Liechtenstein citizenship is a status that denotes membership of a state and is granted to foreign citizens by birth, adoption, marriage or on a general basis after 30 years of legal residence in the country. A passport can also be obtained through special services to the monarch, and each case is considered on an individual basis.

Citizenship of the Principality of Liechtenstein gives the right to legally reside in the territory of the state, as well as receive education in local educational institutions. Passport holders can travel visa-free to Schengen countries, the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK and Japan. The basic requirements for candidates and the procedure for taking the oath are prescribed in the Civil Rights Act of January 4, 1934. The regulation calls on applicants to renounce legal status in their country of origin. Registration of dual and/or second citizenship in the state is not allowed.

What are the benefits of Liechtenstein citizenship?

The main advantages of becoming a Liechtenstein citizen:

  • indefinite residence on the territory of the state;
  • travel to countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Australia without a visa;
  • the opportunity to conduct business with low tax rates for business;
  • the right to work in any EEA country without additional permits;
  • the opportunity to offer your goods and services in the EEA without paying customs duties.

Methods and conditions for obtaining citizenship

All decisions regarding the granting of Liechtenstein citizenship are made by the Prince on an individual basis, so naturalization on a general basis in the country is not easy. It is impossible to buy a Liechtenstein passport for investment or purchase of real estate in the state.

To legalize your stay in the country, you can use one of the available repatriation programs in the EEA. An EU passport will allow you to move to Liechtenstein and remain for permanent residence, while maintaining your first citizenship. Next, we consider the methods of acquiring citizenship in the principality provided for by the law “On Civil Rights”.

By birth

You can become a citizen of Liechtenstein by right of blood, when the child’s status is inherited from the father or mother. Also, adopted children can receive state passports from their legal guardians. If a child was found on the territory of Liechtenstein, and the identity of his parents could not be established, he is also considered a citizen until the contrary is proven.

Through marriage

Foreign spouses of native residents of the country or registered partners have the right to obtain a Liechtenstein passport under a simplified procedure. To be naturalized, candidates must:

  • have lived in the state legally for at least 10 years, with years of marriage being counted twice;
  • be in a partnership or marriage for at least 5 years;
  • be released from your previous civil status in your home state;
  • have no criminal record and not appear in criminal proceedings under judicial investigation;
  • be loyal to the state, its political system and not pose a threat to public safety;
  • speak German and basic knowledge of the country’s legal system;
  • confirm sufficient income to live in the state for the last 3 years.

The spouse who is a native resident of Liechtenstein must obtain his status in the state by birth, adoption, naturalization, but not through marriage. Applicants for this method of obtaining status in the country should include a marriage certificate or a court certificate of registered partnership with the main package of documents. If the foreign spouse already has children, they may also be included in the application.

On a universal basis

Foreigners who have fulfilled the following requirements are entitled to obtain a Liechtenstein citizen’s passport:

  • have lived legally in the state for at least 30 years, with the years from birth to the 20th birthday counted twice;
  • have had permanent residence in the country for the last 5 years;
  • renounced their previous legal status in the state of origin;
  • confirmed knowledge of the German language and the fundamentals of the legal system of Liechtenstein;
  • have not been convicted and are not under investigation;
  • provided evidence of financial security that allows you to live in the country without social assistance and payments;
  • do not pose a threat to the population and public interests.

Applicants for local citizenship can reduce the required period of legal stay in the state to 10 years. To do this, an independent vote must be held in the local municipality where the foreigner lives. Liechtenstein citizens must support the decision to grant citizenship to an immigrant under simplified conditions after 10 years of stay in the territory of the principality.

Procedure for obtaining Liechtenstein citizenship

  1. Collection of documents.
    The applicant must request a certificate of good conduct, prepare evidence of residence in the state for the required number of years, and also obtain proof of renunciation of previous status in the country of origin. All documents in a language other than German must be translated by a recognized specialist in Liechtenstein. Knowledge of the state language and legal system should be confirmed in a special exam.
  2. Filing an application.
    The completed package of documents must be submitted in person to the Liechtenstein Civil Registry Office. The responsible employee will check the completeness of the dossier and register the application. Checking the status of your request online is not available.
  3. Receiving a response to the application.
    The applicant will be notified by mail of the results of the consideration of the case and, if the outcome is positive, will be invited to set a date for the oath of allegiance ceremony.
  4. Taking the oath and becoming a citizen.
    The procedure for accepting citizenship of the principality for adult applicants ends with a solemn oath of allegiance to the ruler of the country. After the ceremony, the applicant receives a certificate of citizenship, on the basis of which he is issued a Liechtenstein passport.

Dual citizenship in Liechtenstein

Registration of dual citizen status requires the existence of a bilateral agreement between countries that would mutually recognize the rights and obligations of a person to each of the parties. Liechtenstein has not signed such agreements. Foreigners do not have the right to obtain a second passport by naturalization. One of the main conditions for granting citizenship is the renunciation of previous status in the country of origin. At the same time, native residents of Liechtenstein have the right to obtain a second passport, if this does not contradict the laws of the chosen state.

European countries have repatriation programs in place in 2023 that make it possible to obtain EU citizenship without having to give up your current legal status in your country of origin. The application process takes at least a year and does not require candidates to reside in the jurisdiction in which the request is made.

How much does it cost to obtain citizenship and passport?

In 2023, there are no active citizenship programs in Liechtenstein for investment or purchase of real estate. The main costs of naturalization include the cost of living in the state for the required period.

Table of costs for obtaining citizenship:

Expense categoryCost, €
Visa type C or D83 for adults
41 for children
Registration of a residence permit208
Extension of residence permit62
Registration of permanent residence125
Extension of permanent residence83
Biometric data collection31
Production of a plastic residence permit card21
Citizenship Application Fee521 for adults104 for minors
Liechtenstein internal passport156 for adults for 10 years63 for children 12–18 years old for 10 years31 for children under 12 years old for 5 years
International passport260 for adults for 10 years104 for children 12–18 years old for 10 years52 for children under 12 years old for 5 years

What do you need to become a citizen of Liechtenstein?

It is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the process of obtaining Liechtenstein citizenship, study the necessary information, and also begin collecting the required documents to complete the dossier.

What documents are needed to obtain citizenship?

List of basic data for requesting Liechtenstein citizenship:

  • the application must be downloaded from the official website of the National Administration, filled out, printed and signed;
  • birth and marriage certificates;
  • valid identification;
  • confirmation of residence for naturalization from the immigration office, which was issued no earlier than 6 months before submitting the request;
  • a certificate of good conduct from Liechtenstein, issued in court no more than 1 month before submitting the application;
  • salary data or tax returns for the last 3 years;
  • a certificate of good conduct from the country of residence, which was issued no more than 3 months ago;
  • confirmation of knowledge of the German language at level B1 in the form of a certificate of passing an exam, a diploma of completion of courses or school;
  • proof of basic knowledge of the legal system and government of Liechtenstein in the form of a certificate or school diploma;
  • renunciation of previous citizenship.

Documents issued in a foreign language must be translated into German by a specialist recognized in Liechtenstein.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport?

A Liechtensteiner’s identity card looks like a plastic card with a photo, basic data and an electronic chip where information about the owner is encrypted. A foreign passport is issued for 10 years in the form of a book with blank pages. To issue both documents, you must provide the following information:

  • confirmation of citizenship;
  • 2 color photos on a white background, 35 x 45 mm, no older than 6 months.

Registration of citizenship for a child

Minor children may be included in the father’s or mother’s citizenship application. If only one parent goes through the naturalization process, the other must provide written consent for the child. Children over 15 years of age are required to additionally sign a statement expressing their intention to obtain a Liechtenstein passport. In the case of naturalization through a registered partnership or marriage, the foreigner’s minor children are also included in the request.

Registration of a passport for a citizen of Liechtenstein

The procedure for obtaining internal documents of a Liechtensteiner:

  1. Request a biometric ID card.
  2. Registration of a foreign passport.
  3. Obtaining a driver’s license.

Requests for paperwork must be made in person at the Immigration and Passport Office. During the visit, responsible employees take fingerprints for the electronic chip. A foreign passport can be issued in 4 working days, and a plastic ID card in 2-3 weeks.

Refusal to obtain citizenship – reasons, solutions

A request for civil status will be denied if the applicant:

  • has been convicted of conspiracy, pimping, or prostitution;
  • provided false information about himself, the purpose of his visit to the Principality, personal circumstances when applying for a residence permit, permanent residence or submitting an entry request;
  • entered into a fictitious marriage or registered partnership to obtain citizenship, but never led a joint family life with the specified person;
  • is a member of a criminal or terrorist organization;
  • threatens national security;
  • is in the process of revoking his residence permit;
  • has a ban on entry into another state that is part of the EEA or Switzerland.

It is possible to avoid a rejected application only by thoroughly studying local legislation and preparing for the immigration process. Despite the length of the procedure and high requirements, provided that all criteria are met, applicants receive civil status.

Reviews of persons who have received the status of Liechtenstein citizen

Obtaining a Liechtenstein passport attracts citizens from post-Soviet countries with the opportunity to move to a country with a high quality of life, low tax rates, and the prospect of traveling through visa-free countries in Europe, the USA, Canada, and Japan. An important advantage of obtaining a passport for immigrants is the right of pensioners to claim payments on the same basis as native residents, subject to timely payment of taxes and reaching a specified age.

Among the disadvantages, reviews from people who moved to Liechtenstein include high real estate prices, the cost of living in the country, as well as strict requirements for candidates for naturalization. Often foreigners are inclined to obtain an EU passport in another state, and then move to Liechtenstein as citizens of the European Union and European Economic Area countries. Applications for residence permits from this category of applicants are processed in about 4 weeks, and from residents of countries outside the EU or EEA – about 3 months.

How to obtain Liechtenstein citizenship and passport