The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is one of the smallest states in the world with a population of about 650 thousand people. The country is among the TOP economies in the world in terms of salaries and living standards, so migrant workers try to find work in Luxembourg .

How can foreigners get a job?

The country’s economy is developing actively in the following directions: the agricultural sector, manufacturing and industry, financial and banking sectors. In 2024, inflation in Luxembourg has risen to 4%, and the unemployment rate is only 6%. In this regard, vacancies in various fields for residents of the country and foreigners are constantly appearing in various companies, education, manufacturing, the service industry and tourism.

In order to get a job in Luxembourg, foreigners must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Find an employer before arriving in the country and sign a contract with him. Managers who want to hire foreigners for a particular position are required to report all vacancies to a special structure – the National Employment Administration. Its employees issue permission to hire foreigners. A similar document can be obtained if neither local residents nor specialists from the EU have responded to the offer within 21 days – then migrant specialists are registered for work.
  2. The employment contract allows a foreigner to apply in the country for a visa and temporary residence permit.
  3. A foreigner must collect several important documents: photocopies of the completed pages of the international passport, birth certificate, copies of higher education diplomas, certificates confirming the level of qualifications, resume, motivation letter, biography, police clearance certificate, copy of the employment contract and a certificate that the foreigner can work in Luxembourg. This document must be sent along with the contract by the employer.
  4. All documents must be translated into one of the official languages ​​of the Duchy – English, German or French.

If all the requirements are met correctly, the foreigner can obtain a long-term visa to work in Luxembourg. After arriving in the country, a person must appear at the municipal office to go through the registration process at the place of residence (the period is three days from the date of arrival in the country).

Within three months, a migrant worker must undergo a medical examination and contact the immigration department to obtain a temporary residence permit. The document is issued for one year, then the specialist has the right to extend it. If a foreigner has been living in the country for five years on a permanent basis, then he can obtain a permanent residence permit, and after another five years – Luxembourg citizenship .

Job search

  • Advertisements in print and electronic publications in Luxembourg that publish information about vacancies.
  • Announcements in the media of the EU and the Grand Duchy.
  • Offers on the website of the State Employment Service.
  • Offers on social networks.

It is important to browse the Internet for thematic forums and sites where employers also often post up-to-date information about vacancies and work. It is also worth reading reviews from people who have already worked or are working in Luxembourg. It would be a good idea to contact recruitment agencies that operate in the country and deal with employment issues.

Average salary level by profession

Salaries for workers in the tourism, management, economics and banking sectors in Luxembourg differ. The average monthly salary in Luxembourg in 2024 is 4,090 euros. For comparison in other countries (follow the links you can learn more about the level of salaries in the countries presented below):

  • Norway – 3680 euros.
  • Austria – about 3.5 thousand euros.
  • USA – about 3.3 thousand euros.
  • Britain – a little more than 3 thousand euros.
  • Belgium – a little more than 3 thousand euros.

The average salary in Luxembourg city is almost 7.4 thousand US dollars per month, the maximum is 74 thousand dollars, and the minimum is 2.4 thousand.

The minimum wage established by the country’s government is considered the highest in the world and amounts to 2,447 euros. This level of income of the local population is due to the influence of the following factors:

  • Luxembourg is an offshore zone. 
  • The country has excellent tax conditions that attract foreign investors.
  • Luxembourg is home to a large number of investment firms, funds and banks.
  • 10% of GDP is generated by iron ore mining, cast iron and iron production.
  • Preferential conditions for purchasing real estate and investing in the country’s economy.

Every resident of Luxembourg has about 315 thousand US dollars in their bank account. This is the fourth indicator in the world. Below are the amounts of financial savings in some countries of the world:

  • Switzerland – 513 thousand US dollars.
  • Australia – 403 thousand US dollars.
  • Norway – 380 thousand US dollars.
  • Russia – more than 5 thousand US dollars.
  • Ukraine – about 5 thousand US dollars.

The table below shows the salary level of workers by profession:

Profession nameSalary (USD/month)
Firefighters, security guards, security personnel2872.23
Stylists and hairdressers3236.63
Automotive workers3236.63
Quality controllers3925.33
Call center employees4005
Real estate agents4248
Builders and installers4451
Insurance agents5000
Sales Managers7314
IT people7558.35
Accountants and financiers7809.78

Popular areas among foreigners

  • Information Technology.
  • Organization and management of business, provision of entrepreneurial services.
  • Insurance industry.
  • Investments.
  • Logistics and transport system.
  • Finance and banks.

To get a job in these areas, you must have the appropriate qualifications, know English at a high level, and understand specialized computer programs. Specialists in blue-collar professions are also constantly in demand: engineers, electricians, welders, technologists, builders. Unskilled migrants may seek vacancies for nannies, caregivers, housekeepers, tutors, and assistants/au pairs.

Taxes in Luxembourg

Income taxes in Luxembourg depend on the salary and taxpayer class.

  • Income tax in Luxembourg ranges from 0-42% depending on income level.
  • Additional payment to the employment fund – 7-9% of income tax.
  • Social contributions – 11.05%.

Luxembourg’s GDP exceeds many European countries. Investments from foreign investors stimulate the development of the local economy, and wages are two to three times higher than in Germany and France.

Salaries in Luxembourg. What is a decent salary in Luxembourg? Average Salaries in Luxembourg.