In one of my previous posts I already talked about some of the peculiarities of childbirth in Dubai . Today I offer a few more interesting facts.
– In Dubai, you can choose any format of childbirth: in water or standing on your head. And cesarean is done not only by appointment, but also by choice. They say that the locals don’t bother: they immediately choose cesarean. They say, why suffer? Natural childbirth and breastfeeding cause admiration among medical personnel. For this combo (19 hours of labor!) I received the title of “strong woman”.
– But partner births are a given here. And no courses, certificates, etc. are needed. My husband went with me to all the appointments and was at the birth from beginning to end. He even cut the umbilical cord himself 🙂
– By the way, about partner births. To give birth in Dubai, you must be married. According to UAE law, giving birth out of wedlock is a criminal offense. Therefore, unmarried women fly to their small homeland to give birth.
– About nutrition. I took online preparatory courses where they said that it is not recommended to eat or drink during labor. In Dubai, they are not so categorical. They literally followed me with trays: ma’am, you need strength, you need to eat! A funny moment: when I was already in the delivery room and I started pushing, they brought to the delivery room… What do you think? A tray with dinner! Labor is labor, but food is on schedule :))
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