Foreigners who have lived in the state legally for at least 3 years can obtain Armenian citizenship. The legal aspects of requesting and issuing a local identity card are enshrined in the Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia” (RA). According to the above-mentioned government decree, foreigners can request an Armenian passport by birth or recognition, through admission, through renewal or group acquisition.

The text below talks about whether a Russian can obtain Armenian citizenship, what legal requirements he needs to fulfill, and how much it costs to obtain an internal identity card. The material examines which category of immigrants can request a local passport in an expedited manner using a simplified procedure. The text also contains an answer to the question of whether it is possible to have dual citizenship in Armenia.

What does an Armenian passport provide for citizens of the Russian Federation?

Opportunities that Russians acquire when receiving an Armenian passport:

  • unlimited legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;
  • getting a job in Armenian companies and opening your own business under the conditions provided for citizens of the republic;
  • request for material social assistance from the state (pension payments, maternity benefits);
  • services in local banks at tariffs provided for citizens of the state.

In 2023, the governments of a number of European Union member countries temporarily removed the possibility of obtaining Schengen visas, residence permits and permanent residence permits for Russians due to the internal policies of the Russian government. By purchasing an identity card in Armenia, applicants have the opportunity to process the above-mentioned documents.

Who has the right to Armenian citizenship

Grounds available to applicants for acquiring citizenship of the Republic of Armenia:

  • by recognition;
  • through standard naturalization (admission);
  • by birth;
  • through restoration;
  • through a special group acquisition.

According to the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia, applicants can obtain Armenian citizenship on other grounds specified in government regulations, as well as under the terms of international treaties.

By confession

By recognition, obtaining Armenian citizenship is available to an applicant who, before the government adopts the Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia”:

  • had an identity card of the former Armenian SSR, and after the adoption of the Constitution of the country did not receive a similar document from another state or refused it within 12 months and now permanently resides in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;
  • was a citizen of one of the countries of the post-Soviet space, lived in Armenia for at least the last 3 years and within 12 months declared his desire to receive a national identity card of the Republic of Armenia;
  • has not been in the republic since September 21, 1991, previously had a passport of the former Armenian SSR, did not obtain citizenship of another country;
  • is an Armenian, was a citizen of the former Armenian SSR, did not become the owner of a passport of another state and is registered with the consulate in the Republic of Armenia.

The above-mentioned applicants can submit an application for a passport of the Republic of Armenia upon recognition by confirming the absence of citizenship of another state.


As a result of admission (standard naturalization), obtaining Armenian citizenship is available to all foreigners, including Russians, who meet the following requirements:

  • are of legal age;
  • have been legally staying in the Republic of Armenia for at least the last three years;
  • demonstrate knowledge of the Armenian language and speak it fluently;
  • are familiar with the Constitution of the state;
  • ready to take the oath (necessarily in Armenian);
  • do not harm the national and public security of the republic, public health, freedoms, rights and honor of local residents.

Foreigners can immigrate and naturalize in Armenia on one of the following grounds:

  • official employment;
  • opening your own business;
  • obtaining higher education with subsequent employment after graduation;
  • reunification with immediate relatives who are residents or citizens of the republic.

Registration of an Armenian passport using a simplified method is available to some foreigners. Individuals who have proven that they have made a significant contribution to the development of the economy of the Republic of Armenia and the state as a whole can become owners of internal documents of the republic. The above applicants do not need to fulfill the requirements applicable to applicants for standard naturalization.

By right of birth

Armenian citizenship by birthright is granted to children who meet one of the following requirements:

  • both parents are holders of an RA passport;
  • the father or mother is a citizen of the republic, and the details of the second parent are unknown or he is a person without an identity card from any state.

Children born to a foreign mother and an RA citizen father (or vice versa) may receive a local birth certificate, subject to a written agreement between the parents. If this agreement is absent, then the child is automatically recognized as an Armenian, provided that one of the conditions is met:

  • the fact of birth was recorded on the territory of the republic;
  • parents permanently reside in Armenia.

A child born in the Republic of Armenia to persons who do not own identity cards of any state automatically becomes an Armenian and in the future can request internal documents of the republic.

Recovery and group acquisition

Restoration of Armenian citizenship is available to persons who previously lost it for reasons beyond their control, provided that they:

  • comply with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
  • do not threaten the national security of the republic;
  • do not cause harm to public health;
  • respect the rights and freedoms of RA citizens.

Restoration of an Armenian passport is not available to persons who were previously deprived of the document on legal grounds. The procedure for the group acquisition of citizenship of the republic is under the jurisdiction of the President of the Republic of Armenia, since it is the head of state who regulates issues related to repatriation.

Who can obtain Armenian citizenship in a simplified manner

Obtaining a passport of the Republic of Armenia in a simplified manner implies that for this, a Russian or other immigrant does not need to reside in the country for a long time (with standard admission, this period is at least 3 years), and also demonstrate knowledge of the state language of the Republic of Armenia. The following have the right to obtain Armenian documents under an accelerated procedure:

  • the spouse of an Armenian woman who has been in a marital union with him for at least two years;
  • a person whose immediate relative (child/parent) is a citizen of the republic;
  • Armenian by origin living in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;
  • a person born in Armenia and 3 years before reaching the age of majority has submitted an application for a local identity card.

The simplified method of obtaining RA citizenship implies that the applicant submits an application for admission immediately after entering the state.

How to obtain Armenian citizenship for a Russian citizen

  1. Entry into the republic.
    Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need to obtain permission to visit Armenia, since an agreement on visa-free travel has been signed between the states. Applicants have the right to stay in the republic for up to six months within a 12-month period.
  2. Collection of documents and submission of an application for residence permit/permanent residence.
    Russians must personally visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia within six months after entering the state. Applicants can apply for a temporary, regular, special or special residence permit for 1–10 years – the type and duration depends on the purpose of immigration to the country (work, religious activities or other). Russians have the right to extend their immigration status an unlimited number of times for the same period. To the application for any type of residence permit or permanent residence, applicants must attach 3 photos measuring 30 x 40 mm, the original identity card and its copy, a medical certificate, proof of payment of the fee and additional documents confirming the purpose of long-term residence in the Republic of Armenia.
  3. Submitting an application for Armenian citizenship.
    Russians do not have to request and obtain permanent residence. Applications for Armenian citizenship are accepted by the RA Embassy in Moscow or any other region of the Russian Federation or by the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia (OVIR) at the place of residence in the state. Before contacting the selected government agency, immigrants must register for an appointment with an employee of the institution through the e-request portal .
  4. Waiting for a decision.
    Immigrants’ applications and documents are processed for up to four months. Applicants have the opportunity to track the processing status of their applications through the e-request portal. If the result is positive, immigrants receive a letter with a decree of the President of Armenia on admission to citizenship and the need to undergo a solemn “Oath Ceremony” indicating the date and time.
  5. Taking the oath.
    Russians should visit the government agency, which is designated in the Presidential Decree, at the appointed time. At the official ceremony, applicants must recite a text in Armenian. Several immigrants can take the citizenship oath at the same time.
  6. Registration of internal national identity card.
    Applicants can obtain a document in Armenia through the OVIR or abroad at the embassy/consulate of the republic. In both cases, Russians should register in advance for an appointment with an employee of the selected institution through the e-request service and prepare the required documents.
  7. Registration in the RA.
    Applications are accepted by police officers. To obtain local registration, Russians must provide a document confirming ownership of real estate or a lease agreement for an apartment/house.

After receiving an Armenian identity card and before registering their place of residence in the republic, all persons liable for military service must register. Applications are accepted by the RA Ministry of Defense.

Persons who plan to obtain Armenian citizenship in Russia will require a longer period for the production of a national identity card. The cost of consular fees when filing applications in the Russian Federation does not differ from the standard tariffs of Armenian government agencies.

How much does Armenian citizenship cost?

Illegal registration of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia entails criminal liability for the applicant, so it will not be possible to buy a local passport from foreigners.

The Armenian government is at the stage of developing an immigration program for issuing citizenship by investment. As of May 2023, the bill has not yet been approved, so Russians and other foreigners should choose another way to acquire national internal documents of the republic.

Under the standard naturalization procedure, Russians in 2023 must pay the consular fees indicated in the table.

Expense itemPrice approximately $
Residence permit272
Applying for citizenship2
Biometric or foreign passport for adults/children under 16 years old149/69
Duplicate birth or marriage certificate13
ID card (depending on production time)8–52
Notarization of documents and their translation into Armenian (per page)16–34
Legalization of documentseleven

What does it take to become a citizen of Armenia?

At the legislative level, the state authorities of Armenia do not require applicants to provide a certificate of absence of citizenship of the state of permanent residence or exit from it. To request and receive a local passport, foreigners must:

  1. Find and provide documentary evidence of the purpose and basis for a long stay in the republic.
  2. Prepare a package of documents in accordance with the current requirements of the RA government agencies.
  3. Request citizenship on the territory of Armenia through the OVIR or abroad through the consulate.
  4. Pay the state fee and wait for the decision of the government agency.
  5. Take the oath and receive internal documents.

What documents are needed to obtain citizenship?

To obtain Armenian citizenship, the applicant must prepare the following documents:

  • statement;
  • birth certificate;
  • national identity card of the state of first citizenship;
  • 6 color photographs (acceptable photo size – 3.5 x 4.5 cm);
  • evidence of legal residence in the Republic of Armenia (valid residence permit/permanent residence ID card);
  • confirmation of payment of the application fee.

Additionally, the applicant may be required to provide the following documents (depending on their availability and personal circumstances):

  • marriage certificates;
  • a document confirming the Armenian nationality of the applicant or proving kinship with a citizen of the state;
  • spouse’s identity cards;
  • a valid card confirming the presence of an Armenian residence permit/permanent residence permit (for stateless persons);
  • a refugee travel document that was issued in accordance with the Geneva Convention;
  • the child’s birth certificate or other document proving his or her citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.

As confirmation of Armenian origin, the applicant can attach a document indicating his nationality, issued by the competent government agency of the country of residence, other certificates with the above-mentioned mark, or one of the certificates – about:

  • birth;
  • baptism;
  • birth of a family member (parents, grandparents, blood brothers or sisters on the mother’s/father’s side).

RA government agencies accept original documents, as well as their copies with mandatory translation into Armenian and notarization. Applicants additionally need to affix an apostille on civil status acts. Documents and certificates proving that an immigrant belongs to Armenian nationality should be certified by the foreign embassy/consulate of the Republic of Armenia in the state that issued them.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport?

To request a passport of a citizen of Armenia, a foreigner must prepare:

  • a completed application form (a sample and form will be issued by a police officer when submitting an application);
  • proof of payment of the fee;
  • birth certificate;
  • 2 color photographs (allowed size 3.5 x 4.5 cm);
  • military ID/book or certificate confirming military registration (if applicable).

Additionally, depending on his situation, the immigrant must provide one of the following certificates:

  • about the marriage of parents;
  • about paternity;
  • single mothers;
  • about the death of a close relative.

If the applicant does not have the above-mentioned documents, he also has the right to attach a court decision declaring his family member missing or dead.

Registration of citizenship for a child

The Armenian government automatically issues citizenship to minor children if their parents purchase an internal passport of the state. If only the mother or father plans to apply for a local identity card, then the child can become Armenian subject to the consent of his second legal representative. Applicants must attach the original and a notarized copy of their son/daughter’s birth certificate to the basic dossier.

Registration of a passport for a citizen of Armenia

After receiving a certificate of admission to Armenian citizenship, applicants have the right to request:

  • Regular or biometric passport.
    The issuance of documents is carried out by employees of the OVIR in Armenia and foreign consulates. Applicants can receive two passports at the same time.
  • Local duplicates of civil status acts.
    Applicants need to contact the nearest registry office branch and apply for an Armenian copy of the selected document, such as a marriage or birth certificate.
  • Internal ID.
    Based on a regular or biometric passport, applicants can apply for an Armenian ID card. The document indicates the owner’s insurance policy number. The ID card is produced in 1 to 15 working days.

The procedure for obtaining a regular or biometric passport consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation and collection of documents.
  2. Online registration for an appointment with an authorized government agency.
  3. Submitting an application to the selected institution in Armenia or abroad.
  4. Waiting for a decision.
  5. Receipt of the finished document.

Registration of the document through the OVIR branches in Armenia takes up to 15 days (excluding weekends and official holidays), at the foreign consulate/embassy of the Republic of Armenia – up to two months.

Why can they refuse to grant citizenship?

The government of the Republic of Armenia may refuse to issue a national passport of the republic to a citizen of Russia and another immigrant for the following reasons:

  • lack of grounds for long-term stay in the country and subsequent acquisition of citizenship;
  • providing an incomplete dossier, fictitious documents or false information;
  • violation of RA legislation.

The government of the republic can record the loss of Armenian citizenship by a person if he received a national identity card of another country through naturalization, and also:

  • was absent from the territory of the Republic of Armenia for more than seven years and was not registered with the consulate without reasonable reasons;
  • acquired citizenship by submitting fictitious documents and/or false information about oneself;
  • illegally naturalized in another state, violating the laws of the Republic of Armenia.

To avoid the risk of being denied a request for temporary or permanent residence or citizenship, foreigners must not violate the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, provide only genuine personal information and valid documents, and also seek help from international law lawyers who can help legally immigrate to Armenia.

Alternatives to Armenian citizenship

Acquiring RA citizenship for Russians is an opportunity to obtain a second passport from a state friendly to the Russian Federation. It takes about three years for applicants to complete the immigration process and obtain a local ID card.

In a shorter period of time, foreigners have the opportunity to become owners of internal documents of an EU member state, for example Poland , Romania or Bulgaria . In 2023, Russians and residents of other post-Soviet countries will be able to obtain EU citizenship in about a year using an accelerated procedure. By turning to immigration lawyers for help, clients receive comprehensive support at all stages of immigration, for example, calculating the full cost of the procedure for obtaining internal documents of another country, taking into account all consular fees (from visas to obtaining citizenship), assistance in creating a dossier and checking it for compliance with the law.

How to obtain Armenian citizenship