Rotterdam’s website states that “having a beer or a glass of wine on a sunny day in the street or in a park is not a problem in most places.” However, this does not mean that alcohol can be consumed in public places throughout Rotterdam.

In Rotterdam, as in The Hague or Amsterdam, there are certain parts of the city where drinking alcohol on the street and in public places, such as parks, sidewalks, squares or gates, is strictly prohibited. Drinking alcohol in these places can therefore result in a fine.

This ban also means that you cannot have an open bottle or can of alcohol or, for example, a glass or a tumbler of alcohol. A police officer or city guard can therefore impose a fine for drinking in a public place even before the person has consumed even a sip of alcohol. Opening a bottle or can in a prohibited place is enough.

From October to the end of March, there is a total ban on drinking alcohol in public places in the center of Rotterdam. From April to the end of September, drinking alcohol is permitted in Museumpark, Euromastpark and on the Boompjes/Leuvehoofd promenade.

In districts outside the city centre, alcohol consumption is prohibited on selected streets. A list of streets with alcohol bans in Rotterdam can be found on the city’s website (click on the link to see the list).

Living in the Netherlands: Can you drink alcohol in public places in Rotterdam?