Since July 2020, people receiving the kinderopvangtoeslag allowance have been able to use a special application that allows them to contact the Belastingdienst Tax Office more quickly and efficiently.

The kinderopvangtoeslag supplement is a partial reimbursement of expenses for a nursery or other form of care for young children. It is paid by the Dutch tax office Belastingdienst.

The kinderopvangtoeslag system is not simple. Working or studying parents whose children spend part of the week in a nursery or another officially registered place offering care for young children are entitled to the kinderopvangtoeslag supplement. The amount of the supplement depends on the parents’ income, the number of children and the type of care.

The Tax Office also sets a maximum hourly rate and a maximum monthly number of hours of care covered by the supplement. If parents send their children to a nursery for more hours than the maximum set by Belastingdienst or pay more for care than the maximum rate, these additional costs are borne by the parents in full.

Since July 2, 2020, parents receiving this supplement have been able to install a special application on their smartphone (simply called “Kinderopvangtoeslag”). You can download it from the App Store (for iOS devices) HERE
or from Google Play (for Android devices)

This app allows you to notify the Tax Office of certain changes in your situation (change of nursery or number of hours in nursery, change of hourly rate, change of your own or your partner’s income).

The app is aimed at parents who already receive the kinderopvangtoeslag supplement. You cannot use it to apply for this benefit. To apply for kinderopvangtoeslag, use the Mijn Toeslagen

website . Some changes cannot be reported using the app and must be reported on the Mijn Toeslagen website. These include changes such as: resignation from the supplement, change of bank account number, starting a new job or being dismissed from work, and starting or finishing education.

Netherlands: Do you receive childcare allowance kinderopvangtoeslag? This app is worth having!