Today Azerbaijan is a highly developed country. Despite the fact that there is quite enough work in Azerbaijan, many representatives of this state prefer to earn money in other countries.

Most of the Azerbaijanis settled in Russia. The thing is that wages here are several times higher than in Azerbaijan.

Where to look for work

Despite the fact that most representatives of Azerbaijan travel to other countries to earn money, Azerbaijan does not have a need for labor. The shortage of hired workers is filled with the help of labor immigration from nearby countries.

Salaries in this state cannot be called too high. But for the countries of the former USSR it is considered average.

There are several ways to find work in this incredibly beautiful state:

  1. Directly being already on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  2. In the country of actual stay or residence.

A very interesting fact is that representatives of many countries do not need to apply for a visa to this republic . These countries include Ukraine and the Russian Federation. But a visa-free regime ( entry with a foreign passport ) only means a tourist trip.

To prepare documentation regarding work activity, you will need to contact the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan at your actual place of residence with a request to issue a work visa.

At the representative office you will need to submit documents confirming the availability of a workplace. When applying for a visa, employees of the consular department or embassy will be interested in information regarding the expected period of employment in Azerbaijan.

This is necessary in order to clearly determine what type of visa to issue to a person: for a long or short time. You can look for work upon arrival in the Republic of Azerbaijan using the media: on websites on the Internet and in local advertisements in newspapers. Most vacancies are provided by the local labor exchange. But it is worth remembering that this service is paid for foreigners.

You can also find work in your actual country of residence. To find the required vacancy, you can contact a specialized recruitment agency. You can also use the World Wide Web. Today there are quite a lot of vacancies on the Internet regarding the employment of foreign citizens represented by large organizations and enterprises.

What do you need to get a job?

Azerbaijan is a very civilized country. To work on its territory, a person will need to obtain a work permit.

This document allows you to carry out labor activities in Azerbaijan on a legal basis. Labor activity is work for which a fixed amount of money is paid.

It is interesting that work permits are issued not by migration services, but directly by the organizations themselves. But not all enterprises can issue work permits. Only organizations that have a license to permit the attraction of citizens of other countries for the purpose of employment in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan have the right to carry out such a procedure. Often large organizations, companies and holdings specializing in foreign economic relations have this right.

The procedure for issuing a permit includes several stages such as:

  1. The organization submits a request for a permit to the Ministry of Social Protection.
  2. After approval from the staff of this organization regarding the issuance of the document, the permit is sent to the organization. If a person has the opportunity to pick up the document himself, then he must go directly to this authorized body. A work permit is issued for a period of three hundred and sixty days. It can be extended for another four years. But this needs to be done every year.

A mandatory document for employment is an employment contract. This document clearly states the basic rules and responsibilities of an employee. The period for which the contract is concluded must also be indicated there.

In practice, it is known that the period directly depends on the validity period of the work permit. That is, initially you need to take care of obtaining permission, and then sign an employment contract.

When applying for employment, please note that the employment contract must be drawn up in two copies.

One remains with the employer, and the second is given to the employee. It is important to remember that if a person comes to find work in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he is obliged to submit an application for a work permit within thirty days.

Who does not need a work permit?

There are categories of people who do not need to obtain a work permit. These include:

  1. Employees of companies and organizations with international contracts.
  2. Employees who were sent to work in Azerbaijan on a business trip. In this case, the period of stay in the country should not exceed 90 days.
  3. Employees of consular missions.
  4. Sailors.
  5. Representatives of the media, including journalists.
  6. Art industry workers.
  7. Athletes arriving at the competition.
  8. Teachers who were invited directly by the Azerbaijani side to conduct a number of lectures.

The most in-demand professions

Today, finding a job in Azerbaijan is quite easy. To do this, you just need to have the desire and be patient. For people with higher education, it is worth paying attention to vacancies in the administrative field. This industry requires secretaries, translators and office managers.

The industrial sector is very popular. Mechanics, technologists, engineers and electricians become indispensable in this industry. Mostly men are welcomed into such positions.

It is more difficult for women to find similar jobs. The tourism business is quite developed in Azerbaijan. This country is distinguished by beautiful architecture, incredible nature and hospitality. It is these factors that attract tourists here. Due to the huge influx of tourists, the country has a shortage of administrative personnel, sellers, cooks and waiters.

Trade representatives are also required. Cashiers and forwarders, drivers and managers are in particular demand. It is quite easy to find a job for programmers. The salaries of these specialists reach eight hundred manats per month. For people with financial and economic education, the Republic of Azerbaijan can offer employment as an accountant, economist, manager and marketer.

For people without education, you can find work in the following vacancies:

  1. Maids.
  2. Drivers.
  3. Household staff.
  4. Security guards.
  5. Builders.

A prerequisite for working in Azerbaijan is knowledge of one of the languages: Russian or Azerbaijani. Unfortunately, for people who do not know one of these languages, finding work in Azerbaijan is almost impossible.


The salary level directly depends on the region in which a person works.

So in Baku, the salary of a secretary will be equal to two hundred manats, and in provincial cities a person working in this specialty will be paid within one hundred and eighty manats. Thus, we can conclude that in large cities salaries are ten to twenty percent higher than in provincial cities and towns.

In the industrial sector it is also possible to get a fairly good salary. On average, it ranges from five hundred to one thousand manats. For comparison, we note that one manat is equivalent to one euro at the exchange rate. Therefore, it is difficult to consider such a salary small. In the trade and tourism business, salaries are not particularly high. On average, it reaches four hundred manats.
In the economic sector, foreign representatives can receive a salary from 400 to 1500 manats. Domestic staff, including drivers, do not receive particularly high wages. On average, it is equal to 200 dollars.

Azerbaijan is a country with a lot of opportunities. On its territory there are large enterprises and organizations that can offer their employees not only decent wages, but also career growth.

Salaries in Azerbaijan