Unlike other European countries, Belgium is tolerant of migrants. An enviable economy, decent education and affordable prices in Belgium – this is an incomplete list of what attracts people leaving there. “It’s good where we are not,” say people who are dissatisfied with life in their homeland, and, having packed their bags, leave for where, in their opinion, they will live better.

Zimmer Tower with clock in the town of Lier

One of the most attractive European countries for migrants in 2023 is Belgium. There are many reasons why people flock here. Attractive prices in Belgium, allowing you to purchase housing and receive education, as well as various benefits are considered the most important criterion.

General information

Many citizens of Russia and Ukraine who left for Europe for permanent residence admit that the attitude towards them at the everyday level leaves much to be desired.

Unlike Germany and Great Britain, life in Belgium for emigrants from the countries of the former USSR is not complicated by the hostility of local residents. In addition to its democratic attitude towards foreigners, Belgium boasts a good level of social culture and a relatively short period of naturalization. As a result, the migrant can expect to soon receive Belgian citizenship .

Life in Belgium attracts many, because the “right” emigrants, over time, “risk receiving” a large number of pleasant bonuses, which include social benefits.

Standard of living

The Kingdom of Belgium is a developing country with a very high standard of living. Salaries in Belgium are much higher than in other EU member states. Also, many people can count on payment of benefits. But it is very difficult for a person who does not have decent qualifications to get a well-paid job in Belgium.

Who to work with

The Belgian economy allows entrepreneurs to successfully develop their business. In addition, Belgium is in need of highly qualified specialists, as well as those who are able to quickly and creatively solve a specific problem facing a particular enterprise. Those who have a rare specialty that is not in demand in their homeland also find a place in the sun. Doctors, engineers and accountants have a chance to find a good job.

The average salary for any of these vacancies is two or even three times higher than in Russia and Ukraine.

A person who is unable to prove his qualifications can get a job as a waiter, maid or bartender.

Salaries in Belgium

The economy in Belgium in 2023 is considered one of the best in the European Union. Even by European standards, wages in Belgium are very high.

  1. The average salary of a bartender is approximately 1,500 euros.
  1. On average, a waiter earns about 2.0 thousand euros.
  2. The average salary of a doctor and engineer is 4.0 thousand euros.

Also, a person with a medical education can open his own office. The monthly salary in this case will vary from 7.0 to 8.0 thousand euros.


The payment of pension savings in the Kingdom rests on 3 pillars. They are as follows:

  • pension payments provided for by the Law of the country;
  • supplement to the basic pension (provided by the employer);
  • pension savings (the amount of payments is determined by the person independently).

The average pension payment is 865 euros.

Belgian pensions are calculated as follows:

  • old age (from 63 years old);
  • by length of service (experience – at least 30 years);
  • according to professional duties;
  • on disability.

The calculation of pension payments depends on length of service, status, marital status and social insurance contributions. Many pensioners are entitled to receive pleasant bonuses.

There are such advantages as a pension supplement (relevant if a person, having crossed the sixty-year mark, continues to work), and the possibility of increasing it. The size of the supplement is approximately nine percent of the amount of pension payments.

In addition to the advantages, there are also significant disadvantages. Thus, the retirement age in Belgium is increasing all the time.

Medical service

The Kingdom’s healthcare system provides highly qualified medical care to everyone who needs it. All citizens of the country have equal access to medical services.
Every Belgian citizen has the right to:

  1. Choosing an institution.
  2. Doctor’s choice.

State health insurance of the Bismarckian type is mandatory for everyone and includes an extensive social package. Primary medical care in the Kingdom is provided by private doctors, most of whom are private entrepreneurs. Doctors practice in hospitals and outpatient clinics. Patients can also visit doctors in private offices.

Medical level

As in many other EU countries, medicine in Belgium is at a very high level.

With free choice of medical facility and attending physician, every Belgian has access to any level of care. The main advantage of this system is the absence of queues anywhere. Considering the fact that there is no voluntary health insurance, most citizens of the Kingdom have no complaints about the existing health care system.

For foreign citizens

It is important to remember that prices for medical services in Belgium are quite high. In order to enter the country, a foreigner is required to provide a health insurance policy (international level).

Every foreigner has the right to seek medical help and choose both the institution where treatment will take place and the doctor. First aid does not require payment, but in the future the foreigner undertakes to pay according to the price list.

Taxes in Belgium

In addition to various nice benefits, Belgium has many types of taxes. The main taxes in Belgium are as follows:

  1. Personal tax persons
  2. Corporation tax.
  3. Income tax.
  4. Capital gains tax.
  5. Property tax.
  6. Social contributions insurance.
  7. Stamp duties.

In terms of the number of bizarre taxes and laws, Belgium is by no means in the leading position.

And yet, it is important for hypothetical emigrants to remember that, in addition to the main ones, there are also unusual taxes in Belgium:

  1. Auto tax (relevant for traveling around the country using personal vehicles).
  2. Tax for hotel and inn owners.
  3. Barbecue tax.

Recently, travel on the roads of the Kingdom has become paid. A tax coupon is a nice sticker that the owner of a vehicle undertakes to place on the windshield of his “iron horse”. The price of the tax voucher depends on the engine power. The average cost is approximately sixty euros.

A tax on explicit goods seems no less unusual. This tax is relevant for owners of storefronts containing women in underwear. Thanks to this tax, approximately one million euros are poured into the state budget.

Social benefits

Social benefits are paid in Belgium to the most vulnerable sections of society. First of all, large families, people who have lost their jobs and the unemployed receive benefits. The unemployed benefit is paid for 12 months. Only those persons who were not fired voluntarily and do not receive assistance from their previous place of work can count on unemployment benefits.

Standard of living and prices in Belgium