It is possible to obtain Serbian citizenship in 2023 through naturalization, repatriation, by birth or descent, in accordance with the conditions of the law. The most popular among third-country citizens is the first option, which involves the gradual issuance of a residence permit, permanent residence permit and passport over a period of 8 years. When choosing the optimal immigration program, a Serbian passport is available to all foreigners with minimal investment of money and time.

Serbian passport holders have visa-free access to 137 countries. After the planned entry of the state into the European Union by 2025, the list of free destinations will expand, and the Serbs will become full citizens of the EU and will be able to reside permanently, as well as conduct any activities in the territory of the entire association. A Serbian passport provides access to free education at local public universities and health insurance, and also allows you to do business on preferential terms.

Benefits of second Serbian citizenship

A stable economy and the prospect of joining the European Union make Serbia an attractive destination for obtaining second citizenship. A Serbian citizen’s passport gives holders the following benefits:

  • free access to more than 135 countries;
  • social protection;
  • state free medicine;
  • preferential conditions for doing business (aid from the state, tax holidays, etc.);
  • receiving free education in state educational institutions;
  • prospects for acquiring EU citizenship.

For foreigners who have immigrated to Serbia, giving up their previous passport is mandatory when acquiring Serbian citizenship as part of naturalization. The exception is ethnic Serbs participating in the repatriation program and some other categories of applicants.

Conditions and methods for obtaining Serbian citizenship

It is possible to obtain a national identity card in accordance with the Law on Citizenship of Serbia in the following ways.


The status of a citizen of the republic is assigned to a child provided that his mother and/or father are Serbs; the place of birth does not matter. If the birth took place outside of this state, and one of the parents is a foreigner, it is necessary to submit an application for registration of the child to the Serbian embassy or consulate before reaching adulthood, otherwise you should contact the competent authorities of the republic before reaching the age of 23 years. Children adopted by Serbian citizens receive a national identity card based on the application of the father or mother.


Citizenship is issued to a child upon his birth or discovery on the territory of the state, if the status of the mother and father cannot be determined, they are unknown or are not citizens of any country.


You can obtain citizenship after moving and obtaining a residence permit in Serbia for business , on the basis of employment or the purchase of real estate, for example. Permanent residence is requested after a minimum of 5 years, and the issuance of a passport is allowed after official residence in the country for at least 3 years in this status. Foreign spouses of Serbs have access to accelerated legalization – on this basis they can obtain permanent residence after 3 years of continuous residence. Citizenship by marriage can be applied for immediately after permanent residence is granted, if the union was legalized at least 3 years before filing the application.


The basis for applying for citizenship is the Serbian nationality of the applicant. Individuals who were born in the pre-existing Yugoslavia, were its citizens or hold passports of countries that arose on its former territory, but became refugees and left their borders, can apply. The applicant must be of legal age and legal capacity, and also submit an application indicating that he considers the republic to be his homeland.

By government decision

The authorities of the republic may, at their discretion, grant status to persons who are of particular interest to the state.

It is impossible to buy a gold passport in Serbia – the local government has not developed investment programs for accelerated legalization for capital investments. Foreigners have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit for investments in local residential real estate or their own enterprise, and then take part in standard naturalization.

Who can apply for Serbian citizenship

The following may apply for the status of Serbian citizen:

  • persons considered to be Serbs by birth;
  • former citizens of Yugoslavia;
  • persons residing in the state with permanent residence;
  • spouses of Serbian citizens;
  • applicants of Serbian nationality.

A foreign person who applies for citizenship through naturalization must comply with certain legal requirements:

  • reaching the age of 18;
  • capacity;
  • readiness to recognize Serbia as their homeland;
  • residence in the state for the last 3 years on the basis of permanent residence;
  • renunciation of foreign citizenship or obligation to do so after receiving a Serbian passport.

Algorithm for obtaining Serbian citizenship and passport

  1. Registration of entry permit .
    A long-term visa type D will be needed for those who do not have the right to cross the border in a simplified manner for further registration of a residence permit. You can apply for an entry permit at the Serbian consulate in your country of residence.
  2. Obtaining a residence permit (privremeni boravak) .
    After arriving in the republic, an immigrant must submit documents for a residence permit. The application and dossier are submitted by the applicant online or in person to the regional office of the Office for Foreigners or the police. The list of required documents depends on the basis for obtaining a residence permit, so it is worth paying special attention to preparing the dossier, as well as taking a photo of the required format. The Serbian residence permit is valid for up to a year with the right to extension; the processing period for the application is up to 30 days.
  3. Providing permanent residence (stalni boravak) .
    After 5 years of continuous stay in Serbia on the basis of a residence permit, a person can apply for permanent resident status. If the applicant is married to a citizen of the republic, the residency requirement is 3 years. The period for consideration of the application by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is about 2 months.
  4. Registration of Serbian citizenship .
    An application for citizenship is submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Serbian consulate outside the republic in person or through an authorized representative after 3 years of residence in Serbia on the basis of permanent residence. In some cases, this period may be reduced or canceled. Applications for citizenship are processed for about a year.

The fastest ways to obtain a Serbian residence permit and, accordingly, citizenship as part of naturalization are to purchase real estate or open a business on the territory of the republic. Residential status is available to an entrepreneur within a month, and no major investments are required. Company owners get access to profitable business loans and government benefits, and homeowners do not need to additionally look for work, for example, they just need to confirm their ownership.

You can obtain Serbian citizenship in a short time by taking part in repatriation. This method does not require 8 years of residence on the territory of the republic, but confirmation of Serbian nationality is a prerequisite.

Required documents

According to the Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia”, in order to obtain a passport, the applicant is required to provide a full package of documents. Certificates and extracts issued outside of Serbia must be legalized and translated into Serbian. The dossier includes:

  • a copy of the permit for permanent residence in Serbia;
  • birth certificate;
  • confirmation of renunciation of existing citizenship or a guarantee from an authorized foreign government agency that the person will fulfill this condition;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • copy of ID;
  • check for payment of state duty.

Depending on the basis for obtaining the status, migration services may request additional documents: birth certificate, certificate of family composition, or others. Minor children receive Serbian citizenship at the same time as their parents.

Terms and cost of obtaining citizenship

The timing and price of obtaining a Serbian passport directly depend on the method of acquiring citizenship. You can obtain residence permit status for a year; this process takes up to 30 days, and it can be extended an unlimited number of times. An applicant has the right to apply for permanent residence after 5 years of legal stay in Serbia. For certain categories of applicants, a shorter period is established, for example, for those who married a Serb (3 years). Registration of a Serbian passport is possible after 36 months of permanent residence status and in total can take approximately 4 to 9.5 years, taking into account the time required for the initial registration and renewal of a residence permit / permanent residence permit.

Main costs to consider when obtaining citizenship:

Expense itemCost, €
Applying for a national visa35
Medical insuranceAbout 40
Providing a residence permit153
Obtaining permanent residence112
Registration of citizenship170

When calculating the cost, you should take into account additional costs – fees for translation and notarization, legalization of documents, banking transactions, accommodation and food in the country for the required period. Those who are planning to open a business in Serbia should consider the amount of authorized capital and the costs of purchasing or renting production premises.

Dual citizenship in Serbia

The term “dual citizenship” refers to the existence of an agreement signed between two states on the mutual recognition of the rights and freedoms of citizens. A person who has passports of two countries undergoes military service, pays taxes and receives social benefits only in the country that he chooses for this.

“Second citizenship” is a concept that excludes the existence of such an agreement between countries. Each state considers a person its citizen. A person with a second citizenship can receive payments and benefits in two countries at the same time, but at the same time he is assigned responsibilities in each of them.

Serbian law does not allow dual citizenship for those who obtain citizen status by naturalization. There is no need to refuse repatriates, spouses of Serbs if they have been married for at least 3 years and have permanent residence, as well as other foreigners in cases where exit from the previous status is impossible.

Refusal to grant citizenship

Possible reasons for receiving a refusal to grant Serbian citizenship may be:

  • violation of the migration regime and legislation of the country;
  • the applicant has serious illnesses;
  • participation in military conflicts against the republic;
  • incomplete package of documents provided or their incorrect execution;
  • insufficient income or its dubious origin;
  • provision of false information by the applicant.

Involving a specialist in the process at an early stage will help minimize the risk of refusal to issue citizenship.

Features of the passport of a citizen of Serbia

An identity document in Serbia is issued by the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are 2 types of passports in the republic:

  • internal – a plastic ID card with a photo and a built-in chip with all the owner’s data (or without it, at the citizen’s request), valid for 10 years and issued within 15 days;
  • foreign – is a standard book with a burgundy cover with biometrics, is also valid for 10 years and is issued in 30 days.

An internal identity card is mandatory from the age of 16, and voluntary from the age of 10. For minor citizens, the document is valid for 5 years. A foreign passport can be requested at any age, the validity period is 3–10 years. An application for both documents is submitted with one of the parents; in some cases, a written agreement of the other is required.

Serbian Citizenship: Legal Ways to Obtain a Second Passport