In Finland, the Tax Office sends out a pre-filled tax return by mail (electronic or traditional). If a citizen overpaid tax in the previous year, he will be notified of a refund of part of the amount, but if there was an underpayment, he will have to pay extra.

Tax return in Finland

When is the tax return sent in Finland? Distribution to individual taxpayers is carried out in March – April of each year. In Finland, the tax return contains data on income, taxes and tax credits for the past year. The return date is indicated on the first page of the document.

Before this date, the taxpayer can correct inaccuracies in the declaration and make adjustments to special forms. Correction forms can be obtained from the tax office (offline) or printed from the Tax Administration website. Completed forms are sent by mail.

Filling out a tax return in Finland is carried out by the tax authorities and if the taxpayer agrees with all the information specified in the document, then all he has to do is pay the tax.

Checks also require tax rebates, some of which are issued automatically.

Tax discounts in Suomi:

  • discount on transportation costs between home and work;
  • discount on the purchase of office equipment for people working from home;
  • discount on payment of interest rates on a loan for the purchase of residential real estate.

If a person makes changes to their tax return, they will later be sent a notice of the amount of tax due. If no adjustments have been made, the amount of tax due is the amount shown on the pre-filed return.

All tax documents that reflect the details of the calculation must be saved. If the document with the calculations was lost, then the service for re-providing the calculation sheet will have to be paid.

The last day for filing a tax return in Finland, an application for amendments to tax data, is clarified in your personal account on the tax service website. For private taxpayers in Finland, this date is set in May.

Features of filing a tax return in Finland

A foreigner submits a tax return for the first year of work in Finland in the municipality where he lived when he arrived in Suomi. According to Finnish laws, there is no requirement to notify the tax authorities of income received before arriving in the Republic. Most tax offices have tax return forms in English. In regions of Finland where the Russian-speaking population is concentrated, there are tax returns in Russian.

The Finnish tax return requires reporting income earned abroad while living in Finland. Income earned abroad is not subject to tax in Finland if a double tax treaty has been signed between the two countries. Such an agreement exists between Finland and Russia.

If income received from abroad is subject to taxation in the Republic of Finland, the amount of foreign tax will be deducted from the Finnish tax on the same income in order to avoid double taxation.

Tax return in Finland