In Finland, pensioners receive a decent pension, but not everyone has the same pension. The amount of the pension is influenced by the amount of labor income, length of work experience, and region of residence. The average pension in Finland is €1,656, and the minimum pension is €775.27. This includes pension for length of service, national pension, and additional payments.

Finnish pension

Suomi has two pension payment systems that complement each other. This:

  1. Labor pension, which is earned through hired labor or entrepreneurship.
  2. National pension and guaranteed pension. The social pension in Finland is paid to citizens who do not have a work pension or whose amount is very small.

The minimum pension in Finland in rubles is 67,169 rubles. It is noteworthy that for domestic pensioners a payment of this magnitude does not seem small at all. As for the average pension in Finland in rubles, its size is 143,475 rubles. By the way, Finnish pensioners pay a tax of 22% on their pensions.

If a pensioner does not have enough minimum pension, then in Finland they help him pay for housing. Such assistance is usually provided to single pensioners who rent housing. Officials assign additional payments based on the fact that after paying rent, an elderly person must have at least €500 left to live on.

The average salary in Finland is €3,553. There is no such thing as a minimum wage in Suomi, but there is a living wage – 1200 €.

The average pension in Finland is different for each region, but the pension is approximately 50 – 60% of wages.

Social pension insurance in Finland

In Finland, social pension insurance is compulsory. This type of insurance is provided for employees and self-employed citizens. The employer is responsible for the pension insurance of employees.

Finnish social security pensions are financed by both the employee and the employer for the benefit of the employee. The amount of contributions depends on the salary received by a particular employee.

Private sector workers and self-employed citizens are required to have pension insurance, but can choose a pension insurance institution, private or public.

Many people are interested in the question, what is the size of the pension for social immigrants in Finland? A Finnish pension can be received by a foreigner who has lived in Finnish territory for 3 years (for EU citizens) and 5 years for visitors from other countries. The retirement age in Suomi is 65 for both sexes and this rule applies to both Finns and immigrants. If a person has not accumulated enough work experience or has not worked at all, then he is entitled to national and guarantee pensions.

The social pension in Finland (national pension) is €629. The full national pension is awarded only when there is no labor pension at all. If the pensioner is married, he will be paid 557 € of the national pension.

If a pensioner also receives a pension in Russia, then in Finland he will be paid a pension minus the Russian share.

A guaranteed pension is provided to foreigners who have moved to Finland and have lived here for the period prescribed by law. The size of the guarantee pension in Finland is equal to the minimum old-age pension.

Finland has a social security agreement with several countries (Nordic countries, USA, Israel, etc.). When applying for a labor or national pension, you can simultaneously apply for a pension from these states if the person worked there. When applying for a pension in those countries with which Suomi does not have a social security agreement, the potential pensioner will have to fill out documents and call the departments independently.

If a person worked in Finland, but then moved to another country, then he will be able to receive a Finnish labor pension at his new place of residence. Kela employees, just in case, advise having certificates from all Finnish employers and keeping pay slips.

Minimum, average, social pensions in Finland