A foreigner who is connected to Poland, for example through knowledge of the Polish language or Polish customs, can apply for a Pole’s Card. What is this document for? What rights does this give a foreigner? Who exactly can apply for it and how much does it cost? Check out the guide below.

What is the Map of a Pole?

The Pole’s card is a document that confirms that its owner belongs to the Polish people. It should be noted, however, that being the owner of the Card does not mean having Polish citizenship. It is also not a document that gives the right to cross the border or settle in Poland. 

What rights does the Polish Card give?

Although the holder of the Pole’s Card cannot cross borders on its basis, he has the right to enjoy many other rights. They include:

  • exemption from the obligation to have a work permit,  
  • opening and running a business on the same terms as Polish citizens,
  • training, doctoral studies and other forms of training, as well as participation in research and development works,
  • use of medical services in emergency situations,
  • 37% discount on travel across Poland in passenger, express and high-speed trains with single tickets,
  • free entry to certain state museums of Poland,
  • consul assistance in a life or safety situation, 
  • exemption from paying the consular fee for:
    • receiving and considering an application for obtaining a national visa for the purpose of exercising the rights arising from the possession of the Pole’s Card,
    • reception and consideration of applications for Polish citizenship,
  • receiving cash assistance to partially cover maintenance in Poland – in case of submitting an application for permanent residence. Cash assistance is granted for a maximum of 9 months,
  • priority when applying for financial assistance intended to support Poles abroad.

Who can apply for this document?

A foreigner who meets the following conditions can apply for a Pole Card:

  • demonstrates his connection to Polishness by at least a basic knowledge of the Polish language, as well as knowledge and cultivation of Polish traditions and customs,
  • submits a written declaration of belonging to the Polish people in the presence of the consul,
  • proves that he is of Polish nationality or that at least one of his parents or grandfathers or two great-grandfathers was of Polish nationality,
  • submits a certificate from an authorized Polish or Polish diaspora organization confirming active activities for the benefit of the Polish language and culture or the Polish national minority for at least the last three years,
  • makes a statement that he or his descendants were not repatriated from the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of agreements concluded by Poland in 1944-1957 with:
    • Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic,
    • Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic,
    • Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic,
    • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
  • is of Polish origin, which has been confirmed in accordance with the provisions of the Law of 9.11.2000 on repatriation, provided that he demonstrates at least a basic knowledge of the Polish language.

Who cannot get a Pole’s Card?

Foreigners who have:

  • Polish nationality, 
  • permanent residence permit,
  • the status of a stateless person.

How long is the Polish Card valid for?

The document can be valid:

  • 10 years – for adults,
  • indefinitely – for persons over 65 years old,
  • 10 years, but not more than one year after reaching the age of majority – for minors.

Financial assistance to Pole Card holders

Holders of the Polish Card, who have applied to the voivode for a permanent residence permit, can apply for financial assistance to cover daily expenses in Poland. The benefit is assigned to the applicant, spouse and each minor child who remains under the care of the applicant or his/her spouse for 9 months.

What are the benefits for Pole Card holders?

The benefit is:

  • during the first 3 months – 50% of the minimum remuneration for the work valid in the year of application, i.e. PLN 1505 (3010:2) – for the applicant and his/her spouse and the equivalent of 50% of this amount. for each minor child who remains under the care of the applicant or his/her spouse,
  • in the period from the 4th to the 9th month – 60% of the above amounts, respectively.

Application for the Card of a Pole

Necessary documents

Adults who want to get a Pole’s Card must collect and submit the following documents:

  • application for the Pole Card,
  • ID card with a photo (for verification) and its photocopy,
  • documents confirming the Polish citizenship of the applicant or his descendants and any documents confirming kinship with the persons referred to by the applicant, together with their copies,
  • a certificate from an authorized Polish or Polish diaspora organization about the applicant’s active participation in activities for the benefit of the Polish language and culture or the Polish national minority → if the foreigner does not have documents confirming Polish citizenship,
  • a document confirming knowledge of the Polish language, for example, a certificate of graduation from school or studies in Poland or abroad with the Polish language of study – optional.
  • a document confirming the change of personal data – if the applicant applies for a Pole Card with changed data.

If the applicant does not have any of the documents listed above that confirm Polish citizenship, the consul assesses the knowledge of the language. The conversation with the consul, which is conducted in Polish, will cover, in particular: Polish traditions and customs.

Parents who wish to receive Pole Cards for their children should present to the department:

  • application for the Pole Card,
  • birth certificate of a minor (for reference) and its photocopy,
  • documents certifying the identity of both parents or legal guardians together with a photocopy,
  • Cards of the Pole of the parents or Cards of the Pole of one of the parents.

Where and how to apply?

The application for the Pole Card together with the necessary documents must be submitted in person at the chosen  consular institution. It is impossible to send documents by mail or submit through a proxy. In the case of minors, the application is submitted on behalf of both parents. 

When to apply?

If a foreigner applies for the Pole’s Card for the first time, he can apply at any time after fulfilling all the conditions. However, if he wants to extend the validity of his document, he must submit the following documents:

  • no later than 3 months before the expiry of the Card,
  • no later than 9 months after the year of reaching 18 years of age – for minor Card Holders who became of age during the Card ownership.

How much does the Polish card cost?

The entire procedure for issuing a Pole’s Card is  free of charge  .

How long does it take to process a finished document?

The waiting period should not exceed 2 months. If the procedure is extended, the applicant will be notified of the longer deadline.

Pole’s card – rights and financial assistance. How to get a Polish card. How much is a Polish card?