How to get a residence permit Morocco

Before obtaining Moroccan citizenship, you must obtain a residence permit (residence permit). You need to have time to do this while your visa-free stay in Morocco is valid (for a tourist it is 3 months).

To do this, you need to collect and submit the following list of documents to the prefecture:

  • photocopy of your passport;
  • 6 photos;
  • a copy of the long-term rental contract;
  • stamp;
  • documents confirming the availability of real estate in this country.

All documents must be in duplicate, as well as the application you wrote. Please note that the availability of real estate in this country is a key point. In addition to the mandatory list of papers, you may be asked for documents about your work activities, so be prepared for this.

You should not move to Morocco with refugee status, since conditions for their residence have not been created.

Obtaining citizenship

In order to obtain Moroccan citizenship in 2024, there are several ways:

  1. You must live in the country continuously and legally for at least 5 years. After this time has passed, you can apply for citizenship. However, it is worth considering that a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers must confirm your legal presence.
  2. Marry a Moroccan citizen. This method also has its own nuances – you must live with your spouse after the wedding for at least 2 years on the territory of the state. Only after this period has passed can you apply for citizenship.
  3. Children receive citizenship if at least one of their parents is Moroccan. At the same time, it does not matter in which country the child was born.

In some countries, a child born within a foreign country and living on its territory for a certain number of years automatically receives citizenship. So in Morocco they won’t give you such an opportunity. All available methods are listed here.

What to expect from life in Morocco

When moving to this country for permanent residence in 2024, you shouldn’t expect much. The standard of living of Moroccans is an order of magnitude lower than in Russia. This applies to everything. But what did you expect, because this is a state with a different culture and faith. They have different life values ​​and laws, so, naturally, it will not be easy at first.

At the same time, Morocco is considered one of the most humane Arab countries, and this may be due to its current ruler.

When you get a job as a hired worker, don’t expect a huge salary. It will be several times lower than the salary for the same job in your homeland. On the other hand, the prices for food and housing here are completely different, so you won’t die of hunger. If you have a commercial spirit and small savings, then you can easily open your own business and prosper.

How do women live in Morocco?

Many people know about the life of women in Morocco only from TV series. There, a woman has absolutely no rights, wears a veil and submits to the will of first her father and then her husband. It really was like that. Some time ago, women in Morocco rebelled against this state of affairs and now have more freedom.

Here is a list of what they achieved:

  1. Now a woman has the right to receive higher education (before this, not everyone studied in secondary school).
  2. A woman has the right to work (about 20 percent of doctors and teachers are women).
  3. The age of marriage has moved up (they used to get married at 15, now at 18).
  4. Children no longer always remain with their father in the event of a divorce (before this, children were considered the property of the father).
  5. The consent of the father is no longer required for marriage, but the consent of the bride, on the contrary, is mandatory.
  6. A husband is still allowed to have 4 wives, but each subsequent one is taken only with the written permission of the first.

As you can see, women have achieved great things, and it is in Morocco that their lives are better than in any other Arab country.


Children’s education in Morocco has 3 levels: preschool, primary and secondary education. Each stage has its own subtleties that should be discussed.

Preschool education

This group includes children under 6 years of age. At this stage they are taught to write and count. Children receive this kind of education either in a Muslim school or in a kindergarten. According to statistics, about 70% of boys and 50% of girls receive this education.

Elementary education

As soon as a child turns 6 years old, he goes to school, where he receives the so-called primary level of education. The foundations of the exact sciences and humanities are already taking place here.

A very big problem is children who do not have preschool education. After all, upon completion of primary education, each student is given a certificate that opens the way to the third level of education. Accordingly, children who cannot read and write have to work twice as hard to achieve it.

Secondary education

Only those who have been able to obtain a certificate of primary education have access here.

Accordingly, only about 50% of children have secondary education.

At this stage, teenagers are taught arts and sciences. Here, as elsewhere, discrimination against women persists. Next comes higher education, which women have only recently gained access to.


Now you know about all the main aspects of life in Morocco. Do you have an idea of ​​what to expect if you want to move there for permanent residence and obtain citizenship? It is worth noting that losing citizenship is much easier than gaining it. You can renounce citizenship voluntarily, or you can lose it by doing one of the following:

  1. If you decide to accept another citizenship. The country doesn’t matter.
  2. If you are Moroccan and when you marry a foreign person, you take on his citizenship.
  3. If a Moroccan is in the civil service of another state and refuses to leave this post.

So be careful and follow the laws.

Ways to immigrate to Morocco for permanent residence