Working in Switzerland today is one of the most profitable compared to other countries. This fairly developed country is known for its unique taste and sophistication.

Many people are attracted to work in Switzerland in 2024 not only due to fairly high earnings, but also due to comfortable working conditions. But it is important to remember that Switzerland is very selective in its workforce: it mainly welcomes qualified personnel who can benefit not only the employer himself, but also the country as a whole.

Economic situation in the country

Switzerland is one of the most economically stable countries in the world. Despite the fact that this state is not distinguished by large reserves of natural resources and large territories, it was able to create an indestructible economic structure. Switzerland is exactly the country that was able to make all sectors of the economy leading. In this state, not only banking and finance are well developed, but also industry, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering and energy.

One of the most profitable areas is banking. Swiss banks are famous for their strict security control systems for all personal data of depositors. That is why most of the world’s wealthy people prefer to keep their capital in the banks of this confederation.

Pharmaceuticals in the state are also well developed. The country produces not only medicines, but also cosmetics for face and body care. The largest pharmaceutical companies in Switzerland: Novartis and Roche.

In addition, the country has a well-developed food industry. The production of chocolate and cheese deserves special attention. In Switzerland, the leaders in the food industry are Barry Callebaut and Nestlé.

Switzerland is the largest watch manufacturer. The most famous watch manufacturing companies are:

  • Richemont.
  • Swatch Group.
  • Rolex.
  • Patek Philippe.

The state has a well-developed tourism industry. About 75% of the working population works in the tourism sector. Switzerland is famous for the Alps, which are visited by approximately 10 million tourists a year.

Thanks to its stable and developed economy, Switzerland has one of the lowest unemployment rates – only 2.9%.

Switzerland is not only a producer, but also an exporter. The export of medicines, industrial goods and food products brings considerable profits to the country. Switzerland has acquired the largest and most developed countries in the world as trading partners: the United States of America, China, Japan, Great Britain, Russia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, as well as all countries of the European Union.

How to get a job

Finding a job abroad is not an easy task. But, nevertheless, our compatriots managed to find employment and move to permanent residence abroad. In order to find a job in Switzerland, it is not at all necessary to contact agencies that charge additional fees for their services; you just need to have access to the Internet and a desire to find a job. There are a large number of sites where vacant vacancies are posted. Here are some of them:

This is what an advertisement for a specialist in Switzerland looks like

You can also look for work on the websites of international companies: they always have a separate “career” or “jobs” page where all current vacancies are posted. 

Highly qualified personnel are very welcome in Switzerland, although this country cannot be said to have a shortage of similar employees among its citizens. Social labor policy provides for a system of job quotas on the territory of the state for representatives of other countries. Therefore, it is very important to have a rare and highly sought-after profession to get a job in this country.

How much do representatives of different professions earn in Switzerland (euro/month).

Finding a job without qualifications is quite difficult, since this country does not particularly need foreign hired labor. Highly qualified specialists are considered to be people who have documented evidence of their work specialty, as well as practice or work experience.

Quite often, when people come to Switzerland just to relax, they find the vacancies and places of work they need. In this case, the purpose and type of visa cannot be changed. It is necessary to leave the country and contact the Swiss Embassy with the intention of obtaining a work visa.

Recruitment agencies

Internet recruitment agency is very popular in Switzerland . In addition to it, the following companies are also in demand:

Today, choosing a recruitment agency is not difficult. There is a specialized website , where all public and private recruiting companies are represented. The applicant only needs to go to the website and select the area in which he intends to find a job. The system will automatically select all agencies that provide vacancies in the specified industry.

Websites for searching vacancies

It is advisable for job seekers to start their job search by visiting the website of the state employment service . This portal publishes both direct vacancies and provides vacancies with links to employers.

Today, to search for a job in Switzerland, you can use the following sites:

To work with the above sites, you must speak German, French or English.

To find a job in eastern Switzerland, it is recommended to visit the job portal .

Specialists wishing to find employment in the field of innovative technologies and scientific research can find work on the portal , and vacancies in the field of management and management are published on the website / . Economists and financiers can find work at and .

Programmers, IT application developers and computer graphics specialists should pay attention to the sites and .

If a foreign resident intends to find a job in Zurich, then he needs to look for vacancies on the website , and if a foreign worker wants to work in Geneva, then it is better for him to turn his attention to the portal http://www.jobsingeneva .com/ .

Other resources

In addition to websites and offers from recruiting agencies, job seekers can pay attention to vacancies published in local periodicals in Switzerland. Today, a large number of job offers are published in newspapers such as:

  • 24 Heures.
  • Basler Zeitung.
  • Berner Zeitung.
  • Corriere del Ticino.
  • Der Bund.
  • Le Temps.
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
  • Tages-Anzeiger.

Most periodicals publish job vacancies on their websites. A large number of offers are published in the electronic version of the Zurich newspaper .

Newspaper in Zurich


Completing an internship in Switzerland allows a foreign resident not only to gain experience in his profession, but also to better study the mentality and traditions of the local population. The Swiss greatly value qualified personnel, so if a person proves himself well, he may be offered a job in this place after completing an internship.

Special programs are used for internships abroad. Typically, the program lasts from 3 to 18 months. If a contract is concluded for 12 months or more, the trainee is entitled to vacation.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can go for an internship in Switzerland. Only people can take advantage of the internship program:

  • Up to 30 years of age.
  • Having higher education.
  • Having a specialization that corresponds to the place of internship.
  • They speak German perfectly.
  • Possess a driver’s license.

If a foreign resident does not meet at least one requirement, then he will not be able to complete an internship at a Swiss company.

Students or graduates of higher educational institutions receive a salary for completing an internship. As a rule, the first month of the internship is not paid, as it is considered a probationary period. On average, interns receive 2000 – 2200 euros per month, including taxes. Approximately 20–25% of the salary is spent on tax payments.

Before completing an internship, an agreement is concluded between the employee and the company, which spells out the main responsibilities and working conditions of the employee. The contract states that the company has no right to terminate the contract without a valid reason.

Typically, to terminate an employment contract, a foreign trainee must cause material damage to the company or its property. Also, termination of an employment contract is possible in cases of violation of labor discipline, serious disagreements with managers, violations of industrial safety, or unacceptable behavior towards company employees.

A foreign student or graduate can find a suitable internship program on sites such as:

Employment without knowledge of the language

Finding a job in Switzerland without knowing German or English is almost impossible. The only option for employment without knowledge of the language is to work as a nanny, cook or maid in Russian-speaking families.

It is also impossible to get a seasonal or temporary job without knowing English or German. Employers do not hire people who do not know the language, since a language barrier may arise between the employee and the employer during the work process.

Seasonal work

Switzerland is a country that experiences a shortage of highly qualified workers. It is very difficult to get a permanent job without education and specialization. But foreign residents without work experience, qualifications or education can go to work for seasonal work in Switzerland. Seasonal work is provided to hired workers under special programs.

Foreign workers can work as farm assistants. Hired workers are provided with housing and food. According to the terms of the program, the minimum period of travel for seasonal work is 4 months, and the maximum is 18 months. Average salary from 900 to 2,000 euros, depending on the work performed and schedule.

Contract workers work on pig and poultry farms, care for cattle, and work in greenhouses and fields.

Is it possible to find a job in Switzerland, watch the video seasonal work program is paid. If a person intends to go for 4 months, then he will have to pay the company 500 euros, if he intends to find a job for a year, then the contribution amount is 1,200 euros. It is worth noting that the company’s down payment is paid off in the first month. It is almost impossible to get a job on a farm on your own.

Only young people aged 18 to 30 are recruited for seasonal work. Proficiency in English or German is a requirement.

How to submit your application 

Typically, each vacancy specifies the requirements, required documents, and contact information. Most often, employers require foreigners to:

  • Resume and motivation letter .
  • Certificate and diploma (with certified translation).
  • A copy of the passport page.

When a company is ready to sign a contract with a foreigner, employees send documents to issue an official invitation and work permit. After which, the papers are sent to the foreigner: he, in turn, must submit them to the embassy to obtain a visa.

Motivation letter and resume

A resume is an integral part when applying for an open position. Based on the resume, the employer understands whether the person is suitable for the position and whether it is worth inviting him for an interview. Writing a resume that will immediately attract attention is sometimes very difficult. 

First of all, it is worth understanding that the design of a resume in most cases should be consistent; only in creative professions creativity is encouraged. The text should be easy to read, with correctly placed accents. If you want to attach your photo, then you should do it professionally – no holiday or vacation photos!

As for contact information, you should use serious email addresses: will look very unprofessional.

Structure of an ideal resume

In the resume itself, you should indicate only the necessary and truthful information: a short but complete CV will tell more about a person than 3 sheets with a detailed description of experience and knowledge.

When it comes to writing a motivation letter, many people panic and simply don’t know what to write. It is worth dividing the work into parts:

  • Introduction and a short story about yourself.
  • Descriptions of work experience/projects/publications, etc.
  • An explanation of the motivation to work in a particular company and a conclusion.

Usually in the introduction you should write briefly about yourself, your profession and current activities. It is worth indicating what position you are applying for and briefly writing why the position is suitable.  

We must not forget about who the letter is addressed to. If the contact information contains the first and last name of the coordinator, then the letter should address him/her specifically.

In the second paragraph you should write about your abilities, education and work experience. We must not forget to focus on the skills that are required to be hired for the position. 

To explain your motivation to work, you should study the website of the company with the vacancy you like and answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What do I know about this industry, the company and the job itself? 
  • Why do I want to work there?
  • What can I do useful by working in this company?

In conclusion, it is worth writing about how you are looking forward to the answer, saying thank you for reviewing the application and indicating your first and last name.  

Motivation letter and resume.


Table: wages by profession

SpecialityAverage monthly salary in Swiss francs
Auto Mechanic5 800
Architect6 200
Banker9 600
Accountant8 100
Driver4 500
Housemaid4 200
Loader5 400
Dentist9 800
Mason5 800
Roofer5 300
Driver6 600
Nurse5 750
Nurse5 700
Senior Manager16,500
Nanny5 900
Nanny5 500
Hairdresser4 300
Cook4 200
Firefighter6 400
Police officer6 850
Police officer6 100
Programmer11 560
Salesman4 300
Handyman at a construction site5 600
Gardener4 400
Plumber6 600
Welder6 800
Social worker5 900
Carpenter5 100
Builder5 700
Stewardess4 200
Taxi driver5 800
Therapist9 400
Teacher7 300
Financier12 100
Financial Director15 800
Surgeon10 500
Guide5 800
Electrician5 500
Electrician5 400

Illegal employment

Illegal employment is not particularly common in Switzerland. Employers do not hire foreign workers without a work permit due to high fines. If an employer hires a foreigner without work documents, he faces a fine. The most severe penalties apply to employers in the construction and agricultural industries.

If government agencies identify an illegal worker, the employer will be prohibited from participating in the state tender and subsidies will be significantly reduced. The penalty for hiring an illegal immigrant may also be a fine of up to 1 million euros. In some cases, illegal employment threatens the employer with criminal liability, namely imprisonment for up to 5 years.

An illegal employee will also face a fine. In rare cases, a foreign worker may be imprisoned for up to 1 year.

Work Visa

Switzerland is not part of the European Union. Together with Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway they form EFTA or EFTA – the European Free Trade Association. The association was created to create free trade between the EU and EFTA countries. However, Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Union , so all foreigners who have a Schengen visa can come as tourists to this country.

Generally, all foreigners planning to work in Switzerland must obtain a work permit and visa, or a residence permit with a work permit. There are two cases in which paperwork is required:

  • Redirection to the Swiss office of the company where the foreigner works.
  • Receiving an invitation from a Swiss employer.

It is advised to start preparing all documents 2-3 months before the planned departure date.

All foreigners – citizens of countries that are not members of the Schengen Union, are required to obtain a visa or residence permit in Switzerland:

  • National visa (type D visa). For employment from 3 to 6 months.
  • Residence permit – for contracts of 6 months or more. 

The list of documents for both a national visa and a residence permit is the same, the only difference is in the terms of the employment contract, apartment rental contract and insurance:

  1. International passport. Original and copy.
  2. General passport, also in original and copy.
  3. A completed application form for a visa or residence permit.
  4. Invitation from a Swiss employer.
  5. Certificate of good conduct.
  6. Confirmation of availability of funds for the first time.
  7. Apartment rental agreement.
  8. Medical insurance – coverage amount is 30,000 euros.

It is always worth writing or calling the embassy and asking about additional documents: employees have the right to ask for papers, even if they are not listed in the official lists. Documents are submitted to the Swiss embassy in your home country.

Jobs and available vacancies in Switzerland