, 70% of the cost is reimbursed if the patient contacts his/her assigned physician. Otherwise, about a third of the price is compensated.


Taxes in France are calculated not on an individual basis, but on a “household” basis: each taxpayer is taxed on the entire income of his family. One return must be filed for all income in the same household. Income tax is calculated at a progressive rate. Income less than 10,000 euros per year is not taxed, within this amount up to 26,000 euros – tax 11%, from 26,000 to 74,000 euros – 30%, over 74,000 euros – 41%. The maximum tax is 45% for income over 160,000 euros.

When calculating the tax, all income received in France and abroad by all persons who are part of the household, including the spouse and children, is taken into account. The entire income is divided by the number of household members, and the resulting equal shares are calculated as a percentage of each on a progressive scale. For non-residents, income tax on profits in France is 20% up to €26,000 and 30% if profits are higher.


France ranks 3rd in the world in terms of the number of foreign students – this is an indicator of the quality of higher education in the country. Higher education in the country is divided into two large cycles: short/long and additional. During the short cycle, the training lasts 2 years, at the end of which the diplomas DEUG (general university studies) or DEUST (scientific and technical university studies) are issued. Both documents give the right to continue studying at the university.

During a long cycle (2-3 years), after the first year of study, a licentiate degree is awarded, after the second – a master’s degree, and after the third year – an engineer. For most students, this becomes the end of their higher education. An additional cycle is necessary for scientific activity and admission to graduate school.

Studying in France is much cheaper than in the USA and UK. Many public universities only require payment of an annual fee, which ranges from 200-700 euros. However, the cost of training for French citizens and foreign students is the same. In private universities the cost is much higher – from 8,000 euros per year.

To be admitted to the university, foreign applicants must pass a French language proficiency exam. In addition, French universities have a well-developed system of scholarships and subsidies for students, which significantly reduces costs during their studies. A student visa provides the right to work.


Finding a job in France is quite difficult due to the highly competitive market and high unemployment rates. Language becomes a limitation for immigrants: in the country they prefer to speak French, so a conversational level is required. Also, employment requires specialized education; Russian diplomas are often not valued – and a foreigner will have to retrain or take qualification courses. This primarily applies to lawyers and doctors.

However, France is very interested in attracting IT specialists: special conditions have been created for them under the La French Tech program, they can enjoy many benefits and concessions. You can get direct help with employment at French employment centers (pole emploi). Employment centers help you get an education or find a job. Before registering, you need to prepare a resume, cover letter, documents about higher education and previous work experience, if any.


The French education system includes 4 levels:

  • children under 6 years old receive preschool education;
  • children aged 6-11 years old study in primary school, where they receive knowledge in a wide range of disciplines;
  • children 11-18 years old go to secondary school (from 15 to 18 years old – to high school);
  • Boys and girls receive higher education after 18 years of age.

Preschool education is not compulsory, but most French children attend kindergartens. They usually work from 7:30 to 18:30. For foreign children, kindergartens offer additional language classes. The cost of a visit depends on various factors: the total number of days of visit, the presence of other children in the family, and the income of the parents. Local authorities must partially compensate parental fees: at least 20% for the first child, 50% for the second, 70% for the third.

Education in public schools is free, contract private schools are partially funded by the state and have their own curriculum, the price of which starts from 8,000 euros per year. Holidays for schoolchildren and students take place in different regions at different times. In contract schools, most subjects are taught in French, and only part in a foreign language (most often English). Some private schools operate a bilingual education system.

What to consider when moving

France is a country of bureaucracy. For any reason, documents may be required from an immigrant; they must always be certified and up-to-date. Lawyers, notaries and advocates are very expensive in the country. At the same time, paperwork can be delayed for months and even years; this should be taken into account when moving and prepared in advance.

Language is the main advantage. Despite the global spread of the English language, people in France are jealous of their culture. Therefore, even on the street, a Frenchman may not answer you in English, although he knows it quite well. In everyday situations, and especially in working situations, you cannot do without the French language.

Specific graphics. As an immigrant, it may be unusual for shops, pharmacies and government offices to open late and close early. Lunch breaks can be long, and on weekends everyone wants to relax. Do not forget about the traditional hobby of the French – strikes, which can paralyze the entire city life for several days.

How to move to France