From January 1, 2024, i.e. from the date of entry into force of the new tariff, fines for drivers have drastically increased. The maximum fine has been increased 10 times from PLN 500 to PLN 5,000, and the fine imposed by the court has been increased from PLN 5,000 to PLN 30,000. In turn, since September 17 last year, the maximum number of penalty points for one offense has increased from 10 to 15.

The new scale of fines in Poland, which is effective from January 1, 2022, has changed many road rules. This is not only an increase in fines and the maximum number of penalty points for one offence. In addition, e.g. insurance companies gained access to information on fines and penalty points received by drivers in Poland. As a result, people who frequently violate traffic rules in Poland can pay much more for civil liability insurance.

New tariffs for fines in Poland 2024 – what rules have changed?

Changes to the tariff of fines, effective from January 1, 2022, introduced a number of changes to regulatory and legal acts. The most serious seems to be the increase in the maximum rate of the fine for violating traffic rules from PLN 500 to PLN 5,000. Below we explain what the penalties are for drivers for the most common offenses in 2023.

What is the fine for speeding in Poland in 2024?

The current amounts of fines for speeding come into effect from January 1, 2022 and are:

  • up to 10 km/h  – PLN 50;
  • 11-15 km/h  – PLN 100;
  • 16-20 km/h  – 200 zlotys;
  • 21-25 km/h  – 300 zlotys;
  • 26-30 km/h  – 400 zlotys;
  • 31-40 km/h  – 800 zlotys (1,600 zlotys for repeated commission of the same offense, the so-called relapse);
  • 41-50 km/h  – 1,000 zlotys (2,000 zlotys for repeated commission of the same offense, the so-called relapse);
  • 51-60 km/h  – 1,500 zlotys (3,000 zlotys for repeated commission of the same offense, the so-called relapse);
  • 61-70 km/h  – PLN 2,000; (4,000 zlotys for repeated commission of the same crime, the so-called relapse);
  • over 70 km/h  – 2,500 zlotys (5,000 zlotys if the same offense is committed again, so-called relapse).

2024 fines for other violations of traffic rules in Poland

However, speeding is not the only gross violation on the roads, for which penalties have increased since January 1, 2022. High fines are also provided for: using a phone without a headset while driving, violating the overtaking ban, overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, not yielding the right of way to a pedestrian or driving a vehicle without a license. See the table below for the list of frequently violated traffic rules and fines.

Type of offenseThe minimum amount of the fine
blocking traffic or obstructing traffic500 zlotys
using a phone while driving, which requires the driver to hold the handset or microphone in their hand500 zlotys
non-observance of overtaking rules1000 zlotys
failure to comply with the requirements for stopping the vehicle in order to allow a disabled person to pass the road1500 zlotys
overtaking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing1500 zlotys
avoiding a vehicle traveling in the same direction but stopped to give way to a pedestrian1500 zlotys
violation of the ban on movement on the sidewalk or pedestrian crossing1500 zlotys
driving a vehicle without a license1500 zlotys
not giving way to pedestrians1500 zlotys
speeding by 50 km/h1500 zlotys
bypassing abandoned barriers or semi-barriers at a railway crossing2000 zlotys
entering a crossing when the lowering of barriers or semi-barriers has started or their raising has not been completed2000 zlotys
entering a level crossing with a signal device or other signaling device, with a red signal, a flashing red signal or two alternately flashing red signals2000 zlotys
entering a railway crossing, if there is no room to continue traffic on the other side2000 zlotys
causing a collision, as a result of which the functions of a body organ or the health of another person are impaired2500 zlotys
for failure to indicate contrary to duty at the request of the authorized body entrusted with the driving or use of the vehicle in criminal proceedings within the prescribed least 4,000 zlotys

In the tariff of fines from January 1, 2022  . fines for failure to indicate the driver of the vehicle also increased. Their size depends on the type of offense committed by the wanted person. If a collision occurs, a fine of PLN 2,000 is provided for failure to indicate the driver. The rate will increase  to PLN 4,000 in the event of an accident. If exceeding the speed limit is recorded by a camera, the Road Transport Inspectorate can impose a fine twice as much as the violator would have received (but not less than PLN 800). However, in case of other violations of the rules,  the fine for failure to identify the driver is 500 zlotys (the court can increase the rate to 30,000 zlotys).

In turn, from September 17, 2022,   this includes recidivism  . This means that if a driver is caught for the same violation within two years, he will pay double the minimum fine for that traffic violation. People who, in particular:

  • speeding by 30 km/h,
  • will drive a vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs,
  • violate the prohibition of overtaking,
  • drive a car without a license.

Example:  Mr. Andrzej in January 2023 paid a fine of PLN 800 for speeding by more than 30 km/h. In February 2023, he was caught again for the same offense, for which he received a fine of PLN 1,600.

Penalty points in Poland 2024 – can they be reduced?

In 2023, the current maximum limit of penalty points, after which you can lose your driving license, remains in force. So it’s still  20 points  for people with less than a year’s driving license and  24 points  for other drivers. However,  the changes to the tariff of fines, which are effective from September 17, 2022, introduced a number of other changes to the regulations in this matter, which  we explain below.

If until recently, a driver could receive a maximum of 10 penalty points for one violation, then  from September 17, 2022,  this number increased to 15.  At the same time,  a maximum of 15 penalty points   can be received  for a violation . traffic rules :

  • causing a traffic accident, causing an immediate danger of a traffic accident, causing a traffic accident;
  • driving a vehicle after drinking alcohol or alcohol-like substances;
  • driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • failure to provide assistance to victims of road accidents;
  • using a vehicle in a way that threatens the safety of a person inside or outside the vehicle;
  • evading a vehicle that was traveling in the same direction but stopped to give way to a pedestrian;
  • overtaking at pedestrian crossings and immediately in front of them;
  • failure to give way to a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing or entering it;
  • failure to comply with the requirements for stopping the vehicle when a person with disabilities crosses the road at a special sign or a person with visible mobility limitations to ensure that he can cross;
  • non-compliance in order to avoid inspection of the signal of the person authorized to control traffic, about the order to stop the vehicle;
  • failure to comply with light signals;
  • failure to comply with signals and orders of persons authorized to manage traffic;
  • failure to comply with signals and orders of persons authorized to regulate traffic;
  • speeding by more than 70 km/h;
  • failure to comply with the B-25 or B-26 sign, overtaking is prohibited;
  • violation of the ban on bypassing abandoned barriers or semi-dams and leaving for crossings, if their lowering has started or their lifting has not been completed;
  • violation of entry to a railway crossing using a signaling device with a red flashing red signal or two alternately flashing red signals or using another device that transmits these signals;
  • violation of the ban on entering a railway crossing, if there is no place to continue driving on the other side;
  • driving on the highway or expressway in the direction opposite to that established by law or road signs;
  • transportation of more than two children in a vehicle in a manner that does not comply with the rules;
  • transportation of people in a vehicle not intended or adapted for this purpose, or in a number that exceeds the number of seats specified in the vehicle registration certificate or resulting from the constructive purpose of the vehicle, which is not subject to registration, if the number of people, transported improperly is 10 people or more.

From September 17, 2024, the number of penalty points for speeding  has also increased  :

  • up to 10 km/h  – 50 PLN fine and 1 penalty point,
  • o 11-15 km/h  – PLN 100 fine and 2 penalty points,
  • o 16-20 km/h  – 200 PLN fine and 3 penalty points,
  • o 21-25 km/h  – a fine of PLN 300 and 5 penalty points,
  • o 26-30 km/h  – 400 PLN fine and 7 penalty points,
  • o 31-40 km/h  – a fine of PLN 800 (a repeat offense of PLN 1,600) and 9 penalty points,
  • o 41-50 km/h  – a fine of PLN 1,000 (a repeat offense of PLN 2,000) and 11 penalty points,
  • o 51-60 km/h  – a fine of PLN 1,500 (a repeat offense of PLN 3,000) and 13 penalty points,
  •  o 61-70 km/h  – a fine of PLN 2,000 (a repeat offense of PLN 4,000) and 14 penalty points,
  • at 71 km/h or more  – a 2,500 PLN fine (a repeat offense of 5,000 PLN) and 15 penalty points.

Previously, penalty points expired one year after the fine was paid or the court decision entered into force. However,  as of September 17, 2022, this term has been extended to two years,  which are counted from the day the punishment was imposed or the day it was removed. At the same time, the bad news for drivers does not end there.

This is  the inability to reduce the number of penalty points by voluntarily completing a paid course. Previously, up to 6 points could be removed from the account in this way, if you did not lose your driving license after exceeding the limit. Meanwhile,  from September 17, 2022,  the regulations in this matter have completely changed. If  the driver has exceeded the limit of penalty points, he must retake the theoretical and practical driving test. For this, it is necessary to pay a fee in the amount of 500 zlotys. At the same time, passing the course does not reduce the number of penalty points, but it is necessary to obtain a driver’s license again.

What is the deadline for drivers to pay a fine in Poland?

In 2023,  drivers have 14 days to pay a late fine in Poland. This is a type of punishment when the culprit was not found at the scene of the crime, and at the same time there is no doubt about his identity. In the case of drivers, it can be, for example, a speed camera.

In turn,  in 2023  , drivers have 7 days to pay the credit card. Issued to the violator against a receipt, for example, based on the results of a roadside inspection.

Drivers can pay for the received ticket traditionally in cash by postal order. However, a more convenient solution is to pay online using a bank account.

Appeal of a fine for violating traffic rules in Poland

After the entry into force of the new tariff, from January 1, 2022,  the maximum fine that a court can impose on a traffic violator has also increased from PLN 5,000 to PLN 30,000. He may be prosecuted if, for example, the driver does not accept a speeding ticket to which he is entitled. Then a proceeding will be initiated, as a result of which the ticket may be canceled or the fine may be increased. A maximum fine of PLN 30,000 can be imposed on drivers for violating the following traffic rules:

Will fines for not having liability insurance increase in Poland in 2024?

On June 17, 2022, insurers gained access to the register of fines and penalty points collected by vehicle owners. Therefore, in 2023, the PN norms for drivers who violate traffic rules may increase significantly. In addition, with the increase of the minimum wage to PLN 3,490 gross (in the period January-June 2023) and to PLN 3,600 gross (in the period July-December 2023), fines for not having an OC policy will double this year. They are imposed by the Insurance Guarantee Fund. ​

In January-June 2023,  the maximum fine for non-responsibility for more than 14 days  is the least severe for motorcycle owners (1,160 PLN). On the other hand, owners of passenger cars (6,980 zlotys)  and trucks (10,470 zlotys) have to dig much deeper into their pockets.

However,  fines for not having liability insurance will increase again between July and December 2023.  Then motorcycle owners will pay 1,200 zlotys, cars – 7,200 zlotys, trucks – 10,800 zlotys for vehicles not insured for more than 14 days. .

At the same time, the price of mandatory vehicle insurance can be significantly lower compared to the fine for lack of liability insurance. According to the data of the comparison site, in the period January-February 2023, the average premium was PLN 488. This is PLN 6,492 less than the current fine for the lack of liability insurance for more than 14 days for car owners.

specified email address.

Table of fines in Poland 2024

The new tariff can empty the driver’s wallet 10 times more than the recently effective fines. On the other hand, committing two serious violations of traffic rules can lead to the loss of a driver’s license. Therefore, it is worth  familiarizing yourself with the new fines for traffic violations, a full list of which is available in the table below: 

Table of fines 2023 – rates of fines

Type of offenseThe amount of the fine (with two amounts, the larger of which is the fine for a repeat offense)
I. Rules of the road for pedestrians and people moving with the use of traffic assistants
Violation by a pedestrian of the obligation to use the sidewalk or footpath, and in their absence – the shoulder.50 zlotys
Violation of the obligation to move to the left by a pedestrian walking along the sidewalk or road.50 zlotys
Violation by pedestrians of the obligation to move along the road in turn50 zlotys
50th century 11 sec. 3 4 Violation of pedestrian traffic rules on bicycle paths50 zlotys
Failure of a pedestrian who moves on the road after dusk outside the settlement to use reflective elements in a place visible to other road users, except when he moves on a road intended only for pedestrians or on a sidewalk.100 zlotys
Violation of the obligation to use pedestrian crossings when entering a road or track and when crossing a road or track50 zlotys
Exiting the road directly in front of a moving vehicle:
1) at pedestrian crossings150 zlotys
2) in places other than pedestrian crossings200 zlotys
Access to the roadway from outside the vehicle or other obstacle that limits the view of the road200 zlotys
Crossing the road in places with limited visibility:
1) in the settlement50 zlotys
2) on undeveloped territory100 zlotys
Slowing down or stopping unnecessarily when crossing a road or track50 zlotys
Runs across the road50 zlotys
Walking on the path50 zlotys
Entering the track when barriers or semi-barriers are down or have started to be down2000 zlotys
Violation on a public highway, in a residential zone or in a traffic zone of the prohibition of entry to a railway crossing by a signaling device or other device that emits red signals, a flashing red signal or two alternately flashing red signals, the driver of a pedestrian convoy or the driver2000 zlotys
Crossing the road where the footpath or footpath is separated by a safety device or obstacle50 zlotys
Pedestrians using a phone or other electronic device while entering a road or track or crossing it, including when entering a pedestrian crossing or crossing a pedestrian crossing, in a way that leads to limiting the ability to observe the situation on the road, track or pedestrian crossing.300 zlotys
Failure to observe road signs for pedestrian traffic50 zlotys
Violation of the obligation by a person who moves using means that facilitate movement:
1) use the sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path100 zlotys
2) observe the rules of right-hand traffic on the road for cyclists50 zlotys
3) on the sidewalk or footpath: a) moves at a speed close to the speed of pedestrians d) give way to pedestrians c) do not obstruct the movement of pedestrians200 zlotys
4) when crossing the road, use a crossing for cyclists or a pedestrian crossing50 zlotys
5) cross a track isolated from the carriageway only in the place designated for this purpose50 zlotys
6) give way to pedestrians at the crossing200 zlotys
Violation of prohibitions by a person moving with a mobility aid:
1) moving while intoxicated, after consuming alcohol or a substance similar to alcohol200 zlotys
2) transportation of another person, animal or cargo50 zlotys
3) towing a vehicle or cargo100 zlotys
4) clinging to vehicles50 zlotys
5) backward movement50 zlotys
Use of roads or their parts not for their intended purpose by a pedestrian or a person who moves with the use of means of traffic support.50 zlotys
II. Regulations on the safety of pedestrian traffic on a public road, in a residential area or a traffic area
A. Violation of pedestrian safety rules by the driver of the vehicle
Failure to give way to a pedestrian at a crosswalk or entering it1500/3000 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a vehicle turning onto a cross road, giving way to a pedestrian who is crossing the carriageway of the road on which he enters at the intersection.1500/3000 zlotys
Failure to give way to a pedestrian when crossing a sidewalk or pedestrian road or when driving on an area where pedestrian and vehicle traffic is on the same surface.1500/3000 zlotys
Failure of the driver of the vehicle to give way to pedestrians when turning into traffic1500/3000 zlotys
Failure to give way to a pedestrian while the vehicle is reversing1500/3000 zlotys
Failure to give way to a pedestrian by a vehicle driver in a residential area1500/3000 zlotys
Failure to comply with the requirements for stopping a vehicle for the purpose of passing a person with disabilities or a person with disabilities across the road.1500/3000 zlotys
Failure to comply with the requirements for stopping a vehicle for the purpose of passing a person with disabilities or a person with disabilities across the road.1500/3000 zlotys
Overtaking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing or directly in front of it, where traffic is not directed1500/3000 zlotys
The passage of a vehicle that was traveling in the same direction but stopped to give way to a pedestrian1500/3000 zlotys
Violation of the ban on movement on the sidewalk or crosswalk1500/3000 zlotys
Violation of the obligation to stop the vehicle in such a place and for a time that ensures free access of pedestrians to vehicles of public use – in the absence of an island for passengers at the stop.300 zlotys
B. Violation of pedestrian safety rules by the driver of a vehicle other than a mechanical one
Failure to give way to a pedestrian who is on or entering a crosswalk.50-500 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a vehicle turning onto a cross road, giving way to a pedestrian who is crossing the carriageway of the road on which he enters at the intersection.50-300 zlotys
Failure to give way to a pedestrian when crossing a sidewalk or pedestrian road or when driving on an area where pedestrian and vehicle traffic is on the same surface.50-300 zlotys
Failure of the driver of the vehicle to give way to pedestrians when turning into traffic50-200 zlotys
Overtaking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing or directly in front of it, where traffic is not directed50-500 zlotys
The passage of a vehicle that was traveling in the same direction but stopped to give way to a pedestrian50-500 zlotys
Violation of the ban on movement on the sidewalk or crosswalk50-100 zlotys
Violation of the obligation to stop the vehicle in such a place and for a time that ensures free access of pedestrians to vehicles of public use – in the absence of an island for passengers at the stop.50 zlotys
III. Traffic regulations
A. General rules and regulations
Violation by the driver of the vehicle of the ban on the use of the road by the emergency vehicle, created by the drivers of other vehicles in the conditions of increased traffic, which prevents the free passage of the emergency vehicle, in order to ensure the free passage of this vehicle.500-2500 zlotys
Occupying more than one designated lane on the road150 zlotys
Transportation of a child under 150 cm in height in a vehicle of category M1 N1, N2 and N3, specified in Appendix 2 to the Road Traffic Act of 20 June 1997, equipped with seat belts or a child restraint device, except for a child with a safety seat or other child restraint system , compatible with the weight and height of the child and the relevant technical conditions set out in the legislation of the European Union or in the UNECE regulations for child restraint systems in a vehicle, except for the carriage of: (1) a child with a height of at least 135 cm in the back seat of such a vehicle, fastened with a safety belt in cases where it is impossible to ensure the safety of the child due to the weight and height of the child. a seat or other child restraint that meets the necessary conditions; 2) in a vehicle of categories M1 and N1 on the back seat of a third child at least 3 years old, fastened with safety belts, if two children are transported in child seats or other child restraint devices installed on the back seats. vehicle and it is not possible to install a third child seat or other child safety system300 zlotys
Transporting a child facing forward in a child seat or other child restraint in the front seat of a vehicle equipped with a passenger airbag that activates while the child is being transported300 zlotys
Transportation of a child under 3 years of age in a vehicle of category M1, N1, N2 and N3 specified in Appendix 2 to the Law of June 20, 1997 – Law on Road Traffic, not equipped with safety belts and a child seat or with safety belts and other child restraints means300 zlotys
Transportation of a child up to 150 cm tall in the front seat of the car, except for a child seat or other child restraint device.300 zlotys
Carrying a child in a child seat or other child restraint system that is not installed in accordance with the device manufacturer’s recommendations showing how to use the device safely300 zlotys
Failure to use seat belts while driving100 zlotys
Driving a vehicle with passengers not wearing seat belts100 zlotys
Failure to use a safety helmet that meets the appropriate technical conditions while riding a motorcycle, quad bike or moped.100 zlotys
Driving a motorcycle, quad bike or moped with a passenger without a safety helmet that meets the relevant technical conditions100 zlotys
Using a phone while driving that requires the driver to hold the handset or microphone in their hand500 zlotys
Transportation of an intoxicated person who is standing after drinking alcohol or alcohol-like substances on a bicycle, moped or motorcycle outside the stroller500 zlotys
Exit to the lane between road sections100 zlotys
Non-fulfilment of the duties of the participants in a traffic accident by not removing the vehicle from the scene of the accident, where there are no dead or injured.150 zlotys
Failure to use reflective elements in a place visible to other road users by a person performing work or other activities on the road.150 zlotys
B. Speed ​​and braking
up to 10 km/year50 zlotys
at 11-15 km/year100 zlotys
by 16–20 km/year200 zlotys
by 21–25 km/year300 zlotys
by 26–30 km/year400 zlotys
by 31–40 km/year800/1600 zlotys
by 41–50 km/year1000/2000 zlotys
at 51–60 km/year1500/3000 zlotys
at 61–70 km/year2000/4000 zlotys
at 71 km/h or more2500/5000 zlotys
Failure by drivers of vehicles subject to an individual speed limit, or vehicles or vehicle depots, the length of which exceeds 7 meters, to maintain the required distance from vehicles moving in front.200 zlotys
Failure by the driver of the vehicle to maintain the required distance behind the vehicle driving ahead, outside the boundaries of the settlement in a tunnel with a length of more than 500 m.
C. Change of direction or lane
U-turns in conditions where this may endanger or impede traffic safety200-400 zlotys
U-turns in tunnels, on bridges and viaducts, as well as on one-way roads200 zlotys
Obstructing or blocking traffic by not giving or giving a false signal for a maneuver200 zlotys
Incorrect positioning of the vehicle on the roadway before turning150 zlotys
D. Avoidance, avoidance, and reversal
Driving on the left side of the vehicle, signaling the intention to turn left100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on reversing in tunnels, on bridges and viaducts200 zlotys
E. Overtaking
Overtaking without maintaining a safe distance to the vehicle being overtaken or a road user300 zlotys
Speed ​​increase by the driver of the overtaking vehicle350 zlotys
Failure by the driver of a slow-moving vehicle, an agricultural tractor or a vehicle without an engine to move as far to the right as possible in order to facilitate overtaking.100 zlotys
Violation of the overtaking ban by the driver of the vehicle:
1) the engine when approaching the top of the hill1000/2000 zlotys
2) the engine on a turn marked with warning signs1000/2000 zlotys
3) automobile at the intersection, with the exception of an intersection with circular traffic or directional traffic.1000/2000 zlotys
4) preferential in the settlement1000/2000 zlotys
5) at the crossing for cyclists and immediately before it, with the exception of the crossing on which traffic is carried out.1000/2000 zlotys
6) at the railway crossing and immediately before it1000/2000 zlotys
7) when crossing tram tracks or immediately before them, with the exception of an intersection or a tram crossing where traffic is directed.1000/2000 zlotys
8) defined by a road sign1000/2000 zlotys
Overtaking a vehicle on the wrong side1000/2000 zlotys
F. Crossing Traffic Directions
Violation by the driver of the ban on exiting the intersection, if there is no space to continue driving at or behind the intersection.300 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the vehicle of the ban on bypassing the lowered barriers or semi-barriers and leaving for the crossing, if their lowering has started or their raising has not been completed.2000/4000 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a vehicle at a railroad crossing of the prohibition of passing by a signaling device with a red signal, a flashing red signal, or two alternately flashing red signals, or by another device that transmits these signals.2000/4000 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the vehicle of the ban on leaving the railway crossing in the absence of space to continue driving on the other side.2000/4000 zlotys
Violation of the ban on leaving the tram crossing, if there is no place to continue driving on the other side, Art. 28 sec. 6 in connection with the Legislative Journal – 8 – Pos. 24847 driving a vehicle:
1) driving a motor vehicle500 zlotys
2) driving a vehicle, except a mechanical one100 zlotys
Passage of a vehicle that is waiting for the opening of traffic through a railway (tram) crossing in a situation where it is necessary to leave the part of the road intended for oncoming traffic.250 zlotys
Violation of the duty to remove a vehicle that has stopped at a railway (tram) crossing, or to warn the drivers of rail vehicles in case of impossibility to remove the vehicle.300 zlotys
G. Warning and driving in conditions of reduced air transparency
Failure of the driver of the vehicle to turn on the necessary lighting while driving in conditions of reduced air transparency200 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a vehicle, other than a mechanical vehicle, of the prohibition of overtaking other vehicles while driving in conditions of limited visibility and the obligation to use the side of the road, and if this is not possible, then move as close as possible to the side of the road. roads as much as possible100 zlotys
Abuse of sound or light signals100 zlotys
Use of sound signals in populated areas100 zlotys
Use of rear fog lights with normal air clarity100 zlotys
H. Towing
Towing a vehicle in which there is a driver who does not have the necessary rights to drive this vehicle 250 zlotys
Towing the vehicle on a rigid coupling if at least one braking system fails, or on a flexible coupling if two braking systems fail.250 zlotys
Towing a vehicle with faulty steering or faulty brakes250 zlotys
Towing a vehicle on a flexible connection, if in this vehicle the operation of the braking system depends on the operation of the engine and the engine is blocked. 250 zlotys
Towing more than one vehicle, except articulated250 zlotys
Towing by a vehicle with a trailer (semi-trailer) 250 zlotys
Violation of towing conditions by the driver:
1) failure to turn on dipped beam in the towing vehicle100 zlotys
2) incorrect connection of the towed vehicle with the trailer150 zlotys
3) absence or incorrect marking of the towed vehicle150 zlotys
4) failure to maintain the proper distance between towed vehicles and towing vehicles100 zlotys
5) incorrect designation of the connection between vehicles (lobby) or lack of such designation50 zlotys
I. Additional provisions regarding the movement of bicycles, electric scooters, personal vehicles, mopeds and motorized vehicles
Violation by the driver of a bicycle or electric scooter of the obligation to use a bicycle road or a bicycle lane if they are designated in the direction in which he moves or intends to turn100 zlotys
Failure to give way to a pedestrian by a bicycle or electric scooter driver who uses the road for cyclists and pedestrians.100 zlotys
Failure of the driver of the bicycle or electric scooter to leave the bicycle lock when there is an opportunity to continue moving in the intended direction.100 zlotys
Violation by a cyclist of the obligation to transport a child under the age of 7 on an additional seat.50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a bicycle, electric scooter or moped of the ban on driving on the road next to another road user.50 zlotys
Obstructing the movement of other road users by a bicycle driver who moves on the road next to another bicycle or moped.200 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a bicycle, electric scooter or moped of the prohibition to drive without keeping at least one hand on the steering wheel and feet on the pedals or footrests.50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a bicycle, electric scooter or moped of the prohibition of clinging to vehicles.100 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a bicycle, electric scooter or personal vehicle of the rules for using a sidewalk or footpath.200 zlotys
Violation of the duty by the driver of a bicycle, electric scooter or individual vehicle moving on a sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle-pedestrian path:
1) moves at a speed close to the speed of a pedestrian300 zlotys
2) give way to pedestrians300 zlotys
3) do not obstruct the movement of pedestrians300 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a sled vehicle of the prohibition of driving next to another road user on the roadway100 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the sled transport of the prohibition to leave the vehicle unsecured100 zlotys
Violation by the sled driver of the ban on driving vehicles on sleds without bells or rattles50 zlotys
Violation by the driver or the driver of the duty to use a certain road or part of it100 zlotys
Racing animals that are timid, physically handicapped or unable to control themselves50 zlotys
Running animals without proper supervision, as well as single animals without a leash50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the obligation to move to the left of the driven animals50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the obligation to use proper lighting during the period of insufficient visibility50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the ban on the passage of animals on separate roads50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the ban on driving animals across the road in a place that is not visible at a sufficient distance50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of the ban on keeping animals on the road50 zlotys
Violation of the ban on running animals, introduced by the county council50 zlotys
Violation of the procedure for stopping the movement of sleds during parking on the road outside the settlement.50 zlotys
Leaving the sled in place without taking the necessary precautions to avoid an accident50 zlotys
J. Motorways and Expressways
Failure by the driver of the vehicle to maintain the required minimum distance between the vehicle he is driving and the vehicle driving in front of him in the same lane.300-500 zlotys
Driving on the highway or expressway in the opposite direction to the law or road signs2000 zlotys
Driving in reverse on a highway or expressway300 zlotys
Entering a highway or expressway by a vehicle for which these roads are not intended250 zlotys
Stopping or parking a car on a motorway or expressway in places other than those designated for this purpose300 zlotys
Failure to remove a vehicle immobilized for technical reasons from the road and failure to warn other road users300 zlotys
Failure or incorrect signaling of a vehicle to stop due to damage or an accident on a motorway or expressway300 zlotys
K. Stopping and standing
Stopping or parking a vehicle in conditions where it is not visible to other drivers from a sufficient distance or creates obstacles to traffic100-300 zlotys
Violation of the duty to stop the vehicle on the road as close as possible to its edge and parallel to it100 zlotys
Violation of the obligation to place a vehicle (except sled transport) outside the carriageway of the road during parking on the road outside the settlement.150-300 zlotys
Violation of the conditions of admissibility of stopping or parking a vehicle on the sidewalk100 zlotys
Failure to keep the required distance behind the vehicle in front by the driver of the vehicle in the tunnel while stopping due to traffic conditions or regulations100 zlotys
Stopping the car:
1) at a railway or tram crossing, at an intersection and at a distance of less than 10 m from the crossing or intersection.300 zlotys
2) at a pedestrian crossing or a crossing for cyclists and at a distance of less than 10 m in front of this crossing or crossing, and on a two-way road with two traffic lanes – also behind them.100-300 zlotys
3) in a tunnel, on a bridge or overpass200 zlotys
4) on the road along a solid line and near its endpoints, if drivers of multi-track vehicles are forced to enter this line.100 zlotys
5) on the road next to the dotted line marking the edge of the road, and on the road or on the side of the road next to the solid line marking the edge of the road.100 zlotys
6) at a distance of less than 10 m from the front of the road sign or signal, if the vehicle covers them.100 zlotys
7) near the left edge of the road100 zlotys
8) on the lane between road sections100 zlotys
9) at a distance of less than 15 m from a pole or sign indicating a stop, and at a stop with a bay – along its entire length.100 zlotys
10) at a distance of less than 15 m from the end points of the island, if the carriageway on its right side has only one lane.100 zlotys
11) on a bicycle road, bicycle lane or in a bicycle gateway, except for a bicycle one.100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on parking in places that make entry or exit difficult100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on parking in places that prevent access to or exit from another properly parked vehicle100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on parking in front of or behind a railroad crossing in the section from the crossing to the signpost in one line.100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on parking on the premises in other places100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on parking a vehicle or a combination of vehicles with a maximum permitted weight exceeding 16 tons or a length exceeding 12 meters in a residential area.200-300 zlotys
Missing or incorrect signaling of a vehicle that has stopped due to damage or an accident150 zlotys
L. Use of external lighting
Driving without mandatory lights from dusk to dawn300 zlotys
Driving without lighting from dawn to dusk100 zlotys
Driving without lighting on cars not equipped with low, high or daytime running lights100 zlotys
Driving without mandatory lighting in the tunnel, regardless of the time of day200 zlotys
Failure to use the necessary lighting when stopping or parking in conditions of poor visibility 150-300 zlotys
Traffic lights are not used according to the rules200 zlotys
Violation of the conditions of admissibility of using front fog lights 100 zlotys
Using a “spotlight” while driving100 zlotys
M. Use of vehicles in traffic
Unjustified use of road traffic by the driver of an emergency vehicle300 zlotys
Violation of the rules on mandatory presentation of yellow flashing signals by vehicles200 zlotys
Unjustified use of a yellow light signal100 zlotys
Unmarked or incorrectly marked vehicles for driving lessons or state tests300 zlotys
Failure to mark a vehicle with foreign registration with the sign of the country of registration100 zlotys
Using a vehicle in a way that endangers the safety of a person inside or outside it200 zlotys
Coverage of light and signaling devices300 zlotys
Covering license plates500 zlotys
Covering other necessary boards or characters that need to be visible100 zlotys
Decorating registration number plates and placing signs, inscriptions or objects that limit the readability of these number plates on the front or back of the vehicle.500 zlotys
Placement of license plates on the vehicle is not in the place designated for this purpose500 zlotys
Placement of single-row reduced license plates on a vehicle, if the vehicle does not have reduced dimensions of the space intended for placing a license plate.300 zlotys
Installing a sign on the vehicle that identifies a country other than the one in which the vehicle is registered100 zlotys
Failure by the driver of the vehicle to keep the registration plates (numbers) and other mandatory markings of the vehicle in proper condition and to ensure their legibility.100 zlotys
The driver moves away from the vehicle while the engine is running50 zlotys
Using a vehicle in populated areas in a way that creates nuisances related to excessive emissions of exhaust gases into the environment or excessive noise.Up to 300 zlotys
Leave the engine running when parked in a built-up area, with the exception of a vehicle performing road operations100 zlotys
Towing behind the vehicle of the driver of an electric scooter or a personal vehicle, a person who moves using means of transportation, a person on a sled or other similar device, an animal or cargo.300 zlotys
Use of tires with stationary built-in anti-slip elements100 zlotys
Use of anti-skid chains on tires on a snow-free road100 zlotys
Riding between bicycles, pushchairs or electric scooters traveling in a convoy200 zlotys
Violation of rules by the driver of a vehicle transporting an organized group of children or adolescents under the age of 18, including:
1) failure to mark the vehicle with signs that children or teenagers are being transported in it200 zlotys
2) failure to turn on emergency light signaling during boarding or disembarking of children or teenagers.200 zlotys
3) marking the vehicle with signs stating that children or teenagers are being transported and that children or teenagers are not being transported.50 zlotys
Failure to observe special caution and stop the vehicle in case of necessity by the driver of the vehicle who passes the vehicle in which there is an organized group of children or adolescents under the age of 18.200 zlotys
Violation by the school bus driver:
1) turn on the emergency light alarm when boarding or disembarking children200 zlotys
2) removing, covering or folding the plate with the inscription “school bus” if other persons are being transported or not.50 zlotys
Violation by the driver of a vehicle transporting such persons of the rules for the transportation of disabled persons200 zlotys
Non-observance of special caution and failure to stop the vehicle if necessary by the driver of the vehicle who passes the vehicle intended for the transportation of disabled persons.200 zlotys
N. Cargo transportation and trailer towing
Placing cargo on a vehicle in such a way as to cover light or signaling devices200 zlotys
Placing a load on a vehicle in such a way that it covers license plates or other plates or signs with which the vehicle is equipped.100 zlotys
Transportation of unmarked or incorrectly marked cargo 300 zlotys
Failure to secure load securing devices from loosening, dangling or falling during movement200 zlotys
Violation of the rules for the transportation of bulk cargo 150 zlotys
Towing a trailer with an actual gross weight that exceeds the permissible weight for a specific type of towing vehicle100-300 zlotys
A. Transfer of people
Transportation of people by a vehicle not intended or adapted for this purpose300 zlotys for each person transported improperly, no more than 3,000 zlotys
Transportation of persons in excess of the number of seats specified in the vehicle registration document or as a result of the constructive purpose of the vehicle is not subject to registration.300 zlotys for each person transported improperly, no more than 3,000 zlotys
Violation of the conditions of admissibility of transporting people by freight transport outside the driver’s cabin100 zlotys
Violation of conditions of transportation of people in trailers100 zlotys
Violation of the ban on smoking and eating while driving50 zlotys
Driving a vehicle, other than a mechanical vehicle, on a public road, in a populated area or in a traffic zone by a person who does not have the authority to do so.200 zlotys
Driving a vehicle by a person who does not have the necessary documents with him50 zlotys for the absence of each of the required documents, not more than 250 zlotys
Driving a vehicle, other than a mechanical vehicle, on a public road, in a residential area or in a traffic zone, by a person who is intoxicated or under the influence of substances similar to alcohol.2500 zlotys
Driving a public road, in a residential area or in a traffic zone of a vehicle, except a mechanical vehicle, by a person after consuming alcohol or similar substances.1000 zlotys
V. Other offenses
Unauthorized installation, removal, activation, deactivation, repositioning, covering or concealment of a sign, signaling, warning or safety device400 zlotys
Using a vehicle that damages the road surface300 zlotys
Allowing the owner, possessor, user or driver of a vehicle to drive a vehicle on a public road, in a residential area or a traffic area of ​​persons who do not have the necessary qualifications.300 zlotys
Admission of the owner, possessor, user or driver of a vehicle to drive on public roads, in a residential area or in a vehicle traffic zone:
1) are not properly equipped with the necessary devices or devices, or despite the fact that they are not suitable for their purpose50-200 zlotys
2) despite the lack of necessary documents confirming the vehicle’s road traffic50 zlotys
Failure to indicate contrary to the duty at the request of the authorized body to which the vehicle is entrusted for driving or use at the appointed time:
1) in criminal proceedingsnot less than PLN 4,000
2) in proceedings in cases of creating a threat to road safetynot less than PLN 2,000
3) in speeding casesdouble the amount of the fine provided for this offense, not less than 800 zlotys
4) in cases of other offensesnot less than 500 PLN
Clogging or pollution of a public road50-200 zlotys
Arbitrary placement of traffic signs or any signs, inscriptions or symbols on the road100 zlotys
Livestock grazing in the road lane50 zlotys
Avoidance of the obligation to maintain exits from public roads to adjacent facilities in good condition200 zlotys
Avoidance of duties to clean and remove dirt, dust, snow or ice from sections of public roads with a hard surface that pass through territories with continuous or concentrated development outside cities or residential areas.200 zlotys
Violation of the rules of periodic restriction and prohibition of the movement of certain types of vehicles on the roads200-500 zlotys
Use of an unauthorized parking card by a person400 zlotys
Use of an unauthorized parking card by a person specified in Art. 8 of the Law of June 20, 1997 – the Law on Road Traffic, as well as non-observance of road signs:
1) B-3 “prohibition of entry for vehicles, except for two-wheeled motorcycles”, B-3a “prohibition of entry of buses”, B-4 “prohibition of entry for motorcycles”.650 zlotys
2) B-10 “no entry for mopeds”500 zlotys
3) B-35 “parking ban”, B-37 or B-38 “parking ban on …”500 zlotys
4) B-39 “restricted parking zone”500 zlotys
5) D-18 “parking lot” or D-18b “covered parking lot”, with plate T-29 under the sign, or D-18a “parking lot – reserve place”, with plate T-29 under the sign. sign1200 zlotys
6) P-18 “parking space” and P-24 “space for a disabled vehicle” or P-20 “envelope” and P-24 “space for a disabled vehicle” are placed separately without a vertical sign D-18. , D-18a or D-18b1200 zlotys
VI. Road signs and signals
Non-observance of signs:
1) B-3 “prohibition of entry for motor vehicles, with the exception of single-track motorcycles”, B-3a “prohibition of entry of buses”, B-4 “prohibition of entry of motorcycles”, B6 “prohibition of entry of agricultural tractors ” or B-7 “Prohibition of entry of vehicles with a trailer”250 zlotys
2) B-13 to B-14 “entry ban…”250 zlotys
3) C-12 “Circular motion”250 zlotys
4) B-15 “vehicles with a width of more than m are prohibited”, B-16 “vehicles with a height of more than m are prohibited” or B-17 “vehicles with a length of more than m are prohibited”150 zlotys
5) B-5 “entry of trucks is prohibited”, B-18 “entry is prohibited for vehicles with a total weight of more than …………….. t” or B-19 “entry is prohibited for vehicles with a maximum the load on one driving axle is more than ……………………… t”500 zlotys
6) B-8 to B-12 “entry ban…”100 zlotys
7) B-29 “prohibition of the use of sound signals”100 zlotys
8) B-31 “Advantage of traffic for oncoming traffic”100 zlotys
9) B-32 “stop – customs control” or its equivalents200 zlotys
10) B-35 “parking prohibited”100 zlotys
11) B-36 “non-stop”100 zlotys
12) B-37 or B-38 “Prohibition of parking on…”100 zlotys
13) B-39 “restricted parking zone”100 zlotys
14) C-1 to C-11 “order to manage…”250 zlotys
15) C-13 “bicycle road”100 zlotys
16) C-14 “minimum speed”100 zlotys
17) C-17 “Set direction of movement of vehicles carrying dangerous goods”400 zlotys
18) BT-1 “speed limit”100 zlotys
19) BT-3 “transition lock”200 zlotys
20) P-2 “one solid line”100 zlotys
21) P-3 “A line intersecting on one side”200 zlotys
22) P-4 “double solid line”200 zlotys
23) P-7b “Edge line is solid”100 zlotys
24) P-17 “stop line”100 zlotys
25) C-18 “Order on the use of anti-skid chains”200 zlotys
26) P-21 “surface excluded”100 zlotys
Failure to comply with the requirements for stopping the vehicle through the B-20 “stop” sign.300 zlotys
Failure to stop the vehicle in the proper place due to a transmitted light signal100 zlotys
Failure to comply with the mark:
1) D-11 “start of bus lane” or D-12 “bus lane” and P-22 “BUS”100 zlotys
2) D-13 “beginning of the slow lane”100 zlotys
3) D-18 “parking lot”, D-18a “parking lot – reserved space” or D-18b “covered parking lot”100 zlotys
4) D-18 “parking lot” or D-18b “covered parking lot”, with plate T-29 under the sign, or D-18a “parking lot – reserved place”, with plate T-29 under the sign. sign800 zlotys
5) P-18 “parking space” and P-24 “space for a disabled vehicle” or P-20 “envelope” and P-24 “space for a disabled vehicle” are placed separately without a vertical sign D-18. , D-18a or D-18b800 zlotys
6) D-19 “taxi stand”100 zlotys
7) F-10 “lane directions” or F-11 “lane directions” and P-8a “straight ahead direction arrow”, P-8b “turn direction arrow” or P-8c “reverse direction arrow” “250 zlotys
8) BT-4 “stop – one-way switch”200 zlotys
9) P-18 “parking lot”, P-19 “parking lane marking line”100 zlotys
10) P-20 “envelope”100 zlotys
Violation of traffic signal requirements:
1) exit to the pedestrian crossing, if the S-5 signaling device gives a red signal200 zlotys
2) the head of a column of pedestrians, a horseman or a driver200 zlotys
3) the driver of the vehicle,500 zlotys
VII. Threat to road safety. Blocking or obstructing movement
Non-observance of safety rules on a public road, in a residential area or a traffic area and creating a threat to road safety:
1) driving a motor vehiclethe amount of the fine imposed for a violation that constitutes a threat has been increased by 1,000 zlotys
2) a road user or other person who is on the road, except for the driver of the vehiclethe amount of the fine imposed for a violation that constitutes a threat has been increased by 500 zlotys
Failure to observe due caution on a public road, in a residential or traffic zone, which poses a threat to road safety, if the result is a violation of organ functions or a health disorder due to:
1) driving a motor vehicle1500/3000 zlotys
2) a road user or other person who is on the road, except for the driver of the vehiclethe amount of the fine imposed for a violation that constitutes a threat is increased by 1,000 zlotys, but not lower than 1,500 zlotys
Failure to observe due caution on a public road, in a residential area or in a traffic zone and creating a threat to road traffic safety by a person after consuming alcohol or similar substances2500 zlotys
Blocking or obstructing the movement of the vehicle drivernot less than 500 PLN

Source: Order of the Prime Minister of December 30, 2021 on amendments to the Regulation on the amounts of fines imposed in the form of fines for certain types of offenses

Confiscation of a car in Poland

The regulations on confiscation of a car, which will probably come into force in December 2023 , are also causing a lot of discussion among drivers   :  confiscation of cars is foreseen for drunken owners of vehicles who:

  • drove a vehicle with an alcohol content of at least 1.5 ppm,
  • caused an accident with an alcohol content of at least 0.5 ppm,
  • committed a relapse (for the second time in 24 months they were caught driving while intoxicated).

However, this is not the end of the controversy. The regulations also provide that a drunk driver, if he is not the owner of the vehicle (but, for example, borrowed the car from another person or rented it), must pay the equivalent of the car as part of the fine  This should be the value specified in the insurance policy, or if there is no such policy, then it should be based on the average market value of the vehicle.

The most common questions about the scale of fines in Poland

In 2023, the maximum fine in Poland is PLN 5,000.
From September 17, 2022, the maximum number of penalty points in Poland for an offense has increased from 10 to 15.
If you exceed 24 penalty points, you may lose your driving license in Poland.
In the period January-June 2023, the fine for the lack of civil liability insurance for more than 14 days for the owner of a passenger car is PLN 6,980. In turn, from July to December 2023, it will increase to 7,200 zlotys.

Can I pay a fine in Poland online?

So. This can be done through electronic banking. To do this, select “tax transfer” or “transfer to the tax office” and make the payment.

How much time does a driver have to pay a fine in Poland?

If a credit card is issued during a roadside inspection, the driver has 7 days to pay the fine. You can pay for the ticket using the form attached to it. Payment can be made by online transfer, at the bank or at the post office. However, when a driver receives a default ticket (for example, from a speed camera), it must be paid within 14 days.

Can I refuse to accept a traffic fine in Poland?

Sure. The driver can refuse to accept traffic rules on the basis of Art. 99 of the Code of Conduct for Minor Offenses. The case will then be referred to a court, which will decide whether the punishment imposed was fair.

What is the maximum fine for speeding in Poland?

From January 1, 2022, the maximum rate for speeding (over 70 km/h) is PLN 2,500. However, from September 17, if a driver is caught committing the same offense within two years, the fine may increase to PLN 5,000.

Can you get penalty points for each offense on top of the fine?

NO. For actions of a special nature, the driver may receive penalty points. We include, but are not limited to, driving under the influence of alcohol, failure to render assistance to victims of an accident, pedestrian offenses or speeding. In addition, for violation of regulations regarding the intersection of traffic directions, overtaking, external lighting, safety, passenger transportation, road signs and traffic lights.
How many penalty points can you get for speeding in Poland?

It depends on how many kilometers the driver exceeded the speed limit. The number of penalty points for this offense ranges from 1 to 15.
What does a repeat fine mean for drivers?

This means that if you commit the same offense again within two years, you can pay double the fine. This applies, for example, to speeding by 30 km/h or driving after consuming alcohol or drugs.
When do penalty points expire?

Until recently, penalty points disappeared a year after the fine was paid. Currently, this term is two years.
Is it possible to reduce the number of penalty points by completing a re-education course?

Until September 17, 2022, persons who did not exceed the limit of penalty points could voluntarily undergo a re-education course. This allowed them to reduce the score by 6 points. However, this possibility has been removed. Currently, retraining courses are provided only for drivers who have lost their driving licenses after exceeding the penalty points limit.
Are the laws on confiscation of cars in Poland already in effect?

NO. It is expected that the rules for impounding cars from drunk drivers will come into effect in December 2023.

Table of fines in Poland 2024 – how did the fines for traffic violations in Poland increase?