How can you obtain Slovenian citizenship in 2024? The procedure for obtaining citizenship by naturalization and repatriation. Grounds for obtaining Slovenian citizenship.

Slovenian citizenship is a position of a person that binds him to a given state and is assigned by birth, descent, naturalization or roots. The assignment of citizen status is regulated by the Slovenian Citizenship Law, which does not provide for the provision of a passport for investment or through childbirth.

Slovenian citizenship gives its owner the opportunity to freely move, live, work and develop business throughout the EU, as well as travel under a simplified or visa-free regime in 170 directions. A Slovenian passport gives the right to unlimited stay in a developed country of the European Union, which is part of the EEA and the Schengen area, on equal rights with native residents.

Who can obtain Slovenian citizenship

Obtaining a Slovenian national identity card is available to Russians, Kazakhstanis, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other immigrants from third countries who fulfill the following requirements of Article 10 of the Law “On Citizenship”:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • refusal of a valid passport;
  • proof of legal presence on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia for 10 years, of which the last 5 were continuous;
  • absence of a ban on stay and residence in the state;
  • availability of financial resources;
  • settlement of tax obligations;
  • no criminal record requiring imprisonment of at least 3 months or a probationary period of more than a year;
  • basic knowledge of the Slovenian language, confirmed by a document from the examination committee;
  • no threat to public order, security or defense of Slovenia;
  • taking the oath.

If the applicant is stateless, loses his first passport after naturalization according to the laws of his country, or is unable to renounce his status due to the state not deciding to terminate it within a reasonable time, he is also entitled to obtain a Slovenian passport, subject to all other requirements requirements. An applicant will not have to take an exam in the national language of the republic if he graduated from primary school, received secondary education or studied at a college/university on its territory after 1991. Persons over 60 years of age who have actually lived in the country for the last 15 years, as well as foreigners who studied in Slovenian schools abroad, are exempt from the need to go through this stage.

The following categories of persons can apply for a passport of a citizen of Slovenia:

  • Foreigners participating in naturalization.
    A migrant can live in the country on the basis of a residence permit , after 5 years request permanent residence, and after the same period of time apply for a Slovenian passport – obtaining a document is allowed if in total the applicant has lived in the state for at least 10 years.
  • Emigrants from Slovenia and their descendants.
    Persons who can prove their Slovenian origin and have lived in the republic for at least a year legally before submitting an application can be legalized by their roots.
  • Persons who previously lost citizenship of the republic or renounced it.
    If the procedure for depriving a passport was carried out in accordance with the law “On Citizenship” or the provisions that were in force in the country before its adoption, the foreigner can be legalized upon application. It is important that the applicant has legally and continuously resided in Slovenia for 6 months before submitting the application.
  • Slovenian spouses.
    If a foreigner has been married to a Slovenian citizen for the last 3 years, he can obtain a Slovenian passport.
  • Adults who actually reside in the republic from the moment of birth.
    If the applicant has personal, family, economic, social and other ties with the republic, and refusal to issue a passport could lead to unpleasant consequences for the state, the application will be approved.
  • Foreigners with refugee status.
    Persons who have received the right of residence on the basis of the Asylum Act and have been in Slovenia for the last 5 years continuously can apply for a national passport. Also, stateless persons who have been in the territory of the state for a 5-year period with a regulated status have the right to apply for legalization.
  • Students who received higher education in Slovenia.
    Before applying for citizenship, a foreigner must live in the country for at least 7 years.
  • Persons of interest to the country.
    If a foreigner has been living in the republic for the last year and has scientific, economic, cultural or national interest for the state, he has the right to undergo the extraordinary naturalization procedure. An applicant’s children under 18 years of age can also become citizens of the country at the request of a parent.
  • Slovenian children.
    If at least one parent is Slovenian, a child born in the country or abroad can obtain a national passport. If the state where the birth took place does not notify the Slovenian state authorities about the newborn, the status can be granted upon application until the person turns 36 years old, if his parents or one of them remain citizens of the republic. If at least one adoptive parent is the holder of a Slovenian passport, the adopted child also acquires the right to legalization in the country through his father or mother.
  • Stateless persons born within the state.
    If a newborn is found in Slovenia, and the identity of his parents has not been established or their citizenship is unknown or completely absent, he automatically acquires the status of a citizen.
  • Children, if their parents are legalized in the republic.
    Persons born on the territory of Slovenia and under one year of age become Slovenes if their father and/or mother have issued a national passport by naturalization. A minor child over one year old assumes this status at the request of the parents if they both become Slovenian citizens. If only the mother or only the father undergoes naturalization, a child under 18 years of age living with her/him can also obtain Slovenian citizenship.

Providing a Slovenian passport for emigrants and their direct relatives, persons who have lost citizenship, spouses of Slovenian citizens, foreigners living in the country from birth, refugees and students is possible if the authorized body determines that this is in line with the national interests of the republic. The applicant becomes a citizen of the state at the moment the decision is made to grant him such status.

Ways to obtain Slovenian citizenship

Minor children can receive a Slovenian passport based on their origin or birth, and citizens of post-Soviet countries can obtain status based on their roots through repatriation or through naturalization, including as graduates of Slovenian universities and spouses of Slovenians. The possibility of purchasing Slovenian citizenship, obtaining it through investment or through childbirth is not provided for by the legislation of the republic.


Repatriation is the return to their homeland of immigrants from the country, as well as their descendants. According to the Citizenship Law, Slovenia provides national passports to all emigrants and their direct relatives up to the fourth degree. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis and other foreigners have the right to apply for citizenship by roots if they can prove a blood connection with Slovenians. Considering the past active state and cultural ties between Yugoslavia, of which Slovenia was a part, and the USSR, a large number of immigrants from this state still live on the territory of the post-Soviet countries and have the right to repatriation.

A Slovenian passport by roots can be provided at the request of a foreigner on the basis of documentary evidence of his Slovenian origin – you can turn to family or state archives. Before submitting an application, an immigrant must live in the republic for at least a year legally and have a regulated status of a foreigner (residence permit or permanent residence). Legalization by roots is the fastest way to become a citizen of Slovenia for residents of post-Soviet countries, without the need to renounce their previous passport.


The naturalization procedure is the acquisition of citizenship by immigrants based on their voluntary desire, as well as subject to the fulfillment of established requirements. Immigrants from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus or Kazakhstan, like other foreigners, have the opportunity to apply for a passport of this country, since Slovenian legislation provides an extensive list of grounds for immigration, and applicants can choose any that suits their goals and needs:

  • employment;
  • family reunification;
  • training or advanced training;
  • volunteer activities.

One of the most important conditions for issuing a Slovenian passport, according to Article 10 of the Law on Citizenship, is the applicant’s provable legal residence in the country for at least 10 years, with the stay must be continuous during the last 5 of them. The applicant must have official resident status (residence permit or permanent residence), on the basis of which Slovenian citizenship can be granted.

Citizenship for university graduates

Slovenian legislation provides for the issuance of citizenship to persons who have received at least a higher education in the republic. All foreigners, regardless of origin, can apply for a passport, including citizens of post-Soviet countries, since local universities are open to everyone. Slovenian citizenship is granted provided that the applicant has proof of education in the country and permanent residence on its territory with resident status for 7 consecutive years, and the last year continuously.

Slovenian passport through marriage

Naturalization of foreigners is possible if they are legal spouses of Slovenes. A native of any country can receive a Slovenian passport on this basis, including this is true for Russians, Kazakhs, Belarusians and Ukrainians. When applying for citizen status, you must provide a marriage certificate that was concluded at least 3 years ago and proof of the foreigner’s legal residence in the republic for the last year. When issuing a passport based on marriage, second citizenship and the ability to provide the document are allowed even if the applicant does not meet the requirement for permanent residence in the country, if the government agrees to this.

Required documents

To obtain Slovenian citizenship, a foreigner must submit a dossier of documents such as an applicant’s resume and confirmation of compliance with the requirements of Slovenian legislation. The applicant must independently document the fulfillment of a number of conditions, and the administrative body verifies others independently of the applicant. You can download the application form on the e-services website of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Basic package of documents that an applicant for a Slovenian passport must submit:

  • an application indicating the article of the law “On Citizenship” on the basis of which the status is requested;
  • confirmation of current citizenship – national or foreign passport;
  • proof of actual residence in Slovenia for the last 10 years – for example, a certified copy of a work record book, a university diploma or witness statements;
  • confirmation of adulthood – an extract from the civil register;
  • proof of the availability of funds for the foreigner to provide materially for himself and the persons he is obliged to support – a certificate of salary, pensions, scholarships, a contract, a document confirming the receipt of benefits or rental income;
  • marriage certificate, if it was registered in another country;
  • certificate of proficiency in the Slovenian language;
  • certificate of no criminal record in the country of origin;
  • receipt for payment of the administrative fee.

In the resume, an applicant for a passport of a citizen of Slovenia must indicate the following information:

  • date of arrival in the country;
  • completed educational institutions;
  • specialty and previous place of work;
  • social status – if a person is married, it is necessary to indicate the details of the spouse and children;
  • place of residence of the family;
  • date of arrival of relatives in the country;
  • addresses where the applicant lived after arriving in Slovenia.

Additionally, the applicant has the right to submit certificates that are the basis for obtaining Slovenian citizenship – for example, documents of his ancestors who were Slovenes. All components of the dossier provided by the foreigner must be originals or certified copies.

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining Slovenian citizenship

  1. Selecting the basis for requesting citizenship.
    A foreigner needs to determine the most suitable way to obtain an EU passport, and if there are several, choose the fastest one. A person who is married to a Slovenian should apply for Slovenian citizenship specifically on the basis of family circumstances.
  2. Preparation of a package of documents.
    The dossier must confirm that the applicant fulfills all requirements of local legislation to acquire Slovenian citizenship. A foreigner must pass an exam on knowledge of the Slovenian language before a commission authorized by the government of the republic, unless otherwise provided by law for the category of persons to which he belongs. Based on the test results, a certificate is issued, which must be attached to the citizenship application.
  3. Submitting an application.
    An application for status along with a package of documents is submitted to any administrative unit on the territory of Slovenia, for example, to the migration police. An application for extraordinary naturalization can be submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country, and abroad – to the embassy or consulate of the republic.
  4. Taking the oath and obtaining citizenship status.
    The Slovenian Citizenship Law stipulates that in order to obtain a national passport, a migrant must take an oath to respect the free democratic system of the republic. After passing the ceremony, the foreigner becomes a Slovenian citizen.
  5. Preparation of internal documents.
    A person should submit an application to the administrative units at the place of residence to receive an identity card and, if desired, a foreign passport.

Terms and cost of obtaining citizenship

In 2023, foreigners who have legally resided in the country for at least 10 years will be able to obtain a Slovenian passport. A shortened period of stay is provided for those who submit an application for repatriation (one year), after registering a marriage with a Slovenian (3 years) or are a graduate of a local university (7 years), as well as other categories of applicants.

The legislation of Slovenia does not establish deadlines for granting citizenship status, but according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the procedure from filing an application to issuing a decision on granting citizenship takes on average 4 months. Given the preparation, legalization may take about a year.

The cost of obtaining Slovenian citizenship for Russians and citizens of other countries is 185.7 EUR (or 194.8 with a guarantee, which can only be requested with a standard 10-year naturalization, legalization through marriage and after graduation). The services that the applicant must pay and which make up this amount are indicated in the table below.

Name of expense itemPrice in €
Application for one person4.5
Decision to grant citizenship181.2
Guarantee from the state9.1

If a person has refugee status and applies for Slovenian citizenship, the price for him will be only 4.5 EUR, since only the application is paid.

How to reduce the time required to obtain Slovenian citizenship

The fastest way to obtain Slovenian citizenship is repatriation. The period for obtaining citizenship under the accelerated procedure is 12 months. If the applicant does not have grounds for repatriation in Slovenia, he should check their availability in other EU countries offering similar programs – in Romania or Poland. Obtaining citizenship by roots allows immigrants from post-Soviet states to obtain an EU passport with all its advantages, which include the right to freely travel, live and work in all jurisdictions that have joined the union. To check the chances of accelerated legalization in the EU, the applicant should consult with migration specialists.

Passport of a citizen of Slovenia: what it looks like and what it gives to the holder

In 2023, Slovenians will receive plastic identification cards as an internal identification document. On the front side of the document there is a photo of the owner, his first and last name, date of birth, gender, citizenship, passport number, date of issue and expiration date are indicated. On the back of the ID card there is a chip and a QR code for reading the information.

Slovenian passports are issued in the form of a dark burgundy booklet. The cover depicts the country’s coat of arms, and also contains the inscriptions “European Union” and “Republic of Slovenia” in two languages ​​- English and Slovenian. There is also an icon on the passport indicating that the document contains the owner’s biometric data. Inside the booklet there is its number, personal data and signature of the Slovenian, the code of the authority that issued it, and the validity period.

A passport gives the right to reside and enjoy various privileges not only in the republic, but also in all other EEA countries. Advantages of a Slovenian passport for Russians and immigrants from other post-Soviet countries:

  • the opportunity to move unrestrictedly, live, get a job, and do business on favorable terms in the countries of the European Economic Area;
  • receiving various benefits – for example, unemployment payments, upon the birth of a child;
  • free education, quality medical care covered by insurance;
  • the opportunity to enter 170 countries of the world under a visa-free regime, obtaining a visa directly at the airport or issuing an electronic permit;
  • more favorable conditions for opening an account, obtaining loans and mortgages in European banks than for non-residents;
  • the possibility of obtaining citizenship for spouses through an accelerated procedure.

Dual citizenship in Slovenia

Dual citizenship is not allowed in Slovenia, which presupposes mutual recognition by countries of the rights and obligations of their citizens. The law requires foreigners to renounce identification issued by their state of origin in most cases. However, a person naturalized in the republic can then receive another (second) passport, unless the issuing country requires the renunciation of the Slovenian document. Slovenian legislation does not contain provisions for deprivation of citizenship solely on the basis of possession of two identity documents – this is only possible if there is a danger to the country. A Slovenian citizen with a second passport cannot count on the republic recognizing his rights as a representative of another country.

Slovenia does not notify other states about granting citizenship to a foreigner. An exception is the situation when the applicant himself requests a guarantee from the government of the republic for the provision of a passport, and then, on the basis of this document, submits an application to renounce the status of his country. If a person from another EU state is legalized in Slovenia, the notification can be sent under a mutual agreement on the exchange of information and the person will not have to confirm the renunciation of his first citizenship. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic may transfer personal data about individuals who are included in the register of citizens on the basis of reciprocity.

Obtaining Slovenian citizenship