Sure, here is some information on living costs in Kazakhstan for expats:

Wages and salary in Kazakhstan

The average monthly salary in Kazakhstan is around 200,000 KZT (around 470 USD), but this varies greatly depending on the industry and location.

Housing costs in Kazakhstan:

Housing costs in Kazakhstan vary depending on the location and type of accommodation. In cities like Almaty and Astana, renting a one-bedroom apartment in the city center can cost around 100,000-150,000 KZT (around 235-350 USD) per month. Outside of the city center, prices are generally lower.

Cost of domestic bills in Kazakhstan

The cost of domestic bills such as electricity, gas, and water in Kazakhstan is generally low. The average cost of utilities for a small apartment is around 15,000 KZT (around 35 USD) per month.

Healthcare costs in Kazakhstan

Public healthcare in Kazakhstan is available for free, but the quality can vary. Private healthcare is also available and can be more expensive. Expats are required to have health insurance.

Childcare costs in Kazakhstan

Childcare costs in Kazakhstan vary depending on the type of childcare and location. Daycare centers are available in cities and can cost around 50,000-60,000 KZT (around 120-140 USD) per month.

Study costs in Kazakhstan

Public education in Kazakhstan is free for citizens and permanent residents, but expats may need to pay tuition fees for international schools and universities.

The cost of food and drink in Kazakhstan

The cost of food and drink in Kazakhstan is generally low. Eating out at a mid-range restaurant can cost around 3,000 KZT (around 7 USD) per person, while buying groceries for a week can cost around 15,000-20,000 KZT (around 35-47 USD) per person.

Transport costs in Kazakhstan

Public transportation is available in cities and is generally cheap. Taxis are also available and can be more expensive.

Leisure activities in Kazakhstan

Leisure activities in Kazakhstan vary depending on the location. Cities like Almaty and Astana have a range of cultural and leisure activities, including museums, theaters, and parks. Outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing are also popular.

Taxation and social security in Kazakhstan

The income tax rate in Kazakhstan is 10% for residents and non-residents. Employers are required to contribute to social security for their employees.

Assistance with living costs in Kazakhstan

There are various organizations and programs in Kazakhstan that provide assistance with living costs for expats. These include relocation services, expat groups, and government programs for foreign investors.