Many people are interested in how to get Spanish citizenship? How long do you have to live in Spain to get citizenship? What does Spanish citizenship give?

If you want to live in Spain long-term or even permanently, you will need to apply for permanent residence or Spanish citizenship.

This article explains how the residency rules in Spain work, including eligibility and how to apply for citizenship.

Spanish citizenship: the basics

After you have lived in Spain for five years, you can apply for permanent residence. After 10 years, you can apply for Spanish citizenship. There are some exceptions that allow some people to apply early. For example, you can apply if you are married to a Spaniard or are the child of a Spaniard. Both Spanish citizenship and permanent residence allow you to stay in Spain, but there are some differences between them.

Should you choose permanent residence or citizenship?

Having a long-term permanent residence permit in the EU allows you to remain a resident of Spain while retaining your citizenship and passport. As a permanent resident of Spain, you can enjoy most of the same benefits as Spanish citizens. However, you must be able to meet certain conditions. This includes being able to support yourself financially. You can move around the EU for a limited time and longer with a permit.

However, if you become a Spanish citizen, you will have to give up your original citizenship and passport, unless you are eligible for an exemption (see below). You will enjoy the same rights as other Spanish citizens. In addition, you will become a citizen of the EU, that is, you will be able to move freely throughout it. You can also vote in the European elections.

Brexit: British expats in Spain

Uncertainty remains over Britain’s exit from the EU, but there are signs that British expats living in Spain will be protected. In March 2019, Spain’s foreign minister announced that 400,000 British nationals living in Spain would be granted  residency  in the event of a “no deal” Brexit.

It is not yet clear how this will work. UK citizens may need to apply for a foreigner’s identity card by the end of 2020. This process will be almost automatic.

Whatever happens, expats already living in Spain can consider applying for Spanish citizenship if they meet the necessary criteria for basic access to the EU. However, this would mean relinquishing British citizenship.

It is possible that British expats may need to apply for a blue card in the future. This is a pan-European work permit that allows highly qualified citizens of non-EU countries to work in Spain and other EU countries.

How to apply for permanent residence in Spain

If non-EU nationals have legally resided in Spain for five continuous years, they can apply for an “EU long-term residence permit”. This allows them to remain in Spain indefinitely, working or otherwise, under the same conditions as Spanish nationals.

To apply for a permit, you must be able to prove that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family (if applicable), such as a Spanish pension, scholarship or salary. You must also have proof of public or private health insurance in Spain.

You may also need to submit:

  • Valid passport;
  • Proof of legal residence in Spain (for example, a long-term rental agreement in Spain or a rental receipt);
  • A criminal record certificate issued by the authorities in your country;
  • Medical certificate (  certificado medico  ), if it has not yet been provided;
  • Proof that medical care is guaranteed during your stay in Spain;
  • Marriage or divorce certificate or other documents relating to your marital status (translated into Spanish if required).

Advantages of permanent residence in Spain

With a permit, you can work freely and use social services and benefits in Spain. You can usually move between other EU member states for up to three months. It may take longer if it is for certain purposes and you have permission.

If you have a blue card from another EU member state and have lived in other EU countries for the same period, this also entitles you to long-term residence in Spain. However, you must have lived in the country for two years before that.

If you have a long-term EU residence permit granted by another EU member state and want to stay in Spain, you will have to give up your long-term resident status in another country. You will also need to apply for a long-term EU residence permit at the Office for Foreigners (  Oficina de Extranjeros  ) in Spain.

How to get Spanish citizenship

You can apply for Spanish citizenship  after 10 years of residence in Spain  . You can also acquire Spanish citizenship by marrying or being born in Spain, even if you or your Spanish parents were born outside of Spain.

All applicants must prove that they are citizens of good standing. This means that you must be financially stable and have no criminal record. In addition, you must show a sufficient degree of integration into Spanish society. For example, you can speak Spanish and participate in social activities that are part of the Spanish way of life.

You must submit an application to  the civil status register  at your place of residence in Spain. You will need to bring with you the necessary supporting documents for your Spanish citizenship application, as well as the completed  Spanish citizenship application form  .

If you are 18 years of age or older, 14 years of age or older, if you have legal assistance, or are the legal guardian of a person under 14, you can apply for Spanish citizenship. The process of applying for Spanish citizenship can be made much easier with the help of experienced immigration attorneys who will guide you through every step of the residency process.

Exceptions to the 10-year rule

As a rule, refugees only have to wait five years before they can apply for Spanish citizenship. Citizens of Spanish-American countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, Portugal and people of Sephardic origin only have to wait two years.

The required period of residence to obtain citizenship is only one year if you are born in Spain to a family of legal foreigners. The same period applies if you are married to a Spaniard, widowed by a Spaniard or have a child or grandchild. This applies even if you were born outside of Spain to a Spanish citizen (by birth or residence).

Descendants of expelled Sephardic Jews from Spain can also apply for Spanish citizenship without living in Spain. That’s if they can prove special ties to Spain and pass exams in Spanish and history. The application deadline is October 1, 2019.

Origin or birth Spanish citizenship

You are Spanish by birth and can apply for Spanish citizenship by “option” (where you do not need a period of residence) if you:

  • Born of a Spanish mother or father;
  • Born in Spain to foreign parents, if at least one parent was also born in Spain. The exception is the children of diplomats and consuls accredited in Spain;
  • Have been adopted by a Spaniard and are under the age of 18, or are over 18 and have been adopted within the last two years;
  • Born in Spain to foreign parents whose identity is unknown or the country of origin is not determined (stateless persons or refugee status). This also applies to cases where the citizenship of neither parent can be legally transferred to you.

There are also other situations to obtain Spanish citizenship where residence for one year is required. This applies to those born outside Spain to parents (also born outside Spain) and grandparents who were originally Spanish. This also applies to those who have a Spanish guardian or adoptive parent. Those who have not properly exercised their right to obtain Spanish citizenship by choice must also have a year.

Spanish citizenship by marriage

You can get citizenship fast if you are married to a Spaniard and can become a Spanish citizen after one year of living in Spain. The application and conditions are submitted according to the standard procedure for obtaining citizenship. The exception is that you don’t have to wait 10 years to apply. You will have to give up your existing citizenship to become Spanish. You can also obtain Spanish citizenship as a widow or widower of a Spaniard. However, you could not have been divorced at the time of their death.

Application fee for Spanish citizenship

Spain charges a non-refundable fee to process your citizenship application. The price varies and can range from 60 to 100 euros, even if your application is rejected. There may also be a fee for issuing certificates and documents required for your application.

Dual citizenship in Spain

If you succeed, you will have to swear allegiance to the king. You must also promise to abide by the Spanish constitution and laws.

If you are not from a Spanish-American country, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or Portugal, you will also have to renounce your previous citizenship. Sephardic Jews and descendants may also retain their original citizenship to hold dual citizenship.

You will lose your Spanish citizenship if you live abroad and acquire another citizenship for more than three years. This also applies if you used your old citizenship during this period. The only exception is if, during this period, you notify the Registry of Citizens of your desire to retain Spanish citizenship.

Useful resources

Obtaining Spanish citizenship. How to get Spanish citizenship?