Lithuanian citizenship is a legal status that determines a person’s belonging to the state, endowing him with a list of rights and freedoms enshrined in law. You can obtain a Lithuanian passport by birth, naturalization or repatriation. Each of the listed options has its own conditions and design features.

The procedure for granting status is regulated by the Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania”. The document defines the requirements for applicants for citizenship, as well as exceptional opportunities for dual status.

What are the benefits of Lithuanian citizenship?

The Republic of Lithuania is part of the European Union, so holders of its identity card are considered by default to be EU citizens and have all the ensuing privileges. The main advantages that Lithuanian citizenship provides:

  • residence in the country, as well as the opportunity to travel abroad and return an unlimited number of times;
  • free travel to 171 countries, most of them are visa-free countries for Lithuania;
  • the ability to reside in the territory of any other EU country;
  • employment in Lithuania or other EU countries as a priority without obtaining permits;
  • participation in the political life of the country with the right to hold public office;
  • doing business in the European market and using preferential tax systems;
  • education at universities in Lithuania or other EU countries, including free of charge;
  • access to social security and healthcare programs operating in Lithuania;
  • obtaining protection from the state while staying on its territory or abroad.

Methods and conditions for obtaining Lithuanian citizenship

It is not possible to become a citizen of Lithuania by investing or organizing a birth in the country. The state law does not provide for programs under which one could buy a passport for investments in the economy – even in the case of legalization of stay on the basis of business, one must go through the standard path of naturalization. Due to the fact that the law of blood (inheritance of citizenship from parents) operates in the republic, when a child is born on the territory of Lithuania, it is not possible to grant him status or simplify the legalization of residence for the father/mother on this basis.

An excellent alternative to long-term naturalization is participation in the repatriation program, available to most immigrants from post-Soviet countries. If there is documentary evidence of Lithuanian origin, the applicant can obtain Lithuanian citizenship much faster and retain his first passport. To make a decision, it is worth taking a closer look at each of the possible ways to obtain Lithuanian citizenship.


Children, both or one of whose parents are citizens of Lithuania, regardless of their place of birth, automatically become Lithuanians. Even if the parent died before the child was born, the newborn will be able to inherit his status. Children of two or one stateless person who legally reside in the republic are also entitled to a Lithuanian passport. A child found on the territory of the state is considered to be born in Lithuania, and, according to the law on the acquisition of citizenship, is granted status by birth. The only condition that applies to children found in the country is that there should be no option for them to inherit a different legal status. The adopted child becomes a Lithuanian from the day the court establishes this fact. Citizenship is included in the first document that the child receives upon birth (certificate).


A Lithuanian citizen’s passport can be issued to a foreigner as part of the naturalization procedure (long stay in the country) subject to the following conditions:

  • the applicant has been legally present in the state for 10 years preceding the date of the request;
  • at the time of submitting the request, the applicant has a permanent residence card;
  • the person receives a stable income to ensure his residence in the republic;
  • the applicant knows the language and provisions of the Constitution, as evidenced by successfully passing the tests;
  • the foreigner’s biography contains no evidence of a criminal record or criminal acts committed against the Republic of Lithuania;
  • the applicant confirms in writing his willingness to renounce his first passport or is a citizen of a country for which such a need is not provided.

Naturalization involves the consistent acquisition by a foreigner of legal status – temporary and permanent resident before being able to apply for citizenship. The applicant can obtain a first residence permit on the basis of work, doing business, studying, family reunification and renew the document while maintaining the conditions that served as the basis for the initial issuance of the residence permit . Establishment in the state, accompanied by receiving a stable income and learning a language, confirms the fact of successful naturalization of a person and provides him with the opportunity to become a citizen.


Persons who have entered into an official union with a citizen must also undergo naturalization to obtain status. Applicants are subject to standard requirements regarding integration tests, permanent residence and the need to renounce their previous passport. Foreigners can become citizens of Lithuania by marriage after 7 years of residence in the republic instead of 10 years, as in the general procedure, and without the need to confirm receipt of income. Persons who have been married to a Lithuanian for at least a year, but the spouse subsequently died, can apply for citizenship after 5 years of stay in the country, subject to other conditions.


Foreigners of Lithuanian origin can restore their status in the republic. This procedure is available for the following categories of persons:

  • descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) of persons who were Lithuanians by passport before June 15, 1940;
  • persons who, before June 15, 1940, were themselves citizens of the republic;
  • applicants or their descendants who, before 1990, were deported from the territory of an occupied country or left the state on their own.

Standard requirements do not apply to applicants for restoration of Lithuanian citizenship. It is necessary to document affiliation with the nation using passports (national or foreign), birth certificates, certificates confirming the person’s service in the Lithuanian army. In the absence of the specified evidence, documents on education, employment, residence in Lithuania before 1940 can be used as an alternative to confirm status.

As an exception

The status of citizen can be assigned by the President of the Republic in an exceptional manner to persons who have made a special contribution to strengthening the country’s statehood and increasing its authority in the international arena. This opportunity is available to foreigners and stateless persons who have integrated into Lithuanian society – permanently reside in the country or at a basic level can communicate in the state language. As confirmation of your contribution to the development of the state, you are required to have recommendations from Lithuanians indicating relevant activities for the benefit of the country. The request for assignment of status is analyzed by the Citizenship Commission and submitted for consideration to the President, who issues a decree on assigning status to the person.

Procedure for obtaining Lithuanian citizenship

  1. Filing an application.
    The application for naturalization, accompanied by a package of other documents, is initially submitted online through the official website of the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS). After registering your application, you need to select the date and time of your personal visit to the Migration Department at your place of residence. The applicant undertakes to appear at the authorized body in person within 4 months after completing the online application and provide documents in physical form.
  2. Consideration of the case.
    An application for citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania is considered by an authorized Commission and the proposal is submitted to the President. The final decision to satisfy/reject the request is made by the head of state with the issuance of a corresponding decree. Applicants are notified in writing of status assignment.
  3. Taking the oath.
    Once a status request is approved, an oath must be taken within 6 months. The ceremony is held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the diplomatic mission of the country, and in exceptional cases – at a medical institution or at the home of the applicant. First, the foreigner needs to submit an application to MIGRIS and appear in person at the Migration Department to receive permission to take the oath with the original documents that were attached electronically when registering the request online. The person solemnly pronounces the text, placing his hand on the Constitution, and then signs the sworn document. After taking the oath, the applicant officially becomes a citizen of Lithuania.

For citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other foreigners abroad, it is possible to request status without coming to Lithuania. The procedure follows a similar algorithm, but with the submission of documents and taking the oath directly at the consulate. Cases for granting status are considered by the authorized body in Lithuania, where they are transferred from the diplomatic mission. This format for submitting documents is relevant for persons who are restoring citizenship by roots, do not have residence in Lithuania and permanently reside abroad. A request for restoration of status must be considered no later than 6 months from the date of submission of documents to the consulate.

Dual citizenship in Lithuania

Dual citizenship is not supported in the Republic of Lithuania. This concept implies that a person owns two passports, each of which is recognized in both countries. In this case, the applicant is considered a binational, and between the states there must be a signed agreement on mutual recognition of the second citizenship. The signing of such agreements is a rare practice in the world, but most states allow foreigners to obtain a second status. In this situation, a foreigner can obtain a second passport abroad without refusing the first one, but in each country he will be considered only his own citizen. Migrants who naturalize in Lithuania are required to write a written renunciation of their previous status. There are several exceptions to the possibility of having two citizenships (Russia and Lithuania, for example):

  • the person received status in the Republic of Lithuania and abroad automatically at birth;
  • the applicant has restored his status as a Lithuanian who was deported/left the country before 1990 or his descendant;
  • a citizen entered into a marriage with a foreigner and, by default, on this basis acquired foreign status;
  • a foreign child was adopted by Lithuanians;
  • the applicant received a Lithuanian passport as an exception for merit;
  • a foreigner acquired status in Lithuania as a refugee.

For Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians, the best option is to retain their first citizenship while restoring their repatriation status. If you own two passports, you should use a local document to leave the country and enter back, and when traveling around the world, you can, at your personal discretion, use the identity card that gives you more rights.

How much does it cost to obtain Lithuanian citizenship and passport?

There are no options to buy Lithuanian citizenship. Applicants should abandon any illegal schemes, which could subsequently lead to deportation and the inability to begin the procedure for legalizing their stay in the republic in the future. The country also does not have investment programs for legally purchasing a passport. How much citizenship costs when going through general procedures is indicated in the table:

BaseCost of granting citizenship (€)
BirthFor free
Restoration by roots53
As an exception61

Additionally, it is worth considering the costs of translation and legalization of certificates, which are approximately 10–15 EUR per document.

The following prices are set for the issuance of identity cards of the republic, depending on the period of production of the document:

  • international passport (43 EUR – with a standard procedure in 30 days, 71 – with an expedited procedure in 1 day, 57 – in 5 days and 190 – if ready on the same day;
  • ID card (8.60 EUR – if produced in a month, 19.60 – in 5 days, 31.60 – within a day.

What do you need to become a citizen of Lithuania?

To obtain Lithuanian citizenship, you must, in accordance with the norms established by law, go through a procedure involving the preparation of documents and an application to the authorized government bodies.

What documents are needed to obtain citizenship?

The general dossier for acquiring citizen status by naturalization includes:

  • statement;
  • international passport;
  • permanent residence card;
  • confirmation of legal stay in the country for the previous 10 years;
  • documents proving that the person has a stable income;
  • confirming certificates of passing tests for knowledge of language and the Constitution (not applicable to persons under 18 years of age, over 65, pensioners, as well as persons with disabilities, severe mental and behavioral disorders);
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • application for renunciation of first citizenship.

In case of obtaining status by a foreign spouse of a citizen of the country, a marriage certificate and a Lithuanian passport must be attached to the general dossier.

When restoring status based on roots, a different composition of the dossier is relevant, including:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • confirmation of the person’s Lithuanian origin;
  • certificates of change of name, surname, if these facts occur;
  • confirmation that the applicant is not a citizen of another country (except in cases where this is permitted);
  • certificate of good conduct.

By becoming a citizen by exception, a person undertakes to prepare:

  • international passport;
  • a document confirming citizenship of another country;
  • recommendations from Lithuanians about the applicant’s activities or other evidence of special merit;
  • certificate of good conduct.

All documents issued by foreign authorities are submitted in the form of copies with legalization and translation into Lithuanian.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport?

To obtain foreign and domestic identity cards, you must provide the following to the authorized body:

  • a valid passport of a foreign citizen;
  • a document identifying the applicant and confirming his Lithuanian citizenship;
  • declaration of residence in Lithuania or departure from the country.

Registration of citizenship for a child

If both or one of the parents acquires Lithuanian citizenship in any way, a child under 14 years of age also receives the status. Children aged 14–18 years are obliged to give personal consent to receive a Lithuanian passport with their parents. It is worth considering that the rule of renunciation of previous legal status in the country of origin also applies to children. The minor child undergoes the procedure in parallel with the parent, who acquires citizenship, but is not obliged to take a test of knowledge of the language and laws, as well as take an oath.

If a parent loses Lithuanian citizenship, the child who acquired the status by birth retains it. If they receive a passport together with their parent through naturalization or another method, children can also lose citizenship – only at the age of 14-18 will their personal consent be required.

Registration of a citizen’s passport

Lithuanian citizens own two passports – a foreign one for traveling abroad and an internal one (ID card). All Lithuanians over 16 years of age must complete both documents.

The foreign identity card has a 32-page book format, a burgundy cover and a design in accordance with the latest EU requirements. The entries in the document are submitted in Lithuanian, English and French. Internally, the ID card looks like a plastic card with a photo, personal and biometric data of the owner.

The procedure for obtaining a foreign and internal passport of Lithuania:

  1. Preparation of documents for processing a request.
  2. Submitting an application to the territorial department of the Migration Department or the consulate if the applicant is abroad.
  3. Receipt of identification documents at the place of registration of the request after a month in the case of a general procedure or after 1-5 days in the case of an expedited procedure.

Refusal to obtain citizenship – reasons, solutions

Reasons for rejecting an application for citizenship may include:

  • participation in international military or other crimes;
  • committing criminal acts against the Republic of Lithuania;
  • having a criminal record before arriving in Lithuania for particularly serious crimes;
  • lack of the right to permanent residence in the country or failure to meet other requirements for obtaining status;
  • Providing incomplete information in the dossier, false certificates or false information about the applicant.

If a refusal is received, the applicant has the right to submit a second request after a year. This opportunity is not provided for persons who are trying to restore their status by origin – in this case, one attempt is provided. To avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of refusal, you should take the preparation of documents seriously and study the legal requirements for applicants. To minimize risks, you can enlist professional support.

Reviews of those who received the status of Lithuanian citizen

Migrants who managed to legalize their stay in Lithuania respond positively to their experience. Applicants note that the naturalization procedure is lengthy, but is suitable for those who intend to permanently settle in the country and establish their lives there. The requirements for applicants are similar to those put forward in many other EU countries. Feedback from foreigners who have received a Lithuanian passport confirms that if you carefully study the documentation requirements and procedure for completing the procedure, you can successfully complete all stages. If you use the help of migration lawyers, the process is greatly simplified and the risks of encountering difficulties are minimized for the applicant. The advantages of professional support are that specialists take care of all formalities with documents, check citizenship status and keep the situation under control.

How to obtain Lithuanian citizenship and passport