How to obtain permanent residence in Austria. Who can emigrate from Russia and on what grounds. Documents and conditions for obtaining Austrian resident status.

A permanent residence card in Austria is an EU-style document that can be issued after 5 years of legal residence in the state. A permanent residence permit gives the right to stay in the European Union indefinitely and work without the need to obtain additional permits. Every 5 years the permanent residence card must be renewed. Moving to Austria is possible for employment, through family reunification, running a business, self-employment or studying at a local educational institution.

The holder of a permanent resident card can use social insurance and public health care on the same basis as Austrians. Those who have obtained permanent residence have the right to open accounts in local banks, engage in entrepreneurial activities, study at Austrian universities and apply for scholarships. The procedure for moving and legalizing residence in the Republic of Austria is regulated by the Federal Law “On Settlement and Residence”.

What does permanent residence status give in Austria?

  • Stay in the state.
    A foreigner can stay in Austria for an unlimited time, and can also move to other EU countries on simplified terms.
  • Trips.
    Holders of permanent residence can temporarily enter any of the EU and Schengen countries without the need to obtain a visa.
  • Getting an education.
    Children and adult foreigners, after moving to Austria for permanent residence, can enroll in local educational institutions, colleges, universities and participate in scholarship competitions.
  • Employment.
    Foreigners with permanent residence are given unlimited access to the state labor market.
  • Access to banking services.
    Permanent residents can open bank accounts, take out loans or take out a mortgage to purchase real estate at rates applicable to European citizens (2–2.2%).
  • Business.
    Foreigners with permanent residence can engage in business activities, sell their goods and services in the territory of the EEA countries without paying customs duties.
  • Social help.
    Permanent residence card holders can receive assistance from the state in the form of unemployment payments or child benefits.
  • Access to medicine.
    Foreigners can go to government clinics and receive emergency care in hospitals free of charge.
  • The prospect of naturalization.
    Having lived in the state for at least 5 years with a permanent residence card and fulfilled other legal requirements, you can apply for citizenship.

Ways to immigrate to Austria

You can move to Austria if you have one of the following reasons for staying on the territory of the state for a long period of time:

  • Employment in a local company.
    By concluding a work contract with an Austrian company, a foreigner can obtain the right to move to the state and stay there for up to 2 years. A residence permit on this basis can also be issued to employees of foreign companies who have been transferred to a local branch.
  • Self-employment.
    Freelancers and other foreigners who receive income from independent work remotely throughout the year can apply for a residence permit in the state. The card is usually issued for a year, depending on the validity of the current service contract.
  • Education.
    Applicants admitted to a local college or university can obtain a residence permit for one academic year with the right to renew the card when transferring to the next course. Studying should not be aimed solely at language learning, but should include 40 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits or more. To renew the card every year, the student must provide a statement from the university about the successful completion of the year. Foreigners with this type of residence permit can work legally up to 20 hours a week, provided that this does not affect their studies. Upon graduation, you can apply for a card for 12 months in order to find work in the state.
  • Family reunification.
    Foreigners who are in the state for permanent residence, residence permits for researchers, students or internally transferred employees have the right to transport their spouse and minor children to the state. Most regular residence permits do not allow immigration paperwork for family members.
  • Startup.
    Entrepreneurs who offer innovative goods or services can obtain the right to reside in the state for a period of 2 years. The capital of the company must be from 30 thousand EUR, and the owner must take an active part in the business. You also need to have a specialized education, know German, English and/or French. The more experience the applicant has in the company’s field of activity, the greater the chances of receiving approval for the first visa and residence permit.
  • Financial independence.
    A residence permit without the right to work can be granted to foreigners if there is a place available according to the quota allocated by the state and the requirements are met. The passive income of a financially independent person in 2023 must not be lower than 2220.52 EUR for one adult applicant, 3503.12 for a married couple and 342.62 for each child. Candidates may be foreigners receiving royalties, dividends, pensions or other stable passive payments.

Requirements for an applicant for permanent residence and conditions for relocation

Granting the status of a permanent resident of Austria occurs subject to the following conditions being met by the foreign applicant:

  • has been in the state for the last 5 years and has not left for more than 6 months in a row or 10 months in total;
  • does not have a ban on entry into Austria or another EU state;
  • his stay does not contradict the interests of public safety and does not create a burden on the social insurance system;
  • has its own or rented housing in the state, commensurate with the composition of the family;
  • confirms German language proficiency at level B1 or higher;
  • has a medical policy that covers emergency care and social security benefits in Austria;
  • provided with a means of subsistence in the amount of the current rates of compensation payments for single persons – 1110.26 EUR or married couples – 1751.56 per month and 171.31 for each child.

How to move to Austria for permanent residence

The procedure for obtaining status and moving to permanent residence in Austria includes several stages:

  1. Formation of a dossier.
    The applicant needs to collect documents confirming the grounds for immigration. For example, drawing up an employment contract along with obtaining a certificate of permission to hire a foreign employee takes several months. All documents must be translated into German and certified with the seal of a certified translator.
  2. Submitting documents for a visa.
    The application should be submitted to the Austrian diplomatic mission at your place of residence. The responsible officer will check the correctness of the data provided and the completeness of the dossier, and then forward it to the responsible settlement authority in Austria. The interested person will be notified in writing of a positive decision and invited to a personal meeting at the embassy to obtain a long-term visa for 90 days. The consular fee for an entry permit is 150 EUR. The review period is up to 6 months.
  3. Obtaining a residence permit.
    After moving to the state, you should contact the magistrate or district administration at your place of residence to obtain a residence permit card. The foreigner will be asked to submit fingerprints and take a photo to obtain a biometric residence permit. The applicant can stay in the country until the expiration of the current long-term visa. If the residence permit is not ready by that time, the immigrant must return to his home state and await a decision there. The review period usually does not exceed 8 weeks. The state fee is 120 EUR for an adult, 75 EUR for a child under 6 years old.
  4. Registration of permanent resident status.
    After 5 years of legal residence in Austria, a foreign person can apply for permanent residence at the magistrate or district administration. If you meet the requirements, you must submit a request 3 months before the expiration of the current residence permit.

Collection and submission of documents

To request permanent status in Austria, a foreigner must submit the following general package of documents to the nearest office:

  • a valid travel document (foreign passport);
  • passport size photo 45 x 35 mm;
  • deed of title to real estate or contract for rental housing in the state;
  • an insurance policy that covers all medical risks;
  • an employment contract, salary slip or bank statement as proof of sufficient funds to support oneself in Austria;
  • a certificate of proficiency in German at level B1 or higher, a certificate of completion of a local school, an integration course or successful vocational training.

All documents must be translated into German and certified by a sworn translator. Certificates issued by government authorities of another country must be apostilled. Additionally, the applicant may be asked for other data depending on individual conditions. The review usually takes several months and depends on the workload of government agencies. It takes 1–2 months to collect documents.

Validity and extension periods of Austrian permanent residence

Permanent residence is granted for an indefinite period with the need to change the card every 5 years in order to update the data. Permanent resident status can be lost if you travel outside the EEA for more than 12 consecutive months or if you do not settle in Austria within the first 6 years after the card is issued. Permanent residence can be canceled in case of gross violation of state legislation, as well as the country’s migration rules.

If the card expires, you must contact the magistrate at your place of residence to prepare a new document. After 5 years of residence in the country on the basis of permanent resident status, you can apply for Austrian citizenship at the office of the federal state government.

Features of moving for permanent residence in Austria

To move to Austria, you need to consider all the pros and cons of immigration, read reviews of those who moved from Russia or other countries for permanent residence in this state, and also study the features of the labor market, social security and other aspects of life in the country.

Moving without knowing the language

To obtain the first residence permit in the state, knowledge of the German language is not required. However, at the stage of obtaining permanent residence, the applicant will need a certificate that confirms level B1. Knowledge of German is also required when applying for citizenship. In practice, most immigrated citizens manage to improve their language skills to the required level within 5 years of moving to permanent residence. The state offers special integration courses for foreigners, which include the German language, the basics of history, geography and culture of Austria.

Most local residents speak fluent English or French, which helps them adapt when moving. Applicants for a residence permit for startups can receive additional advantages when considering their request if they speak one or more foreign languages. In addition, in large cities of Austria there is a large Russian-speaking community, where people from post-Soviet countries communicate and help each other.

Social Security

The social insurance system in Austria provides dozens of types of benefits for pregnancy, unemployment, disability, child assistance and large families. Pregnant women have the right to maternity leave 8 weeks before giving birth and a similar period after. The monthly payment amount is usually calculated as the average salary for the last three months, including bonuses and Christmas bonus.

The monthly benefit for a child up to adulthood is approximately 120–175 EUR, depending on age. In addition, various allowances are provided for large families. Pension contributions are 1.78% of income for the calendar year. To receive benefits, Austrian residents must be 65 years old for men and 60 years old for women. To obtain it, you must work full-time for 15 years. The system for calculating pension payments in Austria is very flexible and depends on many factors, including the type of activity, the presence of minor children, and the age of retirement.

Labor market and wages

Foreigners must obtain a work permit to move and work in Austria. The certificate is issued at the request of the employer for a specific employee for a specific type of activity. Family members of Austrians and EU citizens receive a residence permit with access to the local labor market and can apply for any position in the state. Permanent residence status also exempts the owner from the need to obtain a work certificate.

The minimum wage is set at 1500 EUR for low-skilled labor. Typically, the annual income is divided into 14 payments: 12 monthly amounts, a Christmas bonus and holiday pay. The level of salaries is regulated by collective agreements between specialists in the same fields and a lower threshold of acceptable salary per month is established for a specific position. Also, salaries depend on the region of the country: in the capital and large cities the rates are higher than in small villages.

Kindergarten and school

The Austrian education system includes nurseries, kindergartens, schools and higher education institutions. Children are required to attend school from the age of 6. Before this period, many Austrians use the services of nannies or enroll their child in one of the nearest public or private kindergartens. The conditions for admission to educational institutions are the same for foreigners and citizens of Austria, regardless of nationality and religion.

All children who live in the state are required to complete 9 years of primary and secondary school. After this, vocational training courses or senior classes are provided with in-depth study of one of the offered subjects. Foreigners legally staying in the state can enter local universities by participating in a scholarship competition on an equal basis with Austrians.

Relocation of pensioners

It is better for elderly foreigners to move to the state using a residence permit for financially independent persons if they have the minimum required passive income. At the same time, they will be prohibited from working in Austria for the period of validity of the residence permit. After 5 years, pensioners can receive permanent residence on a general basis with the right to work.

Elderly parents of residents can move to the state for family reunification only if they are unable to care for themselves and need child care. The fact of incapacity must be confirmed by documents, as well as the availability of funds from the sponsor to support the father or mother in Austria.


Moving to Austria for permanent residence

Available immigration programs to Austria for Russians and other foreigners. How to obtain permanent residence in Austria. Who can emigrate from Russia and on what grounds. Documents and conditions for obtaining Austrian resident status.Material updated: 09/20/2023

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1

(total: 25 votes, average: 4.8 out of 5)

Author of the material:Yaroslav Milonovlawyer, migration program specialist, author of articles and YouTube channel International Business

  1. Advantages
  2. Immigration
  3. Requirements
  4. Stages
  5. Documentation
  6. Deadlines
  7. Peculiarities
  8. Social Security
  9. Labor market
  10. Price
  11. Why Austria
  12. Reviews
  13. Legal relocation

A permanent residence card in Austria is an EU-style document that can be issued after 5 years of legal residence in the state. A permanent residence permit gives the right to stay in the European Union indefinitely and work without the need to obtain additional permits. Every 5 years the permanent residence card must be renewed. Moving to Austria is possible for employment, through family reunification, running a business, self-employment or studying at a local educational institution.

The holder of a permanent resident card can use social insurance and public health care on the same basis as Austrians. Those who have obtained permanent residence have the right to open accounts in local banks, engage in entrepreneurial activities, study at Austrian universities and apply for scholarships. The procedure for moving and legalizing residence in the Republic of Austria is regulated by the Federal Law “On Settlement and Residence”.

What does permanent residence status give in Austria?

  • Stay in the state.
    A foreigner can stay in Austria for an unlimited time, and can also move to other EU countries on simplified terms.
  • Trips.
    Holders of permanent residence can temporarily enter any of the EU and Schengen countries without the need to obtain a visa.
  • Getting an education.
    Children and adult foreigners, after moving to Austria for permanent residence, can enroll in local educational institutions, colleges, universities and participate in scholarship competitions.
  • Employment.
    Foreigners with permanent residence are given unlimited access to the state labor market.
  • Access to banking services.
    Permanent residents can open bank accounts, take out loans or take out a mortgage to purchase real estate at rates applicable to European citizens (2–2.2%).
  • Business.
    Foreigners with permanent residence can engage in business activities, sell their goods and services in the territory of the EEA countries without paying customs duties.
  • Social help.
    Permanent residence card holders can receive assistance from the state in the form of unemployment payments or child benefits.
  • Access to medicine.
    Foreigners can go to government clinics and receive emergency care in hospitals free of charge.
  • The prospect of naturalization.
    Having lived in the state for at least 5 years with a permanent residence card and fulfilled other legal requirements, you can apply for citizenship.

Emigration from Russia to Austria involves tax residency, which obliges Russian citizens to pay taxes on income in accordance with the local code. Permanent residence card holders must honor the Constitution of the state and respect the legislation of the country.

Immigration to Austria for permanent residence is simplified for those who have a passport from any EU country. You can receive a document within 12 months and without knowing the language in Romania or Bulgaria, which have repatriation programs. For detailed information, please contact migration specialists.

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Ways to immigrate to Austria

You can move to Austria if you have one of the following reasons for staying on the territory of the state for a long period of time:

  • Employment in a local company.
    By concluding a work contract with an Austrian company, a foreigner can obtain the right to move to the state and stay there for up to 2 years. A residence permit on this basis can also be issued to employees of foreign companies who have been transferred to a local branch.
  • Self-employment.
    Freelancers and other foreigners who receive income from independent work remotely throughout the year can apply for a residence permit in the state. The card is usually issued for a year, depending on the validity of the current service contract.
  • Education.
    Applicants admitted to a local college or university can obtain a residence permit for one academic year with the right to renew the card when transferring to the next course. Studying should not be aimed solely at language learning, but should include 40 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits or more. To renew the card every year, the student must provide a statement from the university about the successful completion of the year. Foreigners with this type of residence permit can work legally up to 20 hours a week, provided that this does not affect their studies. Upon graduation, you can apply for a card for 12 months in order to find work in the state.
  • Family reunification.
    Foreigners who are in the state for permanent residence, residence permits for researchers, students or internally transferred employees have the right to transport their spouse and minor children to the state. Most regular residence permits do not allow immigration paperwork for family members.
  • Startup.
    Entrepreneurs who offer innovative goods or services can obtain the right to reside in the state for a period of 2 years. The capital of the company must be from 30 thousand EUR, and the owner must take an active part in the business. You also need to have a specialized education, know German, English and/or French. The more experience the applicant has in the company’s field of activity, the greater the chances of receiving approval for the first visa and residence permit.
  • Financial independence.
    A residence permit without the right to work can be granted to foreigners if there is a place available according to the quota allocated by the state and the requirements are met. The passive income of a financially independent person in 2023 must not be lower than 2220.52 EUR for one adult applicant, 3503.12 for a married couple and 342.62 for each child. Candidates may be foreigners receiving royalties, dividends, pensions or other stable passive payments.

Requirements for an applicant for permanent residence and conditions for relocation

Granting the status of a permanent resident of Austria occurs subject to the following conditions being met by the foreign applicant:

  • has been in the state for the last 5 years and has not left for more than 6 months in a row or 10 months in total;
  • does not have a ban on entry into Austria or another EU state;
  • his stay does not contradict the interests of public safety and does not create a burden on the social insurance system;
  • has its own or rented housing in the state, commensurate with the composition of the family;
  • confirms German language proficiency at level B1 or higher;
  • has a medical policy that covers emergency care and social security benefits in Austria;
  • provided with a means of subsistence in the amount of the current rates of compensation payments for single persons – 1110.26 EUR or married couples – 1751.56 per month and 171.31 for each child.

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How to move to Austria for permanent residence

The procedure for obtaining status and moving to permanent residence in Austria includes several stages:

  1. Formation of a dossier.
    The applicant needs to collect documents confirming the grounds for immigration. For example, drawing up an employment contract along with obtaining a certificate of permission to hire a foreign employee takes several months. All documents must be translated into German and certified with the seal of a certified translator.
  2. Submitting documents for a visa.
    The application should be submitted to the Austrian diplomatic mission at your place of residence. The responsible officer will check the correctness of the data provided and the completeness of the dossier, and then forward it to the responsible settlement authority in Austria. The interested person will be notified in writing of a positive decision and invited to a personal meeting at the embassy to obtain a long-term visa for 90 days. The consular fee for an entry permit is 150 EUR. The review period is up to 6 months.
  3. Obtaining a residence permit.
    After moving to the state, you should contact the magistrate or district administration at your place of residence to obtain a residence permit card. The foreigner will be asked to submit fingerprints and take a photo to obtain a biometric residence permit. The applicant can stay in the country until the expiration of the current long-term visa. If the residence permit is not ready by that time, the immigrant must return to his home state and await a decision there. The review period usually does not exceed 8 weeks. The state fee is 120 EUR for an adult, 75 EUR for a child under 6 years old.
  4. Registration of permanent resident status.
    After 5 years of legal residence in Austria, a foreign person can apply for permanent residence at the magistrate or district administration. If you meet the requirements, you must submit a request 3 months before the expiration of the current residence permit.

Collection and submission of documents

To request permanent status in Austria, a foreigner must submit the following general package of documents to the nearest office:

  • a valid travel document (foreign passport);
  • passport size photo 45 x 35 mm;
  • deed of title to real estate or contract for rental housing in the state;
  • an insurance policy that covers all medical risks;
  • an employment contract, salary slip or bank statement as proof of sufficient funds to support oneself in Austria;
  • a certificate of proficiency in German at level B1 or higher, a certificate of completion of a local school, an integration course or successful vocational training.

All documents must be translated into German and certified by a sworn translator. Certificates issued by government authorities of another country must be apostilled. Additionally, the applicant may be asked for other data depending on individual conditions. The review usually takes several months and depends on the workload of government agencies. It takes 1–2 months to collect documents.
How to obtain permanent residence in Austria

Validity and extension periods of Austrian permanent residence

Permanent residence is granted for an indefinite period with the need to change the card every 5 years in order to update the data. Permanent resident status can be lost if you travel outside the EEA for more than 12 consecutive months or if you do not settle in Austria within the first 6 years after the card is issued. Permanent residence can be canceled in case of gross violation of state legislation, as well as the country’s migration rules.

If the card expires, you must contact the magistrate at your place of residence to prepare a new document. After 5 years of residence in the country on the basis of permanent resident status, you can apply for Austrian citizenship at the office of the federal state government.

To obtain equal rights with Austrian citizens without first residing in the country, you can request a free document analysis from lawyers to check the chances of a simplified registration of an EU passport. More detailed information can be provided by specialists during consultation.

Features of moving for permanent residence in Austria

To move to Austria, you need to consider all the pros and cons of immigration, read reviews of those who moved from Russia or other countries for permanent residence in this state, and also study the features of the labor market, social security and other aspects of life in the country.

Moving without knowing the language

To obtain the first residence permit in the state, knowledge of the German language is not required. However, at the stage of obtaining permanent residence, the applicant will need a certificate that confirms level B1. Knowledge of German is also required when applying for citizenship. In practice, most immigrated citizens manage to improve their language skills to the required level within 5 years of moving to permanent residence. The state offers special integration courses for foreigners, which include the German language, the basics of history, geography and culture of Austria.

Most local residents speak fluent English or French, which helps them adapt when moving. Applicants for a residence permit for startups can receive additional advantages when considering their request if they speak one or more foreign languages. In addition, in large cities of Austria there is a large Russian-speaking community, where people from post-Soviet countries communicate and help each other.

Social Security

The social insurance system in Austria provides dozens of types of benefits for pregnancy, unemployment, disability, child assistance and large families. Pregnant women have the right to maternity leave 8 weeks before giving birth and a similar period after. The monthly payment amount is usually calculated as the average salary for the last three months, including bonuses and Christmas bonus.

The monthly benefit for a child up to adulthood is approximately 120–175 EUR, depending on age. In addition, various allowances are provided for large families. Pension contributions are 1.78% of income for the calendar year. To receive benefits, Austrian residents must be 65 years old for men and 60 years old for women. To obtain it, you must work full-time for 15 years. The system for calculating pension payments in Austria is very flexible and depends on many factors, including the type of activity, the presence of minor children, and the age of retirement.

Labor market and wages

Foreigners must obtain a work permit to move and work in Austria. The certificate is issued at the request of the employer for a specific employee for a specific type of activity. Family members of Austrians and EU citizens receive a residence permit with access to the local labor market and can apply for any position in the state. Permanent residence status also exempts the owner from the need to obtain a work certificate.

The minimum wage is set at 1500 EUR for low-skilled labor. Typically, the annual income is divided into 14 payments: 12 monthly amounts, a Christmas bonus and holiday pay. The level of salaries is regulated by collective agreements between specialists in the same fields and a lower threshold of acceptable salary per month is established for a specific position. Also, salaries depend on the region of the country: in the capital and large cities the rates are higher than in small villages.

Kindergarten and school

The Austrian education system includes nurseries, kindergartens, schools and higher education institutions. Children are required to attend school from the age of 6. Before this period, many Austrians use the services of nannies or enroll their child in one of the nearest public or private kindergartens. The conditions for admission to educational institutions are the same for foreigners and citizens of Austria, regardless of nationality and religion.

All children who live in the state are required to complete 9 years of primary and secondary school. After this, vocational training courses or senior classes are provided with in-depth study of one of the offered subjects. Foreigners legally staying in the state can enter local universities by participating in a scholarship competition on an equal basis with Austrians.

Relocation of pensioners

It is better for elderly foreigners to move to the state using a residence permit for financially independent persons if they have the minimum required passive income. At the same time, they will be prohibited from working in Austria for the period of validity of the residence permit. After 5 years, pensioners can receive permanent residence on a general basis with the right to work.

Elderly parents of residents can move to the state for family reunification only if they are unable to care for themselves and need child care. The fact of incapacity must be confirmed by documents, as well as the availability of funds from the sponsor to support the father or mother in Austria.

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How much money do you need to move?

Depending on the relocation option, the cost of paperwork may vary. Major moving expenses include health insurance, government fees, and in-country rental housing. Business owners need to confirm that they have the necessary start-up capital to start a business. The higher the available amount of savings, the greater the likelihood of a positive decision on issuing a residence permit.

Immigrants who do not have an employment contract should provide bank statements showing the required amount for the year ahead. If several family members are included in the application, the cost calculation increases by a multiple. The services of a sworn translator and affixing an apostille on documents are also paid additionally. The rental amount depends on the specific city and area.

Expense categoryCost, €
Long-term visa150
Fee for residence permit120
Residence permit card fee20
Personalization fee (photo and signature)
Fee for permanent residence120 per adult75 per child under 6 years old
Fee for permanent residence card70 per adult100 per child under 6 years old
Rent a one-bedroom apartment in Vienna per month1200 + utility bills
Medical insurance for a year400
Translation of documents and apostille200

Why you should move to Austria

Life in Austria attracts immigrants from post-Soviet countries with a high standard of living and a low unemployment rate of 6.2%. Residents who make contributions to the social insurance fund have access to a state policy that covers quality medical care, disability payments and other benefits. The prospect of becoming a citizen of the European Community in the future opens up a number of advantages for the immigrant with visa-free travel and the possibility of employment in any EU country.

Reviews from those who moved for permanent residence

Taking into account the reviews of immigrants who have already completed the procedure of legalizing their residence and become residents of the state, it is worth moving to Austria with the prospect of high-paying employment or savings in a bank account. The high standard of living is confirmed by corresponding prices for housing, food and utilities.

If they have a stable source of income, residents recommend moving to Austria with their children, where they can receive a quality education recognized throughout the world. In their reviews, immigrants report the presence of a large Russian-speaking community in big cities. However, most foreigners confirm the need to study German to at least level B1 in order to obtain permanent residence.

Moving to Austria for permanent residence