Belarus is a very attractive holiday and tourism destination for Russians. This includes the opportunity to communicate in your native language, a wonderful mild climate with unique nature, architecture with its unforgettable castles, and shopping at reasonable prices.

Travel to the countries of the former CIS is extremely popular among Russian citizens. When crossing the borders of these states, there are a lot of disagreements, so many questions arise about what documents to go to this or that country with. Against this background, Belarus stands out favorably with its visa-free regime.

Russia entered into an alliance agreement with this country in 1997. According to its regulations, there are no border controls. Later, transport control was also abolished. You don’t need a foreign passport to travel to Belarus ; you can enter this republic using internal Russian documents.

Choosing to travel by train

The easiest way to prepare documents, and therefore the most popular, remains traveling to Belarus by train.

It is also considered the most budget-friendly, since gasoline is currently more expensive in Belarus. If when traveling by car you have to fill out additional documents for the car, and the congestion of cars at the border causes traffic jams and loss of time, then traveling by train is truly hassle-free.

You can travel to Belarus in 2023 without a visa. At the border you are required to present either a general Russian or foreign passport. No marks are placed in passports upon entry into the country.

When crossing Belarus to visit other countries, a transit visa is not required. You can freely be on its territory. You will need to have permission to enter another country.

During the train journey, there is no special stop at the border for the purpose of checking passports and searching. Documents are checked upon boarding the train along with tickets.

The train is also comfortable

If you have doubts about the quality of service on railway transport, then there is no need to worry here. Both sides – both Russian and Belarusian – allocate modern, comfortable compartment cars and reserved seats with a high level of service for travel. However, you should not take tickets for additional trains or carriages: here you may find an unpleasant exception to the rules.

When calculating travel time, focus on the Moscow-Minsk route, which on average takes from 8 to 10 hours.

The fare is approximately equal to the price of plane tickets and ranges from 3 to 6 thousand rubles per person one way. The number of trains is also encouraging: up to one and a half dozen trains depart from Moscow every day.

If children are traveling with you

When boarding a train in Belarus, one child under 5 years old is allowed free travel . For children from 5 to 10 years old, the fare is a third of the ticket for adults. Children under 10 years old are not allowed to travel on the train without an accompanying adult.

If you are traveling with children under 14 years of age, they must be included in your passport. They need to have a birth certificate. Children over 14 years old must present a personal passport.

If a minor goes on a trip alone, a number of documents must be prepared. This is also true if one parent is traveling with the child and the other is not. If, according to the documents, the second parent does not exist – the child is being raised by one of the parents, who is single by status – then this must be certified by the appropriate document.

  • This may be a death certificate or a certificate from the registry office stating that the entry about the second parent was made according to the mother.
  • Police certificate: if it is not possible to determine the place of residence of one of the parents.
  • An existing court decision on deprivation of parental rights is also presented.
  • Parents’ marriage or divorce certificates and passports are required.

But these difficulties in documentation are not related to the rules of entry into Belarus . They relate to the requirements that Russia puts forward when traveling beyond its borders .

What and how much can be brought into the country

If everything is clear with a passport and the lack of a visa, then tourists will face restrictions when importing goods and money. Carriage of 50 kg of luggage, the cost of which cannot exceed 1,500 euros, is not subject to duty. For additional imports, you will have to pay a duty of 30% of its value or 2 euros per 1 kg.

It is allowed to import alcoholic beverages or beer no more than 3 liters, 250 g of tobacco. In terms of piece goods, this is 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars.

How much money do you need? Needs are different, but if you negotiate a weekly minimum, then 15 thousand rubles for a week can make you a wealthy person. A simple hearty lunch costs from 220 rubles.

The amount of foreign currency upon import is not limited, but over 10 thousand dollars is subject to mandatory declaration. The declaration must be kept until leaving the country. Prohibited for import:

  • things of historical value;
  • any media (printed, electronic, audio) that poses a threat to the security of the country, causing harm to the health and interests of its citizens;
  • narcotic substances;
  • ammunition and firearms without permits;
  • narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • poisonous, radioactive and explosive;
  • transportation of plants and animals without appropriate permits from phyto and veterinary control.
  • more than one wristwatch;
  • jackets made of genuine leather or fur, more than 3 pieces;
  • jewelry over 6 pieces;
  • more than 4 tires per person.

The medical insurance policy of the Russian Federation is not accepted in Belarus, but you can be sure that you will always be able to receive free emergency medical care.

Where to change currency

There are no problems with the exchange of banknotes. At many railway and bus stations, large stores and supermarkets you can find points where it is easy to exchange Russian rubles for Belarusian rubles. And it is better to do this on the territory of Belarus, since the Russian exchange rate is less favorable.

You should not immediately change a large amount if you have a MIR card, which is serviced in Belarus. You should ask about this in advance at the bank branch that issued you this card.

Maps of this system are in use throughout the country. And the exchange rate for them is more favorable than at the exchange office. When making exchange transactions, it is more profitable to use rubles rather than dollars and euros.

Another currency subtlety. When you arrive in Belarus, don’t look for better exchange rates. This is a purely Russian reality. There, the rate at all exchange offices is the same and is set from above. You also don’t have to count the frantically exchanged money: the cashiers there don’t cheat, and various fraudulent schemes don’t work.

And a strict warning: do not exchange money from private individuals, as we are used to doing in Russia. Firstly, this is illegal in Belarus. As punishment, you will be deprived of the entire exchanged amount. Secondly, it is fraught with deception and fraud.

Internet service

The availability of free internet in the territory is very limited. Free WiFi is mainly available only in large hotels. Others offer internet cards for an additional fee. Therefore, it is worth thinking about purchasing a SIM card with a local cellular Internet service or purchasing one from a Russian operator with favorable roaming charges.

To purchase a SIM card in Belarus, you must have a passport and temporary registration (you can present your hotel registration).

Why Belarus is unique

This country compares favorably with other CIS countries with its locally made, high-quality goods. It imports little, and export turnover is also not at a sufficient level. Therefore, often unique Belarusian goods can only be purchased on its territory and at low prices.

It’s worth paying attention to what Belarus is famous for, and don’t forget to bring souvenirs for yourself and your family:

  • clothing and household items made of linen with hand embroidery;
  • Bielita brand cosmetics of excellent quality;
  • chocolate and cheeses (everything here is made according to old GOST standards, and the taste of the products is strikingly different from modern ones);
  • Lida kvass and beer, which are not supplied abroad;
  • crystal products from Leeds.

Well, besides excursions and shopping, Belarus is famous for its healing mineral springs. Famous health resorts are located on its territory.

Prices in Belarus are more affordable than Russian ones, not to mention European ones, and the level of service and maintenance is incomparably higher than in our country. Take a closer look at them and plan your next visit to this hospitable country with this sole purpose.

Train trip from Russia to Belarus