Who can obtain Greek citizenship. Methods and reasons for obtaining a Greek passport. Is it possible to obtain dual or second Greek citizenship? Conditions for maintaining the first passport. Required documents, deadlines and costs.

Greek citizenship legally means legal membership in an EU state. The status provides the opportunity to live, travel and engage in professional activities throughout the EU. You can apply for a passport by birth, through naturalization or military service, or through repatriation. Ethnic Greeks acquire a document using a simplified procedure in 1–4 years. Persons of foreign origin are naturalized subject to settlement (long-term residence) in the country for at least 7 years in a row. All methods of obtaining citizenship require the applicant to successfully integrate into the local society, speak the national language, know the culture, traditions and fundamentals of the Constitution of the Hellenic Republic.

The Immigration and Social Integration Code is the main law that regulates the status of foreigners. Greece allows multiple citizenship.

What are the benefits of Greek citizenship?

The state has been a member of the European Union since 1981, so Greeks are full EU citizens. The advantages that a republican passport gives to the owner:

  • free access to 172 visa-free countries (as of 2023);
  • the right to hold public office and participate in elections;
  • free movement and the possibility of unlimited stay within the borders of the Schengen zone and the EU;
  • legal employment on priority terms in any EU country;
  • access to high-quality modern medicine and European education on preferential terms;
  • diplomatic and consular protection of any EU state when staying outside the European Union.

Acquiring citizenship based on birth and education in the country

Persons born on the territory of the republic receive Greek citizenship automatically if they are:

  • biological or adopted children of citizens on the maternal and/or paternal side;
  • illegitimate children of Greeks, whose origin is officially established, and the fact of kinship with them is confirmed before the applicant reaches adulthood.

Natives of Greece who have graduated from a university, 6th or 9th grade at a national educational institution, receive a passport after a five-year period of settlement. Minor students acquire status on the basis of the legal and continuous stay in the territory of the state of their parents – at least 5 years or more than 10 years if the residence permit was issued before the birth of the child. The state fee for obtaining a passport on these grounds is 100 EUR.

Obtaining status based on military service

A foreigner who is enrolled in Greek military schools or who has expressed a desire to perform military service as a volunteer can obtain citizenship by law. To request status, you must contact the Secretary General of the region. There is no residency requirement; citizenship is acquired from the moment of entering the service. Unmarried minor children of immigrants purchase a passport together with their parents.


Persons living in the republic for more than 7 consecutive years on the basis of work or business have the right to apply for a passport by naturalization. Financially independent persons, scientific and religious figures who have fulfilled the standard residency requirement can also acquire status. In some cases, the naturalization period is:

  • 3 years – for residents of the European Union, Greek spouses with children;
  • 5 years – for refugees, stateless persons, holders of long-term residence permits (family members of a Greek citizen, investors).

The tenure of a diplomatic official of another state does not count towards the term. A prerequisite for naturalization for all candidates is knowledge of written and spoken Greek, as well as the history, geography, customs and traditions of the country. Financial security is another, no less important requirement for an applicant for Greek citizenship.

The government fee for submitting an application for the first time is 550 EUR, a repeated application costs 200 EUR. EU citizens, refugees and stateless persons pay a fee of 100 EUR.

Repatriation to Greece

The law provides for the possibility of restoring lost citizenship to descendants of ethnic Greeks. Foreigners can submit documents to consulates in the territory of their state. Confirmation of the presence of Greek relatives are extracts from archives, certificates, birth or marriage certificates, military IDs.

There is also a special repatriation program designed for residents of the former USSR countries who are descendants of Greek citizens who emigrated. The applicant can submit an application for accelerated registration of status if he confirms that he entered the republic before May 31, 2019 and permanently resides on its territory. Main documents to be submitted:

  • legally certified and legalized birth certificate of a relative in the ascending line of the applicant;
  • confirmation of legal entry into Greece before the specified date;
  • valid residence permit card.

Knowledge of the language and history of the republic is mandatory for all repatriates. Minors and unmarried children can apply for a passport at the same time as their parents. There is no fee for submitting a dossier for repatriates, the period for reviewing documents is from one to 4 years. Along with the request, the foreigner can submit a request to change the full name (Hellenization) in accordance with Greek law.

Procedure for obtaining Greek citizenship

Russians and citizens of other post-Soviet countries who wish to obtain Greek citizenship must go through 6 stages of naturalization:

  1. Determining the basis for the move and preparing documents.
    The legal basis for long-term residence in Greece may be study, marriage with a citizen of the country, work, investment activity, family reunification or the purchase of real estate. Migrant workers need to obtain a work permit and draw up a contract, entrepreneurs need to register a company, investors need to prepare an investment project, relatives of residents or citizens need to present an invitation from the receiving party.
  2. Entry permit.
    To cross the borders of Greece in order to obtain a residence permit, foreigners must obtain a category D visa. Documents are submitted to the diplomatic mission of the state at the place of residence no later than 15 days before the date of the intended trip. In addition to a foreign passport, a foreigner must provide an application form, medical insurance in the amount of 30,000 EUR, a photo and fingerprints. Depending on the purpose of the visit, the list may be supplemented. For minors, a copy of the birth certificate, consent of the other parent, or custody, as appropriate, is required. The visa application fee for Russian citizens is about 33 EUR.
  3. Obtaining a residence permit.
    A request for a residence permit is submitted to the Decentralized Administration at the place of residence or the Department of Migration Policy immediately after entering the territory of the state. The application is considered within two months. Depending on the purpose of residence, the validity period of the residence permit may vary. Often the document is issued for a year and is renewed upon compliance with immigration laws. The fee varies from 150 to 600 EUR. For renewal you must pay a fee of 300 EUR.
  4. Registration of permanent residence.
    Foreigners who have been in Greece legally for more than 5 years can apply for permanent residence in the republic. To approve the application, a foreigner must confirm that he has not been absent from the country for more than six months in a row or more than 9 months in total for the entire period of residence. When checking the dossier, the immigration service takes into account the degree of integration of the foreigner into society and the availability of the necessary income for life support. The fee for obtaining permanent residence is 400 EUR. Persons who initially received a long-term residence permit are exempt from paying fees.
  5. Residence in the country and passing the test.
    A necessary condition for obtaining a passport is fulfilling the residency requirement (uninterrupted residence in Greece legally for more than 7 years in a row) and passing a written test on knowledge of the history, geography and traditions of the republic. The oral examination is limited to disabled persons and retirees aged 62 years or older. The minimum acceptable level of proficiency in written and spoken Greek for applicants is B1. To pass successfully, you must score at least 70% of the points.
  6. Obtaining citizenship.
    If all legal requirements are met, the applicant applies for status at the territorial office of the Decentralized Administration or the Greek consular mission at the place of residence. The average processing time for an application is six months. In some cases, the applicant is interviewed. Waiting and preparing for the interview extends the process by another 4 months. The applicant can regularly monitor the progress of his case – an online status check is available on the government services portal. Following the publication in the Government Gazette of the conferment of citizenship, the naturalized person takes an oath of office at the Citizenship Administration or the Greek Consulate. The procedure must be completed within a year from the date of issuance of the decree, otherwise the status may be lost.

How much does it cost to obtain Greek citizenship and passport?

It is impossible to buy a Greek passport for investment, but investors can apply for a residence permit, and if the conditions of stay are met, for citizenship by naturalization. To obtain an initial residence permit, you must rent (for a minimum period of 10 years) or purchase real estate worth at least 250,000 EUR. Financially secure foreigners also have the right to obtain a five-year residence permit in the country and to naturalize under general conditions. The approximate balance of costs for obtaining civil status in Greece is shown in the table.

ExpenditureCost, €
Visa issuance33
Apostille and legalization (price for 1 document)280
Obtaining a residence permit150–600
Registration of permanent residence400
Applying for citizenship100–550
Issuance of passport85

What does it take to become a Greek citizen?

According to the law, a person who has reached the age of majority, has no open criminal records, dangerous diseases, problems with the law, and has proven successful integration into the public life of the country can become a Greek citizen.

What documents are needed to obtain citizenship?

The main package of documents required to submit an application for Greek citizenship:

  • an application filled out according to the established template;
  • a copy of a valid ID with an officially certified translation into Greek;
  • a certificate of sufficient knowledge of the basics of statehood and the national language (persons who have successfully completed grades 6–9 of secondary education are exempt);
  • 4 photos measuring 4 x 6 cm;
  • taxpayer registration number;
  • the applicant’s birth certificate (in case of issuance abroad, a notarized and translated copy of the document must be submitted);
  • marriage certificate or divorce certificate (if available);
  • receipt of payment of the fee.

Depending on the grounds for immigration to Greece, additional documents may be required:

  • archival certificates (birth/marriage certificates, military IDs) of ancestors – for repatriates;
  • purchase and sale or lease agreement – for investors;
  • educational certificates, certificates and diplomas – for persons applying for accelerated naturalization in connection with studying in Greece;
  • data indicating the payment of taxes for the financial years corresponding to the period of legal stay in the country – for immigrants who carried out gainful activities in Greece.

Certificates and extracts issued outside the republic must be translated into Greek and apostilled. The application fee is 550 EUR, for a repeated application the fee is 200 EUR. EU citizens, refugees and persons without a passport will have to pay 100 EUR.

What documents are needed to obtain a passport?

The Greek biometric passport and ID card are issued on the basis of a certificate of citizenship. To obtain identity cards, you must provide the following documents:

  • application – filled out according to the template at the Consulate General;
  • first identity card – when a new passport is issued, the old document is canceled;
  • 2 digital color photographs;
  • a responsible statement from the applicant about the absence of problems with the law – filled out when submitting the dossier;
  • military ID or proof of deferment from military service – for men aged 19 to 45 years.

All documents must be completed in Greek; if necessary, translations must be made and notarized with an apostille.

Registration of citizenship for a child

Documents for minor children are submitted by their parents or legal guardians. The list includes:

  • 2 color digital photographs taken no earlier than one month before submitting the application;
  • ID card (for children over 12 years old);
  • birth certificate;
  • notarized power of attorney (for guardians and representatives):
  • written consent of children aged 14 to 18 years.

Applying for a Greek passport

Based on the citizenship certificate, a foreigner can obtain a biometric passport with fingerprints for traveling abroad. The document looks like a book with 32 pages, made according to EU standards. The Greek internal passport is an identity document in the form of a plastic ID card that contains general information about the owner.

You can request these documents on the official government website or at regional offices at your place of residence. The procedure for obtaining a Greek citizen passport is as follows:

  1. Contact the passport office at the place of registration or the consular office abroad.
  2. Signing the request-declaration of liability.
  3. Providing the required documents.
  4. Payment of duties.
  5. Obtaining a document at the National Passport Center of Greece or the Consulate General at your place of residence.

Refusal to obtain citizenship – reasons, solutions

Foreigners may receive a negative response to a passport request based on:

  • incorrectly completed documents and violation of deadlines for their submission;
  • suspicions of the applicant’s collaboration with terrorist groups;
  • non-compliance with terms and/or conditions of residence in the country;
  • lack of integration into society;
  • financial insolvency;
  • presence of open criminal records and visa violations.

Issues related to registration of legal status are assigned to the Citizenship Council. In case of disagreement with the decision of the government agency, the applicant has the right to make a request for a review of the case within 30 days from the date of notification of the refusal. You can avoid mistakes by collaborating with migration specialists who pre-check your dossier and assist in all processes of acquiring a Greek passport.

Obtaining Greek citizenship