Canadian universities firmly occupy leading positions in the list of the best universities in the world. In addition to a high level of education, they are also attracted by low tuition fees, a comfortable living environment and wide opportunities for immigration to Canada. 

Attractive aspects of studying in Canada for foreigners

It is common knowledge that studying in Canada is very popular among international students. One of the main reasons for such popularity are the following:

  • high level of education. Many Canadian universities are included in the hundred most prestigious universities in the world;
  • lower cost of education, compared to such English-speaking countries as the USA, England and Australia, with the same or higher level of education;
  • a friendly atmosphere, a tolerant attitude towards all nationalities, a safe environment, a sense of stability and comfort of living;
  • the opportunity to live in Canada legally for a long time, including not only the student himself, but also family members (husband / wife, children);
  • the possibility of obtaining a work visa for the wife of a student studying in Canada;
  • for the student himself – the opportunity to obtain a work visa after graduation;
  • the opportunity to apply for the status of a permanent resident after graduation.

Specifics of admission of foreigners to colleges and universities

Many may not know that it is not so difficult for a foreign student to enter Canadian universities and colleges, and sometimes it is even easier than for Canadians themselves.

In particular, only two main points are required from a foreign student:

  • good command of the English language
  • availability of funds to pay for education and accommodation

As proof of good command of the language, foreigners must provide the result of one of the international tests for knowledge of the English language, not below a certain level. The most common tests are TOEFL and IELTS.

When applying to Canadian colleges and universities, you need to keep the following in mind:

1. You can apply for admission to several educational institutions at the same time. In the event that you receive an invitation to study from several colleges or universities at once, you choose which of these offers to accept and where to go to study, based on their proposed conditions and your preferences;

2. Applications for training must be submitted in advance. Usually, the acceptance of applications for a certain academic year begins at the beginning of October of the previous year and ends in February (in many educational institutions and for some programs even earlier). Therefore, the process of submitting an application for study at a college or university should be planned in advance, at least a year in advance;

3. For persons who have partially or fully completed higher education, part of the subjects they have passed can be credited, which leads to a reduction in the duration of training and a reduction in the cost of training;

4. Since foreigners are required to pass the English or French language test at a certain level for admission to Canadian colleges and universities, in many cases it is extremely useful to study in preparatory courses at the chosen educational institution before entering. This will allow you to master English or French at an appropriate level, as well as adapt to the Canadian education system and environment.

Studying in Canada for people who already have a higher education

Among those who go to study in Canada, there are many people who already have higher education. There are several main reasons for this:

1. Obtaining a higher level of education (Master degree, Ph.D.) Even if you do not take into account the receipt of an MBA, which is now de facto a necessary condition for building a career in upper-level management, obtaining a Master degree in your field in recent years, it has also become a determining factor when looking for a job and moving up the career ladder;

2. Obtaining a second higher education in a related or other specialty. Recent trends include the fact that higher education at the Bachelor’s degree level is often not enough to get a high-paying job and build a successful career. Experience shows that specialists who have education in different fields have advantages, which gives them the opportunity to work at the intersection of different specialties.

3. Obtaining a Canadian education by major. This case mainly applies to people who have already obtained the status of a permanent resident of Canada, or are just planning to immigrate to Canada . For them, obtaining a Canadian diploma makes employment in Canada much easier. In some cases, it also gives an opportunity to work in their main specialty in Canada – for example, lawyers, because North America has a completely different legal system.

Another reason for obtaining a Canadian diploma in a specialty already obtained abroad is plans to immigrate to Canada through education , since shortened periods of study (which is possible if there is specialized education) make it possible to do this in the best way.

Status of stay in Canada for international students and family members

Enrollment in a Canadian educational institution gives not only the person who came to study, but also individual members of his family the opportunity to legally stay in the country for the entire period of study. At the same time, it should be understood that a residence permit in Canada for the period of study does not give any right to obtain the status of a permanent resident, and does not lead to its acquisition. All this time, you continue to remain a foreigner who was allowed to temporarily reside in the country.

You are not eligible for the social benefits enjoyed by residents of the country, and you can be deported from Canada at any time if you violate the rules of stay. In order to obtain the status of a permanent resident (residence permit), you need to go through the immigration process under one of the immigration programs. When a foreigner enrolls in a Canadian college or university, family members may enter Canada with him. Family members mean a husband, wife and children under the age of 18.

A student visa is issued only for full-time studies. This usually involves 12 to 18 hours of study per week and at least 4 courses (subjects) per semester. Having a student visa does not give you the right to work in Canada. However, foreign students, in parallel with their studies, are allowed to work up to 20 hours a week – either in the system of their educational institution (on-campus work) or in any other place (off-campus work) – for which a special permit must be obtained ( work permit).

In the event that a foreigner enters Canada together with a spouse (husband or wife), the spouse can obtain an open work permit for the entire duration of the student’s studies (Open Work Permit), under which he or she can take any job in Canada This gives you the opportunity to earn a living in Canada and pay for your studies.

In addition, if the spouse accumulates a certain length of work in Canada and / or receives an official invitation to work from a Canadian employer, then this may allow him to apply for immigration and permanent resident status under one of the immigration programs available at that time.

Although the situation with immigration programs has become unstable in recent years, in any case, you must count on the fact that the Canadian government gives preference to those who have an invitation to work in Canada, or have worked for a certain period of time or studied and completed a Canadian education institution. Thus, the possibility for a spouse to obtain a work visa and work officially is an additional option if you plan to apply for the status of permanent residents of Canada .

It should also be taken into account that once you get the status of permanent residents of Canada, the cost of studying at a college or university is drastically reduced (3-4 times), plus you get free health care, and children are provided with free school education .

After graduating from a university or college, a graduate can obtain a Post-Graduation Work Permit. It is issued when the term of study is at least 8 months. A work permit is issued for the period of study, but not more than 3 years. That is, if the training lasted 8 months, then the work permit will be given for 8 months. If the study lasted 4 years, then the work permit will be given for 3 years.

The presence of such a work permit allows the graduate to get a job in Canada, gain work experience, and / or receive a job offer from a Canadian employer Job Offer. All this, in turn, can become a basis for applying for the status of a permanent resident under one of the immigration programs operating at that time.

Studying in Canada for foreigners