If you plan to move to another country for permanent residence , then it is advisable to immediately resolve the issue of citizenship. Each country has its own peculiarities of its design and therefore you need to familiarize yourself with them first. Azerbaijani citizenship has its own subtleties that must be taken into account in order to properly register and obtain it.

Document preparation procedure

You can obtain more detailed information on this issue from the immigration service. You can also contact professionals about this.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons can obtain this document in Azerbaijan if they have lived in the country for the last 5 years.

To do this, they must submit an application. Receiving a document obliges a person to have official, legal income. In addition, he needs to confirm his obligations to follow local legislation and the Constitution. A person must speak the Azerbaijani language, and there must be a document to confirm this. If all requirements are met, citizenship will be issued without problems.

To complete the entire procedure and receive a document, a foreigner must visit the State Migration Service. There you need to write a questionnaire addressed to the president of the country.

It must be accompanied by an application, autobiography, photocopy of an identity card and registration certificate. You also need to provide copies of identification documents of relatives who are citizens of the country. To confirm residence in Azerbaijan over the past years, you must provide a certificate of residence.

In addition, the required documents are:

  • Certificates containing information about family composition;
  • A document confirming knowledge of the local language;
  • Photos in size 4 pieces;
  • Document on legal income.

The emigrant must also pay a state fee, which is 110 manats.

Sample of Azerbaijani money – manat

Other ways to obtain citizenship

In addition to the previous option of obtaining citizenship of the country, there are other options. A citizen of Azerbaijan becomes a person who was born on the territory of the country. It is also much easier to obtain it if at least one of the parents is considered a citizen of Azerbaijan. In this case, the person can obtain a residence permit or citizenship.

Double citizenship

Any citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan is not prohibited from having citizenship of another state. This means that every person has the right to obtain dual citizenship. There are no provisions in this legislation that relate to the deprivation of this right. According to the country’s Constitution, it is clear that no one can deprive a person of this right.

Renunciation of citizenship

A citizen has the right to renounce citizenship, but to do this he must submit a corresponding application himself. For this, all required documents are collected and the procedure is formalized. If there is no refusal from a person, but he lives in the territory of another country, he still has the rights and freedoms enshrined in the legislation of Azerbaijan.

Features of entering the country

In some cases, difficulties may arise associated with visiting the country. When a person arrives in a country, he is often asked to provide a passport with tickets from the country from which he came. A visa to Azerbaijan for tourists from CIS countries is not required for up to 90 days, but many stay there for a longer period, which is why this procedure is provided for foreign citizens.

If he does not go through this procedure, he will be subject to administrative liability. And this is a clear violation of the rights and freedoms of a citizen of Azerbaijan.

Example of a visa to Azerbaijan

That is why, recently, much attention has been paid to this aspect so that human rights violations do not occur. Therefore, when entering the country, a person must provide a passport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and when leaving, also a passport of the destination country. Having an Azerbaijani passport in hand, you can enter the country at any time.

Accommodation in Azerbaijan

A person who has received Azerbaijani citizenship must resolve the issue of permanent residence. Even if there is temporary housing, permanent housing is always appreciated. Real estate agencies will help you choose any housing at an affordable price. A large selection of apartments, houses and cottages are provided in Baku. It is better to choose the capital, since the salaries and living standards of people are higher here.

The price is calculated depending on the type of property. Some homes are priced in local currency, while others will require you to exchange money for dollars.

Education in Azerbaijan

The Bologna system operates throughout the country, and therefore many students come here to receive a quality education. There are also schools here with a fairly high level of knowledge acquisition. The same applies to preschool educational institutions. Recently, students from other countries often come here. After graduation, they have the opportunity to stay here, because the country offers vacancies with high wages.

Work in Azerbaijan

Just like in Soviet times, many people come to Azerbaijan now to earn money. Vacancies are offered to specialists of various professions in large enterprises of the country. 

The highest paid professions are considered to be construction, but most of them are only male professions. Among women’s professions, cooks, sellers, secretaries, etc. are often required. You can come to Azerbaijan for either temporary or permanent work. For this, a work visa is required.

Its validity period depends on the type, since there are both disposable and reusable ones. To find a suitable job, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the vacancies offered on the website of the Azerbaijan Labor Exchanges. Usually all the information of interest is located there.


Some people are attracted to profitable investment options. New housing is being actively built in Azerbaijan, most of it in ecologically clean areas of the country. In addition to purchasing, investors are interested in making a profit from real estate construction.

Country currency

The state currency is manat. You can pay with it in almost any establishment in the country. You can change money at banks and exchange offices. Dollars and rubles are also accepted for payment.

Transport of the country

You can travel around the country by plane, train and buses. The most convenient option is considered to be the last transport, since it is much faster. Taxi services have been developed in Azerbaijan, offering trips to any place in the country.

When a person acquires citizenship of a country, he has rights and obligations that operate on the basis of the legislation of the country. Therefore, to avoid any questions in the future, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with it before arriving in the country.
Usually tourists come here for temporary residence, after which they decide whether they want to stay in the country or not. To change temporary residence to permanent residence, you do not need to leave the country. Everything can be processed on the spot by submitting an application to the immigration service. Usually, if a person has complied with all the laws, he will be issued a citizenship document within a short time. After that, he has the right to use it and also refuse it.

Registration and receipt of Azerbaijani citizenship