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Wages and salary in Lithuania

The average monthly salary in Lithuania is around 1500-1700 EUR gross. However, salaries can vary greatly depending on the industry and level of experience.

Housing costs in Lithuania

The cost of housing in Lithuania is relatively low compared to other European countries. In Vilnius, the capital city, the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in the city center is around 500-700 EUR per month. Outside of the city center, the cost drops to around 350-500 EUR per month.

Cost of domestic bills in Lithuania

The cost of domestic bills in Lithuania varies depending on usage and location. The average cost of utilities (water, electricity, gas) for a small apartment is around 100-150 EUR per month.

Healthcare costs in Lithuania

The healthcare system in Lithuania is public and is funded by the government. Residents are required to pay a small fee to access healthcare services. Private healthcare is also available, and the cost varies depending on the service.

Childcare costs in Lithuania

The cost of childcare in Lithuania is relatively low compared to other European countries. The average cost of full-time daycare for a child under the age of 3 is around 300-400 EUR per month.

Study costs in Lithuania

Public universities in Lithuania offer free education to Lithuanian citizens and EU/EEA nationals. Non-EU/EEA nationals are required to pay tuition fees, which vary depending on the institution and program. The average cost of tuition for a bachelor’s degree program is around 1,500-3,000 EUR per year.

The cost of food and drink in Lithuania

The cost of food and drink in Lithuania is relatively low compared to other European countries. The average cost of a meal at a mid-range restaurant is around 10-15 EUR, and the cost of groceries for a week for one person is around 30-50 EUR.

Transport costs in Lithuania

The cost of public transportation in Lithuania is relatively low. A single ticket for public transportation in Vilnius costs around 1 EUR, and a monthly pass costs around 30 EUR.

Leisure activities in Lithuania

The cost of leisure activities in Lithuania varies depending on the activity. The average cost of a cinema ticket is around 5 EUR, and the cost of a fitness club membership is around 25-30 EUR per month.

Taxation and social security in Lithuania

The personal income tax rate in Lithuania is a flat rate of 15%. Social security contributions are also deducted from an employee’s salary, and the rate varies depending on the type of employment contract.

Assistance with living costs in Lithuania

Assistance with living costs in Lithuania is available for low-income families and individuals through various social welfare programs. The amount of assistance provided depends on the individual’s financial situation and other factors.