Previously, Armenia was considered a not very prosperous country. And that was it. After all, after the collapse of the USSR, this republic was able to survive the economic crisis, a series of earthquakes that destroyed almost the entire infrastructure of the country and political instability.

Today the republic is actively developing, and the minimum wage in Armenia is increasing every year . The same applies to pensions and all other government payments and benefits. Armenia has taken a very stable position in the mining industry.

This had a beneficial effect on the economic situation of the country. Despite the fact that there is still unemployment in the Armenian Republic, its level is becoming lower every year.

Both residents of this country and foreigners can find work in Armenia. Unfortunately, Armenia cannot yet offer too high salaries to foreign representatives. It must be taken into account that this country has just begun its development after many years of stagnation.

How to find a job

For those wishing to find a job in Armenia, I would like to immediately note that finding work in Armenia is difficult.

This needs to be done in your home country. After all, without an invitation and an employment contract, you will not be able to obtain a work visa.

You can try to find a job in Armenia with the help of the State Employment Service. You can find their website on the Internet. This organization is a prototype of a labor exchange. On the site you can view all open vacancies and, if necessary, find contacts of potential employers.

Recruiting agencies can also help you find a job. But it is worth remembering that their services are not free. Agency employees will help you choose the required position based on education and work experience.

Initially, you should prepare for the fact that all the main vacancies are collected in Yerevan. This is one of the largest cities in Armenia. Working in Yerevan can offer higher income due to competition.

This city is home to a large number of dental clinics, beauty salons, shops, supermarkets, factories and factories. The chances of finding a job in Yerevan in 2023 are much greater than in any other city in Armenia.

Representatives of any profession can find work in Yerevan. But the greatest demand here is for employees of the hotel and restaurant business. Yerevan is the capital of Armenia and hundreds of tourists visit this city every year.

Work Visa

Armenia very warmly welcomes foreign citizens who want to find a job. This republic is experiencing a shortage of highly qualified labor. But in order for a foreigner to have the opportunity to work in Armenia, he must initially go there.

To move to Armenia for the purpose of employment, you must take care of obtaining a work visa. To do this, the migrant must contact the consular office with an application for a work visa. It should be noted that obtaining a work visa to Armenia is extremely difficult.

But if the migrant provides an employment contract with an Armenian employer, this will significantly speed up and simplify the process.

From this we can conclude that it is advisable to look for work in Armenia even before applying for a visa. A work visa to the Republic of Armenia does not have a specific validity period.

Everything directly depends on the term of the employment contract concluded between the employee and the employer. The agreement is signed immediately after the migrant arrives in Armenia. But the foreigner at the embassy must provide a copy of the contract, which confirms that the migrant already has a job in Armenia.

To obtain permission to enter Armenia, a foreigner must bring to the consular office a package of documentation consisting of:

  1. Passport.
  2. Application forms for obtaining permission to leave.
  3. There are four photographs.
  4. Work permits.
  5. A document confirming the employer’s offer of employment.
  6. Invitations from the employer.

Work permit

Unfortunately, a foreigner has no right to work on the territory of the Armenian Republic without a work permit.

A work permit is the main one of a whole list of documents for which a work visa is issued to a foreign representative.

The employer is responsible for obtaining a work permit. Even before the arrival of the employee, the employer must obtain a work permit in Armenia. The permit, along with a copy of the employment contract and invitation, is sent to the employee to be presented at the diplomatic mission for the purpose of issuing a work visa.

Conclusion of an employment contract

The conclusion of an employment contract is mandatory. But there are situations when the formalization of labor relations in this form occurs at the request of the employee. This means employment:

  1. At seasonal work.
  2. At a temporary job.
  3. At a part-time job.
  4. At home work with or without accommodation.

Professions in demand

Despite the fact that there is unemployment in Armenia, this republic is experiencing a shortage of highly qualified employees. The unemployment situation is slowly disappearing. Thanks to the rapid development of the economy, the situation on the labor market is slowly beginning to stabilize.

Armenia experiences a shortage of such specialties in 2023:

  1. Doctors from various fields.
  2. Teachers of universities and schools.
  3. Programmers.
  4. Banking specialists.
  5. Loan inspectors.
  6. Engineers.

Highly in demand are cooks, waiters, electricians, mining specialists, tailors, computer typists and cashiers.

Men can get jobs in the army. Contract military service is highly welcomed in Armenia and is considered very respectable. But it is worth remembering that not all foreign representatives can take up military service under a contract. A foreigner should not have problems with the law. He must also be an adult.

Average salaries

In 2022, contract military service was very popular but poorly paid. An ordinary ordinary soldier in Armenia will receive no more than $250. If a person has a title, then he can already count on higher earnings.

For example, a lieutenant might earn about $600, while a general might expect a salary of $1,200.

Warrant officers in a military unit receive no more than $290, and officers within $400. The average salary in Armenia in 2015 was 141,000 drams. It’s $290.

The minimum wage in Armenia is 55,000 drams. When converted, this amount equals $115. Insurance and finance specialists can earn over 360,000 drams in Armenia. This is the highest paid field of work.

Information technology employees can count on a salary of 350,000 drams. And workers in the mining industry receive from 340,000 drams ($700).

Employees of housing and communal services receive no more than 117,000 drams. Although teachers are in demand in Armenia, their salaries are not very high – only 116,000 drams.

Cooks, waiters, maids, reception representatives and bartenders receive no more than 118,000 drams. This is approximately $250 per month. Agricultural workers also do not have very high salaries. On average, they receive no more than 120,000 drams.

Work without knowledge of the language

Finding a job in Armenia in 2023 without knowing the language will be difficult, but possible if desired. You should not count on high wages, because the number of such vacancies is very limited. You will still have to learn the language, but for the first time, women can get jobs as dishwashers or au pairs.

Men will be gladly accepted as auxiliary workers on construction sites and factories. Without knowing the language, you can get a job in the agricultural sector. You can also try to get a job as a laborer at mining enterprises. It is difficult to earn a lot without knowing the Armenian language. For such work they pay no more than 60,000 drams per month.

Labor Code

When applying for a job, you must read the employment contract. According to the Labor Code, a foreigner should not work more than eight hours a day. But unfortunately this is not always the case.

An employer has the right to “exploit” an employee for 12 hours a day, but no more. This is also stated in the Code. In total, a person should not work more than 48 hours outside of school hours.
Every employee is entitled to vacation.

What to pay attention to

When applying for a job, you need to pay attention to the employment contract. This document includes all the basic concepts regarding the position, salary, number of working hours per week, etc.

If a migrant has a good job in Armenia, then it is best for him to think about obtaining a residence permit in this republic. After all, a residence permit provides its owners with the same rights as citizens of Armenia .

On average, an Armenian cannot work more than 40 hours a week. A residence permit can serve as an insurance element. If a migrant loses his job, he can easily find another job without first obtaining a work permit.

Jobs and vacancies in Armenia