If you’re adopting, buying or taking pets in Spain, here’s everything you need to know about pet regulations, services, insurance and healthcare. Transporting dogs to Spain? Transporting cats to Spain?

Like many other countries, Spain is a nation of pet lovers, which is reflected in the cultural norms and rules. Many families, including international households, keep cats, dogs, fish, birds, or other pets as companions. However, there are many things to consider when becoming a pet owner or when moving across the country with your pet.

The culture of pets in Spain

Pets are popular in Spain, although there are different rules and regulations regarding pet ownership. These rules often differ in different autonomous communities.

According to the Spanish Network for the Identification of Pets (  Red Española de Indetificación de animales de compañia, REIAC  ), there are about  13 million pets registered in Spain. Figures from 2019  show that 26% of households have dogs and 11% have cats. However, the total number of pets in Spain, including small unregistered creatures, is close to 20 million, according to the national census carried out by the veterinary association AMVAC (Asociación Madrileña de Veterinarios de Animales de Compañia) in 2017 (   in  Spanish )  . ). This is an average of more than one pet per Spanish household.

According to the census, the most popular pets in Spain were:

  • Birds (5.3 million)
  • Dogs (5.2 m)
  • Fish (4m)
  • Cats (2.3 m)

There were also over two million other pets, including ferrets, rabbits, reptiles and hamsters.

There are rules in Spain that prohibit certain animals from being kept as pets, although they vary from community to community. For example,  the Invasive Alien Species Catalog  lists creatures including bullfrogs, Galapagos tortoises, Argentine parrots, raccoons, and some species of hedgehogs and porcupines. Owning any of them as a pet can result in a fine of up to €2 million.

Historically, Spain has lagged behind many other European countries in terms of animal welfare. It received a C in  the 2020 Global Animal Protection Index  , including a D for protection of domestic animals. However, the government recently created  the Directorate General for Animal Protection  and set about improving standards.

Spain currently ranks 8th in  the 2022 Dog-Friendly Country Index  .

Pet laws in Spain

Many of Spain’s pet laws differ between independent states, so check locally to avoid a fine or worse. In addition, new national animal welfare laws came into force in 2022. Pets are now considered sentient beings and cannot be seized, abandoned, mistreated or taken from their owner without good reason. The new laws also cover shared ownership if couples separate or divorce.

Further changes are planned later this year, including:

  • Prohibition on housing animals without urgent need
  • Animals are not used in circuses
  • Pet shops are no longer allowed to sell pets
  • Increased penalties for abuse of animals
  • Introducing a new national pet identification scheme to help control pet ownership

Of course, you must have a suitable room for pets, as you cannot leave them on balconies or outdoors. Dogs must be kept on a lead in public areas, and most Spanish beaches are not allowed.

Spain’s Horizontal Property Law (  Ley de Propiedad Horizontal  ) protects residents of apartment buildings and communal buildings from noise and disturbance, including pets. You need to check your local pet laws if you live in this type of home.

Dangerous animals

In addition, pets in Spain, such as dogs and cats, must be registered, microchipped, vaccinated against rabies and have a health card. You must also have a special license for dog breeds that are considered dangerous and enter them in the register of dangerous animals (  Registro de Animales Potencialmente Peligrosos  ). In public places they need to wear a leash and a muzzle. This applies to dogs such as:

  • Pit bull terriers
  • Staffordshire bull terriers
  • Rottweiler
  • Fila Brazileiros
  • Akita-Inus

However, the proposed changes to the law provide for the termination of the designation of any breed of dog as a dangerous animal.

Getting pets in Spain

Buying pets

The purchase of new pets in Spain has become more strictly regulated. The new rules  will ban the sale of animals, other than fish, in Spanish pet stores. If you want to buy fish from a shop in Spain, you can search for shops on  Europages  or in directories such as  the Spanish Yellow Pages  (in Spanish).

However, you can still buy pets in Spain from licensed breeders or used animals from websites like  Milanuncios  . If you decide to get an animal from a breeder, make sure they have a valid license. Like many other countries, Spain has a problem with unlicensed animal breeding and illegal animal trade. Again, laws vary from region to region. For example, private individuals not registered as animal centers are prohibited from selling pets in  Catalonia  .

Obtaining a pet from a shelter or rescue center

With the tightening of pet trade regulations, many animal lovers are choosing the more responsible option of adopting a pet from an animal charity, shelter or rescue center. Some places provide animals for free to verified owners; others charge a fee. These centers include:

  • Huellitas Perdidas  :  A market for lost pets that offers adoption opportunities
  • PEPA  :  Animal rescue charity, mainly dealing with dogs and cats (three locations nationwide)
  • Pets in Spain  :  provides a national animal rescue and rehoming service
  • Adopt a Pet  :  A pet adoption search tool
  • Animal Rescue Spain  :  opportunities to adopt and raise pets

You can also find information about other animal centers in your local municipality.

If you want to purchase a pet from these centers, you must confirm your eligibility. As a general rule, you will need to provide a form of identification (such as a passport or residence permit) and details of the pet’s owner (if applicable). The center will usually talk to you and inspect your home to ensure a healthy and safe environment for the animals.

Raising a pet

Many animal welfare charities also offer fostering opportunities where you can look after an animal for a short period of time. This can be a great way to decide if you can adopt a pet. Again, the organization will likely want to interview you and inspect your home. If you adopt a pet in Spain, the adopting organization will usually cover expenses such as vet bills. Some organizations, such as  PEPA  , will also foot the bill for meals if needed.

Importing or importing pets into Spain

Pets Immigration Rules and Restrictions

You can bring up to five pets to Spain. Dogs, cats and ferrets  must be ISO microchipped and vaccinated against rabies at least 21 days prior to travel. Additionally, pets must be 15 weeks or older at the time of travel.

If you are from a European Union (EU)  or  European Free Trade Association (EFTA) country   , your pet must have  an EU passport  . Pets from outside the EU/EFTA must have a veterinary certificate (translated into Spanish) signed by an official veterinarian.

If your pet is entering from a country with a high risk of rabies, he should have  a blood titer test  one month after vaccination and three months before departure. This will allow us to assess his immune response to the virus.

Birds  need  an INTRA-2 veterinary certificate  (in Spanish) if arriving from the EU/EFTA.

All other pets  , including  reptiles  and  other creatures,  must have an INTRA veterinary certificate if they come from EU/EFTA countries.

More information about pets other than dogs, cats and ferrets can be found on the  website of the Ministry of Agriculture  .

If possible, you should travel with your pet to Spain. Otherwise, it should arrive within five days of your entry.

Pets from outside the EU/EFTA

Outside of this region, you will need an animal health certificate signed by a veterinarian confirming that:

  • Before the trip to Spain, the animal underwent a 30-day quarantine
  • Upon arrival in Spain, he will be quarantined for 30 days
  • He has been vaccinated against bird flu at least 60 days prior to travel
  • The bird was tested for bird flu and isolated for 14 days

Pets from outside the EU/EFTA must arrive at a designated  Passenger Entry Point (PEV)  and be declared at the Tax Department of the Civil Guard (  Cuerpo de la Guardia Civil ).

Traveling with pets

You can travel to Spain with pets by plane, train or car. If you are flying with pets, the airline will usually insist that you use a ventilated container, which should be carefully labelled. You will also need to provide enough food and water for the trip.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA)  sets rules for approved types of pet containers, and most of the world’s airlines follow these rules. Read   IATA requirements   before traveling abroad with your pet.

On shorter flights (less than ten hours), many airlines will allow passengers to bring their small cats or dogs into the cabin. As a general rule, the airline allows only one animal per passenger and a maximum of two animals per cabin. The pet container should fit under the seat in front of you, have a waterproof bottom and adequate ventilation.

The Sherpa, Bergan and SturdiBag pet carriers     are airline compliant as long as your pet is comfortably accommodated  .

There are different regional rules for traveling with pets on public transport in Spain, so you need to check before you get on the train or bus.

Pet relocation companies

To make things easier, you can use a pet moving company that will handle all the necessary paperwork and ensure the safe transportation of your pets. This is a good option if you can’t travel with your pets. Reputable companies providing services in Spain include:

Arrival of pets at the cottage

Fortunately, your pet will not have to be quarantined if you follow the rules and regulations. If a pet arrives without the necessary vaccinations, medical examinations and health certificates, border authorities can quarantine it and even return it to the port of departure. In extreme cases, they can put the animal to sleep.

If your birds have not been vaccinated or tested for bird flu, and have not been quarantined within 30 days prior to arrival, they must undergo a month’s quarantine in Spain.

Registration of pets in Spain

All dogs and cats must be microchipped and registered in Spain at a local veterinary clinic. Processes and costs vary between autonomous regions. Many charities and animal centers also offer microchipping services. Each state has its own registry, but at the national level they are coordinated by the Animal Identification Network of the Spanish Company (  Red Española de Identificación de Animales de Compañía – REIAC  ). Spain plans to introduce a national pet ID for dogs and cats to centralize the registration process for pets.

If your pet has a legible identification tattoo dated before July 3, 2011, they do not need a microchip.

If your pet is considered a dangerous animal in Spain, you must add it to the Register of Dangerous Animals (  Registro de Animales Potencialmente Peligroso  ). You can do this at your local town hall or online. By the end of 2022, all dog breeds are planned to be removed from this register.

Necessary documents

You can also choose to chip and register other pets in Spain. To complete registration, you will need:

  • Your ID, such as a valid passport
  • Spanish NIE number
  • Your Spanish address and contact number
  • Certificate of ownership of the animal, if any
  • Animal health certificate or medical record containing information on vaccinations, treatments and examinations

Costs depend on whether your pet needs a new microchip and local authority rates, but are usually between €15 and €50.

Passports of pets in Spain

Pet owners in the EU must have  pet passports  if traveling with dogs, cats or ferrets. Passports include:

  • Name and address of the owner of the animal
  • Description of the animal (breed, sex, age, color)
  • Identification number of the microchip
  • Information on vaccination against rabies (date, expiration date, type, manufacturer’s name and production number)
  • Address and signature of the veterinarian

You can get a pet passport from most licensed vets in Spain. The cost is usually between 50 and 100 euros. To issue a passport, you must provide:

  • Your valid ID, such as a passport
  • Spanish NIE number
  • Proof of address, such as a recent utility bill
  • Rabies vaccination information
  • Microchip number

Pets from non-EU/EEA countries

Obtaining EU pet passports in many non-EU/EFTA countries is possible if you want your pet to travel to Spain, although the cost may be more expensive. However, the country does not require passports for pets from other countries. However, you will need an official animal health certificate (translated into Spanish) signed by a licensed veterinarian.

Pet insurance in Spain

Pet insurance is not a general requirement in Spain. However, it is worth paying attention to protect yourself against medical expenses or damage caused by pets. You will also need liability insurance if you have a dog classified as a dangerous breed in Spain. This can be part of a comprehensive pet insurance policy or general liability insurance plan. In some autonomous regions, such as Madrid, all dog owners require pet liability insurance.

Another factor is health insurance, which covers unexpected vet bills in case of injury or illness. Many insurance companies offer packages with different levels of coverage, from the cost of emergency surgery to comprehensive policies for chronic, congenital and hereditary diseases.

Companies providing pet insurance in Spain include:

You can compare pet health insurance offers in Spain at  Seguros Veterinarios  .

Health care of domestic animals in Spain

Veterinary services

Spanish veterinarians must be licensed by the General Council of Veterinary Colleges of Spain (  Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España – CGCVE  ). You can search for veterinarians in your area in the Spanish Yellow Pages (  Paginas Amarillas  ) or on local government websites.

You can find veterinarians (  veterinarios  ) all over Spain, usually in animal centers, clinics and offices. They provide a variety of services, including:

  • Microchipping and processing of pet passports
  • Tips and information
  • Surgery
  • Emergency aid
  • Reviews and examinations
  • Spaying and neutering
  • Dentistry of animals


All dogs and cats in Spain must be vaccinated against rabies and revaccinated every year. No other pet vaccinations are mandatory at national level, although some autonomous communities in Spain may have additional requirements for dogs and cats. Recommended vaccinations include:

  • Vaccination of dogs against hepatitis, parainfluenza, plague and parvovirus
  • Vaccination of cats against gastroenteritis and typhus

Also, if you plan to take your dog to a kennel when you go on vacation, they may need a kennel cough (Bordetella Bronchiseptica) shot.

In addition, all dogs and cats in Spain must have either a microchip or a health card containing up-to-date information on their vaccinations.

Pet shops in Spain

Although you can no longer buy most animals in pet shops in Spain, there are still plenty of shops selling pet products such as food, equipment and toys. These include both street stores and online stores. Among the great names of Spain:

You can search for shops on  Europages  or directory services such as the Spanish Yellow Pages (  Paginas Amarillas  ).

Animal services in Spain

In Spain you can find different companies that provide additional services for pets. They include:

  • Care, care and care services
  • Pet sitting or dog walking services
  • Boarding services such as kennels or kennels if you want to go on vacation
  • Portraits of pets or photos

You can check local services and compare prices on the PetBacker website   .

Lost pets in Spain

Loss of a pet

If your pet is missing in Spain, there are several steps you can take to find it:

  • Try any local animal shelters, rescue centers or vets to see if the animal has been surrendered or reported
  • Contact national services such as  Huellitas Perdidas  or  PetAlert
  • Report the incident to the local police if someone handed the pet over to the local station or notified the local police
  • Inform locals and social media forums for expats
  • Put up the missing posters, including a contact number and a recent photo of your pet

It can be helpful to know the Spanish word for:

  • Lost dog –  perro perdido
  • Lost pet –  mascota perdida

There are precautions you can take to try to prevent your pet from getting lost in Spain. It:

  • Make sure your pet is microchipped. This will make it easier to find it if it goes missing.
  • Placing a tag on the animal’s collar with its name, address and contact number.

Search for a pet

If you find a lost or stray pet, contact local animal shelters, animal welfare organizations, or lost pet services. You should take it to your local vet if the animal looks sick or injured. Don’t try to keep it, as you could be fined, or worse, if the authorities find the animal and you can’t prove you were looking for the owner.

Costs of keeping pets in Spain

Spain is a popular destination because it offers a good quality of life and good weather. It is also more affordable than in many Northern European countries or the United States (US). However, you can still expect to pay a fair share of your income towards regular bills and living expenses. Also, things are more expensive in big cities like Madrid and Barcelona.

This also applies to pet costs, with costs being better compared to countries such as the United Kingdom (UK) and France, but more expensive in metropolitan areas. No matter what kind of pet you have in Spain, you will need to budget for:

  • Equipment (bedding, cages, toys, leashes)
  • food
  • Veterinary bills
  • Insurance (optional)
  • Additional care costs

In addition, you have initial one-time costs such as transportation, importation and registration, as well as obtaining a passport if you intend to travel with your pet.

Examples of cost

Roughly, you can pay an average cost of:

  • From 800 to 1200 euros per dog
  • From 500 to 700 euros per cat
  • 300 to 500 euros for other pets

I will sell a pet in Spain

If you have a pet in Spain and you can no longer care for it, you can take it to a local animal rescue center or shelter.

You can sell pets in Spain, however shops are currently not allowed to sell most animals so you will have to go privately. You can do this through personal ads, for example on social networks, local publications or websites such as  Milanuncios  .

Tips for selling a pet in Spain include:

  • Providing the seller with all necessary information about your pet’s registration, vaccinations and medical condition
  • Pre-meeting with potential buyers to ensure they can provide a safe and healthy home
  • Drafting a sales contract that includes key information and the rights and responsibilities of the buyer and seller to protect both parties

Useful resources

Keeping pets in Spain. Can I travel to Spain with pets?