Moving to a new country can be stressful and confusing. You must obtain legal permits, plan transportation, accommodate language and cultural differences, and find accommodations.

This last point is critical. You can’t really settle into your new country while you’re staying in a hotel – you have to find a home to call your own.

However, if you are not committed to Andorra forever or do not want to spend significant funds on purchasing property, there is another option. Renting could be your real estate solution in Andorra.

In this guide, we will discuss the process of renting a property in Andorra, general rental prices and how to find properties for rent in Andorra.

The process of leasing real estate in Andorra

Renting property in Andorra is simple and similar to buying property. In addition, the legal system favors the tenant’s position in the tenancy.

In Andorra, the standard lease agreement is for five years. During this period, the landowner cannot sell the property or terminate the contract without providing evidence that you are misusing or maintaining the estate.

There are some important requirements and procedures to know before signing a lease:

  • The down payment for renting any property is  four months’ rent  . Two – for the deposit, which will be returned after the transaction is completed; one month’s rent for the real estate agent; and one month, which must be paid in advance.
  • If you decide to terminate the contract before the end of the term, you must give one to five months’ notice; one month for each year remaining on the contract.
  • The rental price can only increase in accordance with the annual inflation rate. This means you won’t have to worry about significant rent increases.
  • Real estate insurance is a mandatory requirement required by the landowner to protect his property. The cost of insurance varies depending on the property insured.

Once the agreement is concluded, you will need to follow some procedures with the local authorities:

  • You must submit a request to the Andorran Energy Company (  FEDA  ) to connect electricity to the property and register it in your name. The cost of this document varies from 50 to 150 euros.
  • You need to go to the local municipal administration (commune) and register the leasing agreement for it to become valid.

Rental cost in Andorra

While rental costs are subjective and depend in part on the condition of the property, here is an overview of price ranges in 2018:

  • A studio apartment or property with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom in Andorra la Vella of 40 m2  costs  about 350 euros per month.
  • A modern unfurnished apartment of 80 m² with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom in La Massana costs around 650 euros per month.
  • Chalets and large houses cost from 1500 to 4000 euros per month and above.

These prices are a quick guide so you can know what to expect when moving to Andorra. The actual cost will depend on the quality of the building, its location, whether it is furnished or not, and so on.

Be aware that the real estate market is heating up, so prices could rise quickly.

If you compare the cost of living, rental costs and the benefits you’ll get by living in Andorra, you’ll see that the country is an excellent choice for those on a budget.

Keep in mind that you will get many benefits, such as a healthcare system and very low tax rates, while spending less money than in other European countries.

Search for properties for rent

This can be the hardest part of renting, so be patient as finding the best place to live can be challenging.

The rental market in Andorra is limited and practically “  closed”. You  won’t find many properties listed for sale on online marketplaces as estate agents have a fairly tight grip on the rental market. Instead, you will have to ask around to find Andorran properties for rent in person.

Here is a list of places where you can find properties for sale and rent in Andorra, which is updated frequently:

  • Habitaclia  is a website that also features overseas properties in Spain. Expect a user-friendly interface and good photos.
  • Idealista   tends to be more modern than other options, but generally doesn’t have as many features.
  • Busco Casa   is a website run by Andorra with a simple search function.
  •  is a new site with more and more resources every day.

If you’re looking for a place in a specific area and can’t find anything online, the best thing to do is to “get down to business” and ask the community and friends about rental opportunities.

Working with a professional realtor is a great option as they will often know of properties for rent in Andorra that are not listed anywhere else.

Review of the Andorran real estate rental market

Once you start living in Andorra, renting is a great choice. You will be able to experience and enjoy the benefits of the country without investing a large amount in real estate.

Although finding the best place to live may take some time, don’t give up and try a different approach, such as meeting with a realtor or asking around, the real estate market is still growing and new opportunities are starting to emerge.

With the information provided above, you will learn the basics of what to expect from the process of renting a property in Andorra, and hopefully you will find a place soon enough and start enjoying the wonders of our country.

Property for rent in Andorra: lists and prices