French citizenship is a legal status that gives its holder certain rights and responsibilities. A citizen of the French Republic can live, work, study and do business in the country, as well as receive social security and freely cross state borders. Moreover, citizens have the right to exercise these rights in any EU country, since according to the Maastricht Treaty, all holders of a French passport are citizens of the European Union .

A French passport is a pass to all the benefits of French citizenship. It is ranked fifth in the world’s most powerful passports, based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) , and allows visa-free travel to 185 countries.

French law provides for several options for obtaining citizenship, including by investment and by naturalization . In this article we will look at all the reasons for obtaining a residence in France and the registration procedure itself.

Rights and obligations of French citizens

According to the “ Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and the Citizen ”, as well as the French Constitution , every citizen of this state has the following rights:

  • work in government positions;
  • engage in labor activity and conduct business in the republic;
  • travel around the EU countries without visas, live on their territory and find work without additional permits;
  • receive free public education;
  • take part in the political life of the country as a voter and elected person;
  • receive social benefits.

In addition to rights, citizens have some responsibilities:

  • pay taxes on time;
  • serve in the army and defend the state in case of war;
  • comply with the laws of the country.

How to get a French passport

In most cases, the path to French citizenship for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and citizens of other CIS countries is the same:

  • opening a national visa;
  • registration of a residence permit ;
  • obtaining permanent residence;
  • assignment of citizen status.

Depending on the basis on which the visa was initially issued, and then the residence permit and permanent residence, a foreigner may need to live in the republic from 4 to 25 years. The process of obtaining a passport after citizenship is assigned takes up to 18 months.

Grounds for obtaining citizenship:

  • origin;
  • birth or adoption;
  • Financial independence;
  • investments;
  • marriage with a French subject;
  • business;
  • employment;
  • education;
  • service in the French army.

Regardless of which option is chosen, the final rights of all French citizens are the same. Next, we will consider each method in more detail.

By origin

First of all, this method is suitable for those who were born outside of France (for example, in the Russian Federation), but one of the parents has French citizenship. Also, persons whose close relatives live in France and are its citizens can apply for citizenship by origin. To do this, it is necessary to confirm the relationship with documents, and the applicant himself must have lived in the country for 5 or more years.

This also includes obtaining citizenship through ascending line of kinship. This option is suitable for those who are over 65 years old, have lived in the republic for more than 25 years and are a direct relative of a French citizen (mother, father, grandmother or grandfather).

By birth and adoption

This method is relevant mainly for minors. Obtaining citizenship is possible in the following cases:

  • the child was born on French territory, and at least one parent was a French citizen at the time of his birth;
  • the parents do not have French citizenship, the child was born in this country and lived on its territory for 5 or more years;
  • the person was adopted by French citizens and resides permanently in the republic.

The advantage of this method is that you can obtain a passport not only by inheritance from your parents, but also by the “law of the land.” Citizenship is assigned at birth (in the first case) or upon reaching the candidate’s 18th birthday if the conditions are met.

For financially independent persons

This method is suitable for people whose annual income is at least 20,000 EUR. They are issued a visitor visa, which is valid for a year and can be extended. Financially independent persons do not have the right to work; only “free” professions are available to them: freelancer, artist, freelance journalist. They also cannot use free medical services. But they have access to purchasing real estate in France with the right to rent it out.

A visitor visa can be issued not only to the main applicant, but also to his spouse, minor children and parents over 65 years of age. Another advantage is the fact that knowledge of the French language is not required at the stage of obtaining a residence permit. After 5 years, immigrants will be able to obtain permanent residence, and after another 5 years, citizenship.

Through investments

You can become a French resident and then a citizen within the framework of the French Tech investment program using one of the provided options:

  • Contribution of at least 300,000 EUR to an existing French company.
    In this case, the investor must own at least 10% of its assets.
  • Investment from 30,000 EUR in a new business.
    The applicant must have a master’s degree and five years of work experience in the company’s field of activity.

In both cases, the investor receives a visa equivalent to a residence permit, which is valid for 4 years and is renewable. Citizenship can be obtained after 5 years of permanent legal residence in France. The advantage of this method is that it is allowed to include a spouse and minor children in the application for a residence permit, and the received residence permit does not need to be renewed every year,

Through marriage

A fairly common method of immigration, which allows you to obtain citizenship 4 years after marriage with a French citizen. To do this, a married couple must live continuously in the republic for at least 3 years. If this condition is not met, the foreign partner will be able to request a French passport 5 years from the date of marriage registration. An official wedding ceremony can be held in any country in the world.

After marriage, a foreigner must apply for a visa equivalent to a residence permit. Before receiving it, you must undergo an interview at the embassy. During the conversation, the employee checks the marriage for fictitiousness, as well as the level of knowledge of the language, culture and laws.

French law also allows migration after a PACS agreement has been concluded with a national of the country. This is an agreement that confirms the cohabitation of partners. Same-sex couples can also enter into it. Based on PACS, the foreign partner is issued a residence permit after a year of living together in France, and after 10 years of living in the state, he will be able to request citizenship.

Business immigration

You can move to France as an entrepreneur. The first option is to open a startup or buy an existing business. The immigrant will be issued a merchant visa for a year. If during this time the business does not begin to make a profit, the foreigner will have to leave the country. If the business contributes to the economic development of the region, the visa is extended. A year after entry, the entrepreneur will be able to invite his spouse and children.

The second option is to open a branch of a company that already exists outside the republic. In this case, the “posted worker” can apply for a 4-year visa equivalent to a residence permit.

In both cases, you will not be able to get a passport right away. After 5 years from the date of granting a residence permit, an immigrant will be able to request permanent residence, and after the same amount of time, apply for citizenship. Among the advantages of business immigration to France are the economic stability of the state and access to the EU market.

For employment

Highly qualified personnel can move under the “Passport-Talent” program and receive a visa equivalent to a residence permit for 4 years. To do this, they need to have a diploma from a French university or five years of work experience and a contract with the employer for a year or more. An important condition is that the annual income of such an employee must be at least 37,000 EUR after taxes. The advantage of this method of immigration is that the resident status does not need to be renewed annually.

You can immigrate to France using a regular work visa, and subsequently obtain a residence permit for a year. But in this case, finding a vacancy will not be easy – the French themselves need jobs due to unemployment in the country. You can obtain citizenship through employment in France after 10 years of legal residence on its territory.

Through training

Upon admission to a French university, a Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian receives a visa equivalent to a residence permit. It is valid for a year and can be extended. To obtain a specialist degree and the possibility of further employment in the EU, you must complete a minimum five-year course.

The advantage of studying in France is that after just 2 years of living in the country with a permanent residence permit, the graduate has the right to request citizenship. You can also enroll in a French university for a master’s degree – you need to study for 2 years, and after the same amount of time it becomes possible to obtain a passport.

While serving in the army

You can obtain French citizenship after three years of service in the Foreign Legion. Men aged from 17 to 40 years old who meet the following requirements can enroll in it:

  • absence of no more than 4 teeth, as well as serious illnesses that may interfere with service;
  • good physical shape and passing standards;
  • knowledge of French at a basic level.

This method does not provide a full guarantee of obtaining citizenship, and getting into the legion is not easy due to competition. The likelihood of a passport being issued is influenced by characteristics, participation in military conflicts, awards and other nuances. But if a legionnaire is injured during hostilities, he is immediately issued citizenship.

List of documents for obtaining French citizenship

The basic list of documents looks like this:

  • passport;
  • all available foreign passports;
  • 4 passport size color photos;
  • permanent residence card or residence permit;
  • statement of account;
  • a police certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record in France and the country of citizenship;
  • a certificate from the tax service confirming the absence of debts;
  • contract for the purchase or rental of housing in French territory;
  • certificate of absence of dangerous diseases;
  • a statement explaining the reason why the applicant is seeking citizenship.

Depending on the basis, this list is supplemented by the following documents:

  • marriage certificate (for foreign spouses of French citizens);
  • diploma (for students);
  • employment contract (for employees);
  • confirmation of family ties (for relatives of French citizens);
  • birth certificate (for minors born in France or adopted by French citizens);
  • business plan (for entrepreneurs).

All documents issued outside of France must be translated and certified by a notary, and the certificates must have an apostille. If the need arises, the migration service officer will require additional confirmation.

Fees and duties

The state fee for issuing a passport is 155 EUR. Minors and disabled people are exempt from payment.

Process of obtaining French citizenship

The procedure for obtaining citizenship after living in a permanent residence state consists of several stages:

  • Exams passage;
  • collection and submission of documents;
  • waiting for a decision;
  • obtaining a new passport.

Taking tests

Before you can apply for citizenship, you must pass two tests. The first consists of several parts and assesses language skills (speaking and writing). The minimum required level is B1. The second test tests knowledge of geography, history and culture. A foreigner will need to name contemporary famous French figures, and may need to sing the anthem. Tests are not required for the following categories:

  • persons over 70 years of age;
  • applicants who have lived in France for more than 15 years.

There are also concessions for graduates of local universities – they are exempt from the language exam. If the tests fail the first time, the candidate can retake them an unlimited number of times. After successfully passing the exams, the corresponding certificates are added to the general package of documents for citizenship.

Submission of documents

After the applicant has collected all the necessary documents, he can submit them to the prefecture (if he is in France) or to the consulate (if he is in his homeland). It is important that all necessary copies, translations and notarizations are available. After the documents are accepted by the authorized officer, the candidate receives a form to pay the fee, without which it is impossible to process the citizenship application.

Consideration of the application

The application is reviewed within 12–18 months. Each nomination is carefully scrutinized by the Minister of Citizenship. Once a decision is made, the applicant is notified via phone call or message.

Receiving a passport

After receiving the decision, the applicant must sign a certificate of naturalization and apply for a French passport. The presentation of the finished document takes place in the prefecture at a ceremony. The new citizen must take an oath. After receiving your passport, you must request a new birth certificate (French sample), register with the military and receive a voter card.

Can citizenship be denied?

Refusals of French citizenship are not uncommon. Main reasons:

  • violation of the country’s migration legislation;
  • providing false documents or false information;
  • incomplete package of documents, typos, errors;
  • having a criminal record;
  • insufficient level of financial security;
  • being on the international wanted list;
  • presenting a threat to public safety.

If citizenship is denied due to a typo or lack of documents, you are allowed to re-apply after the problem is resolved. If the applicant disagrees with the decision, he can file an appeal within 6 months from the date of receipt of the notification letter. The application is submitted to the court at the place of residence in France.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is it possible to give birth and obtain French citizenship?

Children born in France to foreigners will be able to take citizenship, but their parents will not. The only possible case when a father and mother will be able to obtain a passport due to the status of their child may be the issuance of citizenship through an ascending line of kinship. But only retired parents of a French citizen who have lived in the country for more than 25 years can count on this.

Is civil marriage suitable for obtaining a passport?

A PACS (Cohabitation Agreement) agreement entitles the foreign partner to obtain a one-year residence permit with subsequent renewal. After 5 years, he will be able to request permanent residence and then citizenship. But you won’t be able to immediately get a passport through a civil union.

Dual citizenship in France?

France is one of the few countries that recognize dual citizenship. This means that when receiving a French passport, a foreigner can also remain a citizen of his country. However, this is only permissible if there is an appropriate agreement between the countries. Despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation allows dual citizenship for Russians, they cannot simultaneously have citizenship of France and Russia due to the lack of the necessary agreement. Russians, like Ukrainians and Belarusians, will be forced to give up their passports to obtain a French one.

Registration of French citizenship: complete information