When visiting the country for the first time, you should definitely try the local cuisine. This will allow you to quickly get acquainted with its traditions and better experience the culture of the people. Gastronomic tourism in Belarus is developing, and many come here to taste still unknown dishes. Therefore, we decided to talk about the 10 most famous dishes of Belarusian cuisine and where you can taste them.


This is perhaps the most recognizable Belarusian dish. Pancakes made from grated potatoes with the addition of onions and sometimes eggs, despite the ease of preparation, have an amazing taste. There are many versions of this recipe in other countries, but Belarusians are the authors of the original. As a rule, pancakes are baked in clay pots and served with sour cream or butter.


Another dish that Belarusian cuisine is famous for is dumplings. To prepare them, first onions and potatoes are manually grated on the finest grater (yes, Belarusians are hardworking people). Then the mixture is squeezed out through cheesecloth and then an egg, salt and a little wheat flour are added to it. Next, balls of about 5-6 cm in diameter are formed from the dough and boiled in salted water. In Belarus, dumplings are served with sour cream and sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.  

Beetroot soup

Kholodniki are the pride of traditional Belarusian cuisine. On hot summer days, such soup literally saved Belarusians from overheating and gave them a lot of energy to continue working. The basic ingredient of the classic recipe is boiled and cooled beets. Sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs are added to it, as well as chopped dill, cucumbers and radishes. All this is poured with beetroot broth mixed with kvass and served with sour cream.


This is the oldest recipe for Belarusian hot soup with a sour taste, which is prepared with sour flour. The name comes from the word “cranes”, which means “cranberry”, and also from the Old Germanic root “saur-” (meaning “sour”). It was prepared on the basis of various flours: rye, oatmeal, wheat and even buckwheat – in a word, whatever they were rich in was used. First, the flour was diluted with water and left in a warm place for 1-3 days. The mixture was then filtered and boiled until thick. Then it was seasoned with fried lard and onions and served as a side dish with boiled or baked potatoes.


The cult dish of the national cuisine of Belarus is something like meat sauce. It is rather a festive treat, which used to be based on homemade sausage and bread kvass, and served with pancakes or a side dish.

Belarusian sour black bread

Almost every foreign guest praises Belarusian bread. In ancient times, it was baked in real ovens without the use of yeast. The dough was fermented using “roshchyna” – a small portion of dough from previous baking. The composition included rye flour, salt and water, and they literally kneaded it with their fists. Before going into the oven, a cross was always drawn on the prepared piece of dough. The loaf is considered perfectly baked when the steam from it rises evenly. You can’t try this bread abroad!


For those who are not familiar with the peculiarities of national Belarusian cuisine, this name brings joy. But in fact, this is the name of a strong drink, which is based on alcohol or vodka with the addition of honey and spices such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, black and red hot pepper. The tincture is strong, but very aromatic. We recommend that all adults try it!


Some people mistakenly call this native Belarusian dish pancakes. However, there is a significant distinctive detail: while pancakes are an independent dish, pancakes are intended specifically for “packing,” as a rule, curd filling. The egg dough is bland and tasteless, and the foliage pancake turns out thin, non-porous and elastic. In this case, the filling is placed precisely in the center and then tightly covered with the edges.


The famous Belarusian drink can be either cold or hot. The first was prepared to quench thirst in the hot summer and after a bath, and the second was prepared to warm up in the winter, as well as get rid of colds. In both cases, it included honey, water, hot pepper, cloves, bay leaf and nutmeg.


The dessert of the national cuisine of Belarus is prepared from fresh berries (blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries, viburnum or rowan). They are boiled over a fire, honey and wheat flour diluted in water are added. And then boil it to the consistency of jelly. Serve with pancakes or white bread.

The more dishes from different cuisines of the world are available to us today, the more important it is to preserve the memory and practical skills of preparing national dishes according to classic recipes. Remember the delicious history of Belarus and arrange a tasting of old Belarusian dishes from time to time. And for inspiration, come to the portal Bestbelarus.by!

Top 10 dishes of Belarusian cuisine that you simply must try. Belarusian cuisine.